West Yorkshire Combined Authority - Thursday 27 February 2025, 11:00am - West Yorkshire Combined Authority Webcasting
West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Thursday, 27th February 2025 at 11:00am
Agenda item :
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Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Caroline Norreys, Assistant Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Caroline Norreys, Assistant Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Caroline Norreys, Assistant Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Myles Larrington, Committee Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Agenda item :
5 Mayor's Update
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Agenda item :
6 Mass Transit Update
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Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Barry Anderson (Chair)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Imran Khan Bradford Council
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Claire Douglas
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Claire Douglas
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council
Agenda item :
7 Local Growth Plan Update
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Sarah Eaton, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Matthew Morley Wakefield Council
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Matthew Morley Wakefield Council
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Barry Anderson (Chair)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Claire Douglas
Cllr Barry Anderson (Chair)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Claire Douglas
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Claire Douglas
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Agenda item :
8 New Business Support Infrastructure
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Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board)
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Claire Douglas
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Agenda item :
9 Work and Health - Support into Employment
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Michelle Burton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Agenda item :
10 Investment Priorities
Agenda item :
10 Investment Priorities
Agenda item :
11 Project Approvals
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Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council
Sarah Eaton, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Claire Douglas
Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council
Sarah Eaton, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Sue Holdsworth Calderdale Council
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Agenda item :
11 Project Approvals
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Liz Hunter
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council
Liz Hunter, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Martin Love Bradford Council
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Simon Pope (Director- WYCA)
Simon Pope (Director- WYCA)
Simon Pope (Director- WYCA)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Tim Taylor Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Matthew Morley Wakefield Council
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Tim Taylor Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Agenda item :
12 Governance and Director Appointments
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Agenda item :
11 Project Approvals
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Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Caroline Norreys, Assistant Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Agenda item :
12 Governance and Director Appointments
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Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Cllr Barry Anderson (Chair)
Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
Agenda item :
14 Date of the Next Meeting
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Disclaimer: This transcript was automatically generated, so it may contain errors. Please view the webcast to confirm whether the content is accurate.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:00:06
Good morning, everybody, and welcome to this combined authority meeting.You may notice today that we have a number of substitutes around the table.
Thank you, colleagues, for taking the time to come and join us and to represent your
We are quorum, because you are official subs, so we can go ahead with the business of the
So thank you all so much. Yes, Caroline. Sorry, Mayor. We're not actually
Caroline Norreys, Assistant Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:00:35
quarant at the moment without either Council. We need one more constituentMayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:00:42
Council member or sub. What's your recommendation? We pause until that memberCaroline Norreys, Assistant Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:00:47
arrives or shall we continue with business today? We can't actually takeCaroline Norreys, Assistant Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:00:53
any of the decisions so perhaps if we just pause if we adjourn for fiveminutes and we can make inquiries to ensure that the other men one of the
member arrives very good my understanding was that Imran was
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:01:06
actually in the building but let's go ahead with the adjournment for fiveminutes thank you so much miles
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:01:20
Okay, round two with the CA meeting. Thank you all so much. We are nowMayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:01:27
actually core it. Thank you, Councillor Morley.And I understand your frustration when trains are late. We are trying to put that right. Thank you so much.
Okie -doke, thank you. Ben still is away as you know, he's on a trade mission to India
So I'm joined at the head of the table by Simon Warburton our chief executive director for transport
So let's crack on some miles any apologies
Apologies for absence mayor has been received from council Susan Hinchcliffe
Councillor James Gullin with councillor Scott patient attending as her substitute
Myles Larrington, Committee Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:02:00
Council Carol Patterson, Councilor James Lewis with Council Jonathan Prior attending as his substitute and Council Denise Jeffrey with Councilor Morley attending as a substitute.Thank you so much. Okeydoke. And item two, declarations of interest.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:02:16
Do any members have any interest they wish to declare?Any item on the agenda? No? Thank you very much. Moving on to item three, exclusion of press and public.
I don't believe there's any items that require the exclusion of present public today. So let's crack on
So the minutes of the third of the 30th of January
Before I take comments or questions on the minutes. I just wanted to take a moment to update members of the CA
Around the combined authorities
2324 financial accounts as noted in the minutes of our last meeting
there was a discussion during the budget item about a group accounts
reconciliation variance of 853 million which was flagged by external
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:03:04
audit hasas officers have clarified this was due to an inadvertent duplication of data
when consolidating the combined authorities accounts with those of the
police and crime commissioners accounts as was discussed at last meeting I want
to reassure members that this issue had no impact on the approved budget and did not
affect our financial position which remains robust. I can also confirm that the variance
is in no way indicative of any issues within the accounting procedures or reporting mechanisms
of West Yorkshire Police. I want to give further reassurance that lessons have been learned
and resources strengthened which will ensure that the internal quality assurance process
Is robust and a repeat of this will not happen again and will be prevented
I'm pleased to report that the governance and Audit Committee met last week and approved the 23 24 statement of accounts
This is an important step in ensuring transparency and accountability in how we manage public funds
It also demonstrates the robustness of our financial oversight with both the internal teams and external
audit ensuring accuracy and accountability
With the accounts now approved we can focus on delivering for our region with confidence
Are there any further comments on the minutes of the last meeting?
No, no, thank you so much are we content to confirm these as an accurate record
Very good. Thank you all so much. Okay moving on to my update
Since we last met, there were several government announcements that I know everybody around this table would be wanting to welcome.
I'm absolutely delighted the government has confirmed levelling up funding for two nationally significant projects here in Leeds.
Councillor Lewis and I welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister to Temple Works to celebrate a £10 million commitment to British Library North
in that magnificent building at Temple Works.
We continue to work with partners,
including Homes England, the British Library,
and Leeds City Council to develop this exciting project,
which will become a key cultural anchor
in the transformational regeneration of the city,
and act as a catalyst for further housing
and economic growth.
The announcement also committed five million pounds
to create the country's first National Poetry Centre.
We have already been working with the Poet Laureate on our Young Poet Laureate program,
and I know Simon Armitage has a fantastic vision for this centre.
The intention is it will enable the region to forge strong relationships with other centres
of literature internationally, and know that he has been driving this as his legacy project
as the Poet Laureate.
DCMS also confirmed almost 500 ,000 of funding for Bankfield Museum in Halifax, continuing
to ensure access to culture across the region.
And it was also tremendous to hear of £30 million of funding from Homes England to kickstart
the regeneration of Bradford City Village, one of our priority sites through the Strategic
Place Partnership.
the combined authority working alongside the council and other partners to build
these much -needed homes in Bradford City Centre. We've already funded early
projects in One City Park and Dali Street Market and I look forward to
continuing to work alongside the council and Homes England as we plan the next
stages of this ambitious program. Can I thank from the bottom of my heart
all partners for their work to secure this vital funding. Are there any
comments on my updates? No? Thank you all so much. Moving on to mass transit. This
is an update on our mass transit program, what I think is the most ambitious and
transformative infrastructure and economic project in West Yorkshire. I
want to start by thanking everybody in the region who took time to engage with
our consultation on phase one nearly 5 ,000 people shared their views which is
an outstanding response for a project of this scale and the feedback has been
pleasingly overwhelmingly positive with over three -quarters of respondents
backing the Leeds line and two -thirds supporting the Bradford line. It's clear
there is a strong community and business support for our tram network and
and recognition of the benefits it will bring.
Though I'm delighted in the number of people who took part in the consultation,
we do need to work harder in the next stage
to ensure we're reaching everyone we need to in the region.
The response rate in Bradford isn't as high as I'd hoped,
but I'm sure that as full details of the routes are shared later in the year,
engagement with the proposals will increase significantly.
But I'm clear we need to work hard to ensure that everyone
has the opportunity to feed into our proposals. Since July we've continued to
develop our plans for phase one refining Leeds and Bradford lines with detailed
design work, environmental assessments and advanced transport modeling. This
ensures we're building a strong case for a network that's not just visionary but
really importantly deliverable. While the first phase will provide enhanced
connections between Bradford and Leeds this is just the start of a wider West
network that will benefit the whole of our region,
improving transport links and unlocking opportunities
for communities across our region.
With this momentum, we remain on track to finalize
our strategic outline case plus later this year,
launch further consultation in early 2026,
and crucially, as I have promised,
begin construction by 2028.
We've also established strong relations
with the Department of Transport and all of this work comes hot on the heels of
Chancellor Rachel Reeves's growth speech in January when she reiterated
government's commitment to support the West Yorkshire Mass Transit Scheme. I
also met with the Transport Secretary Heidi Alexander last week where we
discussed our transport ambitions and mass transit in particular as the key to
the successful delivery of our local growth plan. Government understands that
to fulfill its growth mission, West Yorkshire's economy needs to be backed with investment
in transport. I'm absolutely determined we'll get spades in the ground on schedule and deliver
the modern integrated transport system our region desperately needs because, as I've
always said, it's all about deliver, deliver, deliver for the people of West Yorkshire.
So I'd like now to pass to Simon Warburton, our Executive Director for Transport to talk
us through the recommendations and to take some thoughts from members Simon.
Thank you Mayor. So as you rightly say we are we're very pleased with the
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:10:26
consultation process that has been run but we're not looking to rest on thatactivity alone in terms of continuing to understand and represent the views of
the community as we continue to develop this scheme and it's those two
aspects that we've looked to address within the report today. So as members
are aware the first phase of the West Yorkshire Mass Transit program was agreed
by the Combined Authority in March of last year and that set us on a path to
run an initial consultation from the 15th of July
to the 30th of September.
And as we set out in the report here,
that consultation secured 4 ,845 responses.
I would just like to clarify within the detail
of the report and correct paragraph 3 .21, which is unfortunately not quite correctly
transposed data, which has also been available to members in the appendix and the formal
consultation report. So to clarify, paragraph 3 .21 should read that on a geographic basis
5 Mayor's Update
where we were able to identify the specific location of responses.
71 % of those responses were received from Leeds,
18 % from Branford and 11 % from other West Yorkshire districts and beyond.
And that a further number of respondents did not provide a postcode
6 Mass Transit Update
and therefore we were unable to locate them. So I apologize to members for that
slight error in transposing the data but we have recorded that information with
Miles as well so that we can ensure that the record is correct in that regard. If
to paragraph 3 .47 onwards.
I'd just like to spend a few moments just ensuring
that members are aware of where we go from here
with regard to the consultation.
So as you've stressed, Mayor, we want to continue
to engage with all relevant stakeholders
particularly as we set out in paragraph 3 .48, landowners who may hold an interest in land that could be potentially affected by any of the options that were set out in the initial consultation,
our communities more widely and with continued outreach into any underrepresented groups.
our local authority partners, the Department of Transport Government more widely, and other stakeholder organisations as well.
And so what we have looked to do in the report is just to set out a little further our activities in that regard.
So from paragraph 3 .50, we set out the governance and collaboration arrangements that are now
embedded and working very well with our colleagues in government.
And that's focused in particular around a joint sponsorship board, which is co -chaired
between myself and the director from the Department of Transport brings in
Treasury colleagues, HMCLG colleagues and a range of different agencies
advising into government including Network Rail and we're finding that a
very useful mechanism to ensure that there is very close sponsorship between
ourselves on the Department for Transport and government more widely for our scheme.
We then go on to talk about our timeline and in paragraph 3 .57 in particular note that
it's our intention clearly subject to us ensuring that we are ready to bring a preferred scheme
forward in a timely fashion to the combined authority and I'm confident that we will do that
to hold a further consultation in early 2026. That will then be on a detailed preferred scheme.
It will be in preparation for a Transport and Works Act order submission and will be statutory in nature.
and the significant work that's underway at the moment to ensure that we have provided
all of met all of the necessary conditions and where possible gone beyond in preparing
for that consultation.
We recognise that that does mean that there's a relatively quiet period through 2025 if
if we were to look at consultation alone.
And therefore we're very keen to make sure
that the profile of the programme is maintained
through what is clearly a very important year
in the context of government and its decisions
around spending priorities.
And so we've set out how we will use the year ahead
to ensure that we are continuing to both set out the case for mass transit and in doing so inviting further information from stakeholders across West Yorkshire in particular but also nationally that will help to further add value to our case as we prepare it for consultation.
transportation and
We are also continuing
to work
Initially with Kirklees Council on the Jews be lying development project with the budget that was previously
agreed him by the combined authority for that activity and
starting to scope out
work with colleagues in Calderdale and Wakefield
around the wider
development of the agreed mass transit
Vision so I hope that's useful for members in just setting context and very happy to answer any questions
Before we move to the recommendations. Thank you and welcome councillor Khan
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:17:53
Bradford council that's okay. You're very welcome and also just toPoint to three point six four which is really important UK reef coming back to West Yorkshire again back to Leeds
And we're going to be using mass transit as a real
magnet for developers and investors about unlocking housing regeneration and we will have
In our in our tent a real focus on on tram to unlock those opportunities
Have members any thoughts on mass transit?
Council and
Thank you Mayor, thanks for the presentation. Just to stress before I make my comment, on this one more than any other project in this area
Cllr Barry Anderson (Chair) - 0:18:41
I'm absolutely willing you on for success.and that we get this delivered and spades in the ground on time.
And we're here to help as much as we can.
So there's a few points I'd like to make.
So on the consultation, you've had the responses have been positive,
but the number is a tiny, tiny proportion of the population of West Yorkshire.
And I know you'll say for comparable things it's about where you'd expect it to be.
But what it highlights to me is that we've still got a big challenge
around selling the benefits to people in West Yorkshire,
particularly those that aren't directly affected.
When you read messages and chats about it in the comments,
it kind of goes into three parts, I guess.
One is the people who are directly affected
and concerned about what the impact is on their house
and their business and so on.
Two are the people who, the naysayers, I suppose,
who think it's a waste of money
and will never happen and so on.
And then there's the third group that think,
how does this benefit me in my area?
You have to start somewhere.
And there are lots of wider benefits to sell to people
around where will the construction take place,
where will the jobs come from.
There'll be benefits right around West Yorkshire and beyond.
But I just feel that we need to do a better job
of actually selling the big long -term vision.
Yes, it's gonna be a long time before some of our communities
see connectivity but being able to start if we don't start somewhere you certainly
it will never happen even if it's a long time so that's point one and the second
point is just really reaffirming that we're going to be very strong on
cross -party working in this because over the periods from now to construction
without straying into the politics it's likely that there will be some changes
a political balance and it's important that if that happens it doesn't disrupt this process
which is why it's crucial that everybody is at the table involved, having a voice and
yet we'll all have little concerns. It would be very politically convenient to pick on
the little bits that we don't like. We all as well have to commit that we're fully getting
behind it and I'm on board and at times swallowing things that we don't like to make sure it's
delivered. Um but if you could just give that reassurance that we will really
have strong collaboration across parties right across the region to make sure
everyone understands what's going on and help us give us the information to sell
the benefits to our communities as well. Thank you Council lamb and uh it's a
welcome approach place over politics. We we're gonna deliver this
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:21:26
project. It'sgonna need all of us putting our shoulder to the wheel. So thank you for
commitment and also selling the benefits. It's also part of the future for young
people that these are the opportunities for those great well -paid jobs,
apprenticeships, you know training in readiness for mass transit when we get
spades in the ground. So you're absolutely right the narrative is really important.
It's about growing the economy and locking housing and so on but we need to
that story it is in part of our plan but Simon yes thank you and thank you
council and I completely share your view that that we we will need to
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:22:09
continue tobuild the narrative and engagement and you make a very very good point that
whilst mass transit in itself we we genuinely believe will be a
transformational form of investment in West Yorkshire and will add significant value into
both the growth agenda, the life opportunities that we can offer, but also our wider public
transport system.
It will be delivered within a specific geography.
Over the next couple of months we'll be bringing forward to members a further consultation document around the wider new local transport plan for West Yorkshire, which we are looking to bring to a conclusion by the end of the year.
so that we are then in a strong position both in terms of the wider policy framework but
also looking to the next wider spending round with government in terms of the transport
priorities that we will want to deliver through the integrated settlement model that we have
now secured through devolution.
It is incredibly important that we place mass transit in the context of that overall integrated
transport proposition that we're bringing forward within the local transport plan.
And of course, as members are aware as well, we will be starting the process later this
of going to the market for the first phase of our bus franchise and proposals.
Again, our ability to ensure that the community as a whole is able to
understand the opportunities that that process will bring in terms of
contributing into improved mobility is critical. So I take the challenge very
seriously I think it's I think it's it's a very fair challenge and please do I
would say to the command authorities the whole continue to help me and the team
to account in us ensuring that we are setting out and the gender and the
narrative that is relevant for all parts of West Yorkshire. Thank you and
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:24:37
fundamentally we all have to be advocates for it everywhere I go I tellbusiness, trade unions, whoever I'm speaking to you've got to talk about
Tram being a game changer for our region. So wherever you go in any conversation the way we grow our economy is through transport
So thank you for your commitment to the future for a short shot okey -doke. Oh, yes councillor come
Just to add my support to it really because I think it's an absolutely fantastic scheme
It runs through the heart of my ward
So I represent molding and Barker end and I'm looking forward to this
Cllr Imran Khan Bradford Council - 0:25:06
being an absolute game changer for usbecause I think the overall benefits and the regeneration I think will be really
really positive so yeah just brilliant let's get on with it. Thank you so much for that
endorsement. Okey -doke our members happy to note the consultation responses and
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:25:23
the strong support for phase one of mass transit? I'm so sorryCouncillor Anderson. I know I'm not that significant. Need to wave.
Cllr Claire Douglas - 0:25:33
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:25:34
What it has been to add is you know as well as helpingCllr Claire Douglas - 0:25:36
developing a comprehensive communication plan to keep residents involved andimprove but also can we clearly work with the transport committee from a
scrutiny perspective so that we don't duplicate anything and we don't come out
with too many disagreements shall we say on how it should be done because we need
to work together there's no point in Councillor Hinchliffe going doing a whole
lot of work and me trying to do exactly the same thing because that's not a
use of any word so we can just build that in because it doesn't mention it
explicitly my interpretation is that's what you're planning to do but it's not
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:26:16
explicit point taken thank you can't answer okey -doke so are we happy to notethe consultation responses strong support for phase one of mass transit
we are approve the governance structure for mass transit including government
liaison arrangements yep agree the updated schedule confirming phase one
remains on track to commence by 2028?
Agree to formally address government ahead
of the spring budget review to highlight
the case for mass transit and our commitment to the project.
Good stuff.
Okey -doke.
Moving on to the local growth plan.
We're well on the way with implementing our local growth
We approved in December.
We set the plans for high growth areas
underway, programs in development
to deliver on the objectives set out within the plan.
Our partnerships with local colleges, businesses, universities, and government are driving forward
this ambitious agenda, enabling our region to capitalize on our economic strengths and
unlock new opportunities.
I would like to thank all our partners for their ongoing dedication and collaboration.
The work we're doing together is setting the stage for a new era of growth and prosperity
for our region.
Without your contributions, we wouldn't be able to achieve such ambitious goals.
This paper sets out an update on some of the progress made to date,
as well as next steps for collaboration with government to deliver our local growth plan.
As part of the English devolution white paper, the government set out
it would work with combined authorities to develop these shared priorities
to help focus government activity on supporting delivery of local growth.
Now, in West Yorkshire, as always, we're ahead of the game, having agreed our local growth
We have strong evidence base to work on, and this report sets out the draft shared priorities
for approval based on the evidence of what's holding growth back in West Yorkshire.
Agreement of these priorities today will signal to government we're ready to work collaboratively
to drive forward growth in West Yorkshire.
The progress we've made is just the beginning.
I'm honestly so excited about the future, confident that this plan will deliver more connected, stronger and prosperous West Yorkshire,
where every resident has the opportunity to thrive for generations to come.
We will close that productivity gap with this growth plan.
So can I ask Sarah Eaton, our Director of Strategy, Communications and Intelligence, to talk us through the recommendations.
Thank you, Mayor.
Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council - 0:28:51
I think as members and colleagues are aware we brought their local growth plan to Commonwealth Authority in December 20247 Local Growth Plan Update
I think at that point we indicated that we would probably be coming back
Early in the new year based on kind of conversations that we're having and joint work that we're doing with the government around
Sarah Eaton, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:29:09
Around priorities which obviously as you've outlined were kind of signaled in there the devolution white paperSo clearly the plan I think as you've mentioned is built on quite a lot of work that's been done with partners
and it's also you know based on quite a detailed evidence base and that's
put us in a really strong position actually to kind of take forward
some of the conversations that we're having at the moment. As well as kind of
the local growth upon kind of identifying the kind of three barriers
to growth it also sets out our five priorities and what that's done is
make it really clear I think and signal our intent over this next period around
kind of the ways in which the region wants to kind of maximize
maximize growth. I think what we've also done in that local growth plan is kind of set
out kind of a spatial kind of intention around the corridors of opportunity and
again that kind of brings that place dimension to the plan which I know we've
worked really hard with partners to kind of agree, sets us in that really good
good basis. So just in terms of delivering the growth plan and their
work is underway we've got another paper item 10 which is kind of setting the
the work that we're going to be doing around our investment
priorities, which is going to really support delivery
of the local growth plan.
But over the last few months, there's
been some significant work taking place
around the development sector plans
of high growth opportunity areas in West Yorkshire.
And we've been doing quite a bit of stakeholder engagement
on plans to position West Yorkshire's Innovation
Centre of Excellence.
We've been doing work with FE colleges
to try and develop a compact.
And again, there's some further information
around that in item 10, as well as kind of expanding the Fair Work
Charter which is really important for the region in terms of kind of bringing
employers with us on some of this journey. I think on the agenda today
there's also the work health and skills plan so again quite significant
amount of work that's taking place in that area as well as kind of ongoing
progress around milestones for mass transit and bus franchising which are
kind of the heart of the local growth plan. As you mentioned there's quite a
interdependency between the local growth plan, the work that we're doing around
an integrated settlement for 2026 and also a kind of a submission to the
spending review and that's potentially going to kind of give us lots of tools
moving forward to kind of do something and deliver some of the ambitions within
that growth plan. Just in terms of working with government, as we set out
last time we've done quite a lot of work around the development of West Yorkshire's
sector strengths and we made a submission in October about key strengths in West Yorkshire
that we would want to be working with the government on to feed into the industrial
strategy and as it's set out in the paper those four key sector areas and the work that
we're taking forward is around financial and professional services, health and life sciences,
advanced manufacturing engineering and creative industries and running through all our sector
strengths is that kind of digital and technology kind of solutions that we know in this region
that we're kind of wanting to push forward with.
We know in the devolution white paper
that, and we have gone a little bit ahead of the game,
that there's an intention to be a statutory element
to local growth plans.
I will be seeing that come forward, I think,
as work on the white paper kind of progresses.
But what that has meant is that the government
are working with local areas to try and identify
a set of priorities that they want to work with regions on,
which will kind of inform the spending review submission
moving forward and what we wanted to do was to bring that back to the combined
authority. Obviously we've done our local growth plan to make sure that we're
really clear about those areas of work that we will be kind of accelerating
with government as we kind of move forward and they're built on a
number of shared principles which are set out in the paper which is around
you know focused on the key things that we're going to collaborate with
government on. That's not to say not everything else in the local growth plan
we're not going to be delivering but really be clear about that so that we
we can inform spending decisions moving forward.
And that those key things are set out in appendix,
appendix one in terms of where we want to push forward.
You'll see there that delivery of an integrated
transport network, investment in thriving places
and transforming the skills base of the areas
that we want to progress in.
We've had some positive conversations with government
about those areas in terms of taking that forward.
We're also at delivery and we'll say a little bit more
about that on item 10.
But we will be continuing our conversations
with government and we brought the shared priorities to you today for
approval which will enable us to have those further conversations with
government in due course and obviously what we're hoping is that that will
influence the spending review on the 11th of June. Thanks so much Sarah and
manufacturing is going to be such a key game changer for us and I want
to thank Mandy Ridyard, my business advisor for hosting Advancing
manufacturing futures at Cedar Court Hotel yesterday and the turnout was
incredible from some amazing businesses all really understand yes
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:34:14
Councillor Morley. Thank you for that Mayor. In appendix one there's a slide ontransport that mentions the pencil line between Huddersfield and Barnsley as a
shared priority but it doesn't mention the five towns where there's much more
room for growth is a more detailed behind that and why it's not long thank
you thank you and that sounds remiss Sarah Oh Simon have you got can you
identify that so so to mass transit system so yes we'll ensure that's that's
represented and also just to support that by saying in my discussions with
Cllr Matthew Morley Wakefield Council - 0:35:00
Lord Hendy and DFT saying when we have our integrated transport plan that it is it is tramit is boss but it is also rail and so where there are and all of those routes and the timetable and
so on but you wanted to come back. I welcome that point thank you very much Mayor and Simon on that
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:35:18
one it is important just coming out of Casper today when the trains can't get over 30 mile anThat's a massive matters drawback to get into Leeds and elsewhere quicker. So that's a really nice look at the thank you for that
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:35:28
And it was really pleasing to see that the transparent I know upgradeHas meant now we've got routes to Wakefield in the five towns
From Huddersfield. So that was a pleasing development and the more to be done
Yeah, indeed. Thank you. Okay, Councillor Lamb
Yeah, thank you, man
One of the things I noticed in here is the number of business start -ups have declined dramatically from the budget to the end of the year
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:35:55
last year.And I just wonder if there's any comments on that. It's about the same level as we experienced during COVID, which is quite shocking and concerning when we want to grow.
If businesses aren't starting, what's behind and driving that?
Thank you. If I could come, yeah come to Michelle. Thank you. Sarah sorry. So yes
you're absolutely right that the stats do bear that out and we are trying to
understand what that means and why and why actually it's worse in West Yorkshire
than potentially elsewhere in the country. It could be a blip in the
data but we're just gonna need to kind of keep a monitoring this going forward
and then work out what we need to do to address that. I wonder if I could come to
you mind you see your thoughts yeah I think it's one point on the on the trend
Cllr Matthew Morley Wakefield Council - 0:36:43
at the moment so we don't know if that's to do with the end of the year or soit's an outlier as Sarah mentioned or whether it's something more significant
so we'll be looking at that as soon as the next figures are available to
establish if that is a trend or not we're all hoping that that's a blip at
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:36:57
the moment but we certainly will be focusing on it just to say as well thatthe Business Board have commissioned a dashboard because data is going to be
really important in our decision making.
And the dashboard is up and running, is my understanding?
Yeah, the dashboard is up and running.
We want to finesse it slightly,
Cllr Barry Anderson (Chair) - 0:37:16
but it looks at lead metrics as well as lag metrics.So not just the things that are in the past
and sometimes are only available a year hence,
but the things that contribute
to those essential metrics that we need.
So that is one of the key metrics that you're talking about.
So we are watching it closely.
Because when data lags it's not helpful at all is it? We need it to be as live as
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:37:41
possible. Councillor Paterson. Thank you Mayor and this is a really good piece ofSarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:37:43
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:37:44
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:37:44
work I think that provides a bit of a snapshot of the work and the local growth plan.I wonder for the benefit of members if a bit more of a systemic reporting
mechanism might be good for us to just keep track of how this is working for
when we come back. The other thing and this isn't a criticism in
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:38:01
anyway it's just something to reconsider as we position ourselves within theMandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board) - 0:38:05
whole of the North as we do with the m62 mayors that that works so well is theidea of just further work on the corridors of opportunity for places that
do do have that bleed into different areas for Colerdale that would be
Manchester and Kirkley's that would as well and just to make sure that that
work is really solid going forward thank you thank you that's a very
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:38:25
good pointCan council Anderson?
Just cold points one is
There's is there a risk analysis behind this that's not it's not in
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board) - 0:38:37
the public domainBut is there one setting aside the risks that we need what we need to get put in place in order to be successful
And then following on from that
Do we know?
Where the gaps are currently within West Yorkshire in order to hit the ground running because based on my understanding
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:38:59
you are well your enthusiasm you've got the year of ministers and I know thatthe officers have been working regularly with government as well so we're almost
ready to go in other words once they the government say yes go I get the
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council - 0:39:11
impression you're ready to go but where are the issues that we need to addressin the short term so that we got total goal rather than a go and then we have
hold a minute because to get everybody to catch up with us because you're good
but are the rest of the people out there in the same readiness to go. Okay Simon?
I suspect Sarah may want to come in but I draw members attention in particular to the
evidence base that we pull together around the state and city region report
which in turn is then supported by the wider evidence base that allows
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:39:53
West York should be very clearly benchmarked against where we need to be on a series of indicatorsCllr Claire Douglas - 0:39:59
whether that's across skills, connectivity, inward investment and soCllr Barry Anderson (Chair) - 0:40:04
forth.And it's through that ongoing longitudinal analysis that demonstrates the value of the Research and Intelligence program
that we have underway to really help us to present that case.
and there is no doubt that when place -based evidence of that nature is presented to government,
it is then seen as very compelling because it's at a level which government itself can't compare.
And if I may say that partners are really with us on this journey
and being able to get the West Yorkshire 2040 plan together 80 months ago,
Now the growth plan that partnership working. I really do believe everybody is on the same
trajectory because the biggest risk of all is not doing anything because of that 11 billion pound
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:40:59
Cllr Claire Douglas - 0:41:00
Productivity gap that actually is set to widen. So not only do we have to stop it wideningWe're gonna have to reduce it as well. So we have a task ahead of us, but that's why it's imperative
We all have the narrative
transport and skills, the two things that are going to be so impactful in investment in business.
So I'm with you and there are many sleepless nights when I worry about that productivity gap
and are we doing enough, but I don't necessarily, anything you'd like to add about risk?
I think just from a business perspective, we are working through what the key interventions
We need to put in place to support businesses to kind of the particularly SMEs who are the backbone of the economy
Work out what exactly we need to put in place to support them to grow in the business support item that I'm going to talk
To later is one example of what we're trying to do to support that
Thank You Mandy
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:41:56
I think that any good organization needs a business plan and this gives us that forwardLook, so we can all coalesce together. I think the more coalescing that's underpinned by data evidence
Metrics and a risk register which is I think what you're alluding to is really essential because it helps convince those
That need to support ourselves where to come on that journey with us
And I think this is the closest since I've been involved that I've seen to be able to be
Articulate and coalesce around something so it's fantastic
Good stuff. Thank you so much. Um, oh
So Sarah, sorry, it's just to say that obviously
intelligence and the research stuff, I think it just in terms of what Simon said is incredibly
important and you know all of the work that we're doing on the various programs is underpinned
by really solid evidence bases which do identify the gaps and I think there's probably just
a little bit more that perhaps we can fetch on that as we bring programs forward just
Cllr Claire Douglas - 0:42:58
to kind of demonstrate kind of how the interventions are specifically addressing you know someof the key challenges that we know are going to face because I think that is underpinning
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:43:04
everything that we're trying to do and in terms of investment moving forward as well.That's very helpful, thank you Sarah. Okie doke, are we happy to note the update on
the local growth plan and approve the proposed shared priorities for working
with government to deliver it? We are super duper, thank you.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:43:25
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board) - 0:43:27
Okay item 8, review of business support infrastructure. This is a proposal totransform business support in West Yorkshire which directly builds on what
we've just been discussing the local growth plan. This is a game changer for
businesses across our region by simplifying and strengthening the
support system is going to empower the over 90 ,000 smaller micro businesses in
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:43:53
our region to grow and thrive. The new model is going to make it easier forbusinesses to access resources, expertise and driving up that productivity and
Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council - 0:44:01
and innovation, helping our economy reaches full potential.What is really exciting about this
is how it fosters collaboration across public and private sector
and how streamlined it is, breaking down silos,
making it easy for businesses, especially
those in high -growth sectors, to access the right support
at the right time so that businesses
at every stage of growth can scale up successfully,
contributing to a more resilient and diverse economy. But it's not just about
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:44:35
businesses, it's about the people who live here. When businesses succeed, localfamilies succeed, this will create more job opportunities, particularly in sectors
that are driving the future economy. It's about offering good sustainable jobs to
provide long -term stability for the hard -working people in our communities.
8 New Business Support Infrastructure
This model ensures businesses also won't have to navigate what was quite a
fragmented landscape. Instead they'll be able to easily access a world
coordinated effective system that can unlock their potential, helping them grow
but also creating opportunities for local talent to develop skills needed to
thrive benefiting all our citizens. I think it's bold, I think it's
Transformative I think it'll create lasting and positive change and also improve the lives for
Everyone in the region so if I if I could pass over to invite Mandy Richard my business advisor to say a few words
Before passing over to Sarah Bose our head of business to take us through the recommendations. Thank you
Thank You mayor Braben, and this is a piece of work. I'm really excited about it's one that the business board has been
completely engaged with and we've engaged with lots of business representative groups and businesses themselves within the region.
As a business myself, I know that the labyrinth of business support is really difficult to navigate.
It's often really difficult to even find the labyrinth in the first place.
I think we found it in about 2013 and that is what helps power up the business
that I've been running since I was 26. And talking to other businesses, they find the same issues.
Those that are in the know find it a lot easier engaging those that don't even know about it is really essential
But even if you do know about business support, it's really difficult to find who to go to for the right things
We know that access to a place to be whether that's a factory or a co -working space
We know the planning issues around those things
We know access to finance and investment how to manage your working capital can be challenging access to skills with skill shortages
But also access to know how to set up a business in the first place to your point council alarm about
About the lack of small businesses setting up that we've seen in hopefully what is a blip in our data
We know that access to markets are essential to providing economies that point about
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board) - 0:47:03
Export is not lost and engaging dbt into the businesses in this regionMight help us to power that up, but also access to supply chains
So how can we become part of larger supply chains or how can we engage our own supply chains?
And how can we do that within the scope three?
regulations that are coming down the line in terms of decarbonization
for lots of businesses access to networks is really challenging especially our more diverse founders and
Innovation is essential to our growth plan
And access to innovation for businesses can sometimes be difficult
but will be absolutely essential if we want to reduce
that productivity gap.
And when times are tough like they are at the moment,
innovation is the solution.
So we need to help businesses find that.
We also need to leverage the whole ecosystem.
This isn't just something for the combined authority.
It's something for the whole of the ecosystem to work on.
And I think the whole of the ecosystem
wants to work together as one to provide
the right solution for businesses to help us grow.
We want to provide somewhere where there is no wrong front door.
So whatever door you come in through, we get to the answer as quickly as possible and as
efficiently as possible.
That is, after all, productivity.
So it's great that all of the councils, all of the chambers, the CBI, everyone is engaged
around this growth plan, coalescing around it.
And the pyramid structure that you can see there
with its three tiers has a foundation
in a tech -enabled platform that means
that all businesses will have access to business support
no matter where they come.
And that website, which will be the basis
of that tech -enabled support system,
will enable us to leverage other opportunities into that.
So the export academy that DBT run is a free service,
but we'll be able to leverage that onto our system.
So I'm hopeful that this will be a really good foundation
for going forward and thanks everyone for their support
in pushing this through.
Sarah, can I come to you?
Thank you.
So this three -tier model is very much
addressing all aspects of the issues that we face
around businesses being able to access
the support that they need.
The bulk of the business base will be able to access support
and address that information failure
around what support is out there,
How do I get access to it?
And then with the proposal is to put in a bit more
of intensive support, hand -holding, navigation
support to navigate the rest of the ecosystem.
So that could be support from banks.
It could be support from universities,
support from wider chambers and business partners,
as well as any that we commission ourselves
to fill the gaps.
And then the top of that triangle
is around intensive support, key account management support
for those businesses with the most growth potential
or high growth potential and those strategically
the large businesses in the region.
And by putting in place this new model,
we are working much more effectively across the ecosystem.
That's the real difference in this model,
working much more effectively with a range of partners.
We can build on the good work origin
the way through the Growth Hub,
but with a much more targeted approach
and then deploying resources
where we can have the greatest impact.
The vast majority of businesses in West York
to our SMEs, the backbone of the economy,
and in order to achieve the ambitions
of the local growth plan,
we really need to make sure that all businesses
have access to the support they need.
So we've worked really closely with our local authority partners to arrive at this model
to ensure that it works across the region and in all the different places and
And will continue to do so and we've worked really closely with the wider business support
Ecosystem to make sure this works for those and really importantly we've worked with businesses to understand what their needs are around this space and
So the combined authorities asked to approve this new three -tier
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:50:44
model, which will allow transition and implementation planning to beginThank you, Mandy and Sarah.
And it's always galling when I meet businesses and they don't know what we can offer
because we want to support business.
So this will hopefully bring together all the disparate offers we've had historically under one roof.
And as we often say, it's like walking into a bar and the bar person knowing what cocktail you might want
and being able to mix it for you.
So, not that I'm suggesting people should be drinking,
but I think it's a one door and then triage
to what you actually need dependent on where you are
in your business journey.
Thank you, and can I add the access tos,
those six access tos that I mentioned, finance, skills,
et cetera, are a really good way of framing
a lot of the joined up thinking that we have.
So when we're talking about access to skills,
getting young people to and from college
also underpins the transport conversations that we're having.
When we're talking about a shortage of skills,
the work that Sarah's, Michelle's team rather is doing
on underemployment and getting people who are suffering from ill health
back into the workplace, and I think that's 100 ,000 people in this region,
is also essential.
So that forms part of that wheel of enterprise,
not only the support base, but linking it to a lot of the work
within the growth plan that we're doing to create a more thriving economy so I
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:52:13
think it gives us that whole piece around connecting not only support butthe wider initiatives that we have going on in the region that also benefit
business. Thank you so much any comments on the growth plan? Councillor Anderson.
Have you worked out or have you got any baseline key success indicators so that
know where we are just now so that we can then monitor how you're going to
improve it to make sure that we're actually funding the correct things to
deliver that. Thank you. Mandy. The business dashboard that we've been
developing with a fantastic team here at the Combined Authority and the private
sector members, all private sector members as well as the Business Board,
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board) - 0:52:56
is absolutely doing that. It's there to look at those lead metrics as well aslag metrics so that we can monitor in real time as well as in past time
what's going on and whether we're managing to move the dials in the
directions we want so absolutely. Thank you any comments? No? Okay thank you so
much are we happy to approve the recommendations as set out enabling the
transition and implementation process to begin? We are, jolly good thank you. I've
nearly three years and I do know it takes time to consolidate and streamline the offer
that we've got. But I'm delighted that colleagues have worked so hard to get us to this point.
It's going to be a game changer for us that businesses are going to be working more closely
with the combined authority. And through our clusters and our growth plan, we're going
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:53:54
Cllr Claire Douglas - 0:53:55
to see big change, I think. So thank you for all the work that you've done, Sarah and yourteam.
Okay, moving on to something that Mandy also commented on, that this is part of a Venn
diagram of offer for our region, onto work and health support into employment.
So this is an update on the progress and future direction of our work,
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board) - 0:54:14
health and skills plan.This is about making a real difference to the lives of the people that live here.
And it's not just about tackling economic inactivity, it's about empowering individuals
to grow, to develop and thrive through meaningful and fulfilling work.
And providing that personalised support,
where helping people not just to find a job,
but to access opportunities that allow them to grow personally.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:54:42
And professionally giving them the tools they need to succeed,and maybe in ways that they've never imagined.
The voices of over 300 people, including, importantly, those with lived experience,
have shared these proposals, ensuring our interventions meet real needs.
It's going to strengthen support for small businesses,
build capacity, voluntary community and social enterprise sector,
organisations that are most trusted by our communities,
ensuring that those who need the help the most are given the support they need.
It's backed by the funding we and the integrated care board secured from government
and we're putting new governance structures in place
that ensure all of our efforts are coordinated and responsive.
This includes the creation of a strategic joint work and health board,
which I will co -chair with the chair of the Integrated Care Board.
You may have heard that Cathy Elliott, the current chair,
has announced this week she's stepping down to take up a new role.
9 Work and Health - Support into Employment
I'd like to thank her on record for her work and commitment
to improving the health of the people of West Yorkshire.
She's done an amazing job.
I'm looking forward to continuing to work closely with her successor.
It's a really good, strong collaboration between the CA, local authorities and health partners
who are going to enable us to have more effective decisions that truly benefit our residents
and building that future we all want to see where every person in West Yorkshire has the
opportunity to thrive.
So I'm going to hand over to Michelle Burton, our Head of Employment and Skills, to take
us through the recommendations.
and thank you for working at speed, given government wanted to see evidence of delivery at speed as well.
Thanks very much, Maren. This has been a huge team effort, as you say, at pace between a number of partners including
health, local and regional government.
So at your meeting in December,
We provided an overview of the challenge around economic
and activity and as Mandy said, we've got over 100 ,000 people
here in West Yorkshire who are unable to participate
in the labor market for health -related reasons
and that number is increasing.
So, while the greatest number of people who are excluded
from work for health -related reasons are older,
very worryingly the fastest growing group is actually under 24 and this is
huge hugely important both economically and and societally. So back in
December we updated you on that on the context and on the announcements of
funding that had had very recently been made and you took a decision then to
accept development funding from DWP in order to enable plans to be developed
And so today we're providing you with an update on the huge amount of work that's been done since December.
I don't think we've ever developed anything quite so quickly, but as the Mayor said,
it has been a huge amount of work from officers here and partners
Michelle Burton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:57:55
across health, local, regional government,and the voluntary community sector and businesses and business representatives as well.
And as a result of that collaboration, we're asking you today
to approve the work health and skills plan, which again, as with the local growth plan,
we are seeking to publish ahead of the requirement to produce Get Britain working plans.
We are also seeking your endorsement of the proposed governance arrangements,
which seek to bring together the systems around employment support, skills and
health, really making a difference to the lives of individuals and we're
seeking delegated approval as well to spend that development funding that you
took the decision to accept at your last meeting. Thank you so much and also we
are hoping to use the investment we've made in creative health,
500 ,000 working with Huddersfield University
and other partners to also support this work.
Because there's many ways to do this.
And I think the interventions to support better mental health
will also hopefully help us with these quite stretched targets,
I think, from government.
But I think we're up to it.
And we can deliver it, but we do need this plan,
and we can only deliver it in partnership.
So thank you to everybody that's with us.
Any comments on this?
It's a new, innovative way of the ICB
and us working closely together, so I'm
hoping we can be one of the best in class,
given our already strong relationships with health.
No comments?
Thank you.
Thank you very much for that, team.
Are we happy to note the progress, endorse
the current and proposed approaches for work skills
and health, approve the development
of joint partnership working and governance arrangements,
approve the adoption of the work health and skills plan,
and approve $200 ,000 of development and capacity
building funding to create a program business
case for work and health?
We are.
Thank you all so much.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:00:21
I'm going to try and crack on a little bit so we can gain a bit of time.So we're moving on to item 10, investment priorities.
This is a vital update of non -transport investment priorities.
As we prepare for the integrated settlement, as you know, we're getting that in 2026.
this report highlights our commitment to developing a £250 million capital investment fund.
This investment is going to open up really exciting new opportunities and help us deliver on our local growth plan.
It sets out some of the investments the fund could be used for,
a focus on non -transport projects in new homes, regeneration, retrofitting via Home Energy West Yorkshire,
and culture and sport capital investments.
I'm really encouraged by the proactive approach
we're taking to explore innovative investment models,
including equity and debt options.
This flexibility is going to ensure
we can capitalize on every opportunity.
The 25 million pound increase in gain share capacity funding
is also a significant milestone,
allowing us to continue advancing essential projects
across all five local authority districts a much -needed support for infrastructure and regen projects in Bradford
Calderdale Kirkley's Leeds and Wakefield and as the report demonstrates this funding will drive progress in key areas such as
10 Investment Priorities
employment skills
development housing and transport by aligning these priorities with
with ensuring all benefits are felt across the whole region.
And of course, it's not just about numbers.
It represents tangible improvements
to the lives of the people of West Yorkshire
to enhance those opportunities, enhance connectivity,
creating the foundation for a prosperous
and sustainable future for all.
So if I could move on to Sarah Eaton
to talk us through the recommendations.
Thank you, Sarah
Thank you, mayor and this paper builds on the business planning and budget paper that came to the combined Authority in in February this year
provides a little bit more detail and as a mayor as pointed out this is
fundamentally about kind of non -transport revenue funding
And establishment of investment priorities that will take us until March 20 28 and this is in preparation for the integrated settlement
I think it's really important that we recognize the change
and shift that we need to make within the combined authority
from really thinking about possibly that we might get
to the amount of resource that we've got available to us
and how we maximize that resource moving forward
using lots of levers and bringing
in investment from elsewhere.
So what we're trying to do in this year
is move and transition to that approach, which will
come into place in 2026.
And I think it's also important to point out, as we did earlier
on in terms of the item on the local growth fund that this is, is really significant in
10 Investment Priorities
11 Project Approvals
terms of supporting activity that we want to deliver under the local growth plan.
So there are three key areas really just to touch on briefly.
I won't go into too much detail that kind of form our investment priorities here as
we kind of progress.
And the first one is around capital investment.
And what we're intending to do is create a 250 million pound capital investment fund,
which we're hoping will unlock kind of the growth potential highlights in the local growth
And that approach means that we'll be looking really to think about
Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council - 1:03:59
how we use our currentgain share funding to borrow in the future to enable us to really maximise the money
that we've got for capital projects within the region.
And I think as the paper sets out, what we're hoping is that that £250 million will actually
Sarah Eaton, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:04:21
enable us to unlock a significant amount of investment and you know kind of getinto the region about 945 million so kind of using CA resources quite
carefully to kind of invest in areas of activity that we can draw in, drawing
additional funding and the report as you said Mayor sets out a number of the
areas where we were thinking at the moment that we're going to be kind of
wanting to look at in the future around culture heritage and sport and
at Home Energy West Yorkshire, kind of work with the FE sector around capital
housing and regeneration program, the Innovation Centre of Excellence which I
mentioned earlier in the in the local growth plan element of the agenda and
the carbon and environment. So there's quite a bit of detail, more detail there than was
provided last time around, the kind of the programs and projects that we wanted
to bring forward and there's lots more work to do on these projects and
programs and we'll be bringing those forward as we kind of move into
delivery over this over this coming year and they will kind of form the basis of
our approvals and come back to the CA at regular intervals when we want to kind of
take those forward. I think the second element of the investment priority is
the revenue investment and again this builds on the paper that came last time
round but it's specifically now kind of identified some of the projects and
programs again that we want to bring forward around kind of the revenue
investment particularly around things around employment skills and we've
touched upon some of the activity today that we're going to be wanting to fund
as we move forward, and kind of the business area as well, regeneration housing, climate
environment and culture heritage in sport. And there are other programs in there, things
such as the cost of living fund that we're going to be wanting to kind of bring back
and talk to you about at a future date. I think the third area, and this is in recognition
of the work that we know takes place across different geographies across West Yorkshire,
is a community growth and development funding and we're intending to invest
10 .7 million pound into that fund which we we know will go into
delivering activity at a very local level and we're asking local authority
partners to kind of develop a program of activity and interventions working with
the voluntary community sector and local organisations that they will bring back
and we'll be fetching further details of that back to the CA in April. What
you're seeing there is that there's a provisional allocation for each of the
local authority areas and we know that funding will come in a mix of
kind of capital and revenue investment but we're trying to be really flexible
about how we kind of use that resource to kind of maximise that kind of
local activity which you know is really really important to local areas
moving forward. I think in terms of our ambitions we know that we've got bigger
ambitions than the amount of resource that we've got and I think what the paper
setting out is our intention really to start looking and building up but we've already
kind of been undertaking in terms of this area to try and look at other forms of funding that we can
use to kind of bring in additional investment and that's going to be a piece of work that we
kind of take forward over this coming period to kind of as I say maximize that 250 ,000,
250 million should I say amount of money to make that a much much bigger pot of money. We'll be
looking at other activities that we can kind of bring into that space. I think what's really
important is that in terms of investment priorities that is that we're really monitoring and keeping an eye on how we are spending and we're
intending to to kind of really make sure that we're covering that with reports of the finance and
Resources committee and we'll be bringing back quarterly reports on
Kind of monitoring those investment priorities as we as we progress
It's really important that we we've kind of got some transparency about how we're kind of delivering on this
So really important that we kind of keep our eye on on the ball and kind of I think that fits into the conversations about
and making sure that we kind of, the resources are going to where they kind of needed them
I think the final thing to say is around capacity to deliver.
We know that there's a vast amount of work that's got to take place to kind of really
kind of move and deliver on these programs and we know that to do that, that needs kind
of, our local partners and ourselves need to be kind of funded really to be able to
do that because we can't, as you said earlier, deliver a lot of these programs on our own.
So what we're also setting out within the pay car and there's an appendix 3 kind of sets out in a little bit more detail is
around that additional 25
Kind of million pound that we're going to be investing local authorities to a capacity funding and again the allocations that have been
Given to local authorities is set out in the report local authorities have given us
Some detailed proposals around how they are going to be spending that money
and that results moving forward and what we're intending to do is to kind of allocate that
resource to a change request and there's further details set out in Appendix 3 in terms of how we're going to be kind of making
sure that that finds that way through the project approvals process. And I'll stop there and just take any questions.
Thank you, and I think on that capacity funding the fact that it's to 28 gives a lot of confidence as well
that the money is there up until 28.
and also to thank partners.
And it wasn't an easy task consolidating
on what our priorities are beyond transport,
given the money that is available,
but also how we can use this money
to unlock private investment and partnerships.
And the opportunity to increase that 250 million
to 945 million is too big a price to disregard.
So thank you for the work
you've done so any comments on this paper council Anderson for a year I've
been in discussions trying to get hold of the independent gainshare report that
was being provided by we're being independently assessed as to how
effective we've used gainshare funding is that anywhere near being brought
forward so that we can see that we're spending it correctly on this and
there's no lessons that we need to learn how to improve.
Yes, so we are just in the final throes of that process,
really, which got extended.
So we were working with independent consultants, SQW,
around the gain share report.
And that report is now with the government.
So the government are reviewing that report.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:10:36
And once that process has been gone through,we will be sharing a little bit more information
about what that says.
But that is really important in terms
of kind of evaluating kind of and I think it is important to know that
that kind of review is not just about looking at the impacts and spending it's
kind of it's the approach that organizations are taking to evaluate the
the work that they're doing and it's that's kind of the focus of that
gainshare report but we'll be sharing the details of that and we're expecting the
government to kind of come back to us on that pretty soon. Thank you and Mandy
That's a great report and so the point about the revenue funding and culture will be great
to make sure we're picking up the positive benefit that has on the
Cllr Claire Douglas - 1:11:23
visitor economy, thehospitality economy and supporting businesses in that area because I think the festivals,
the city of culture, all of those events have a great effect on people but also on those
businesses that rely on that that that pound super any further comments no well
thank you so much so our members happy to approve the investment priorities in
Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council - 1:11:50
the report 3 .12 3 .34 and note the intention to progress community growthand development approach with a further report at the next CA we are thank you
Sarah Eaton, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:12:03
all so much as brilliant. So moving on to project approvals, investment priority one.This covers schemes relating to good jobs and businesses and focuses on funding for
the investment zone and the fair work charter. So if I could come over to Sarah, our head
of business to talk through recommendations. Thank you. Thank you, Mayor. So there are
three schemes seeking approval under investment priority one. The first two of these are related
to the investment zone and the border record that the investment zone program strategic
outline case was brought to the CA on the 14th of March and the ambition for
the investment zone is to drive innovation and investment into West
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:12:38
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board) - 1:12:38
Yorkshire with a focus on one of our key priority sectors. So the first one ofthese is the place based incubators in Kirklees and this is about putting
resource into one of our investment zone hubs. So the incubator scheme in Kirklees
will provide dedicated staff located within two locations the glass box and
the National Health Innovation Campus and will provide support for
early stage businesses to start their business and grow and access all the
support that they need to be successful.
So the approval being sought here
is that this scheme proceeds through decision point two
to four business certification and work commences
on activity five delivery and that approval is given
for two million pounds for the scheme.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:13:14
The second project seeking approvalunder the investment zone program
is the regional accelerator.
And this is a typical accelerator model
which involves a program of intensive business support
to support those businesses that are starting
and both scaling up to ultimately accelerate
those businesses, whether it's through investment,
readiness, through mentoring, through coaching,
through intensive support to help them grow.
The combined authorities proposing to appoint
Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber
to deliver the regional accelerator,
and this builds upon the existing
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:13:47
Propel Act Yorkshire and Humber programme,which Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber
have developed and delivered in the region since 2019.
Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber
are one of 15 health innovation networks
established by NHS England
as the innovation arm of the NHS ultimately, so their core objective is to generate a pipeline
of innovations that can then be spread and adopted throughout the NHS and deliver economic
growth and improve health outcomes.
So the approval sought here is that the scheme proceeds through decision point four for business
case and work commences on activity five, delivery rate and that approval be given to
4 .5 million for scheme costs.
The third project under IP one is the Fair Work Charter.
So this is a Meryl initiative, a Meryl priority to drive up good fair work across West Yorkshire.
It's been running in pilot form since November 2023 and this change request seeks approval of additional funding to scale up the project and engage with more employers,
change the delivery model so it's more embedded in the wider activity that's underway and extend the delivery time scales to ensure more employers can benefit from and sign up to the charter.
So approval areas start for the change request to increase the funding to 1 .5 million with the associated change in outputs.
Thank you so much and the Fair Work Charter has been so important for us, particularly in these challenging times to support SMEs in particular to ensure that they can keep their workforce and that they have that sticky retention.
So it doesn't cost them a fortune to keep
Hiring people because they are providing good work and are a good company
So we have stretch targets of membership, but it's all it's it's looking good any comments on those items
No Oh Mandy. Thank you
The investment investment zone is a really big priority for us. Can I just ask that in?
that we
Improve the communication of that investment zone so that we can make sure that all businesses know about it
Know how to access it and it helps to try and increase business confidence by using something that we've already got to
To show businesses how they can be involved
So no, absolutely work is underway on that
Absolutely at pace to because we as we as we start to launch these these projects as part of the investment
So we need a really strong narrative and a political
There's a brand around it
and offer. Good stuff. Thank you. Any further comments?
Oh, sorry. Councilor Hallsmith. Thank you, Mayor. I'm just a question about the the
fair work charter. Is there going to be any method of checking that once employers have
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:16:31
signed up for the fair work charter that they are following the guidelines that they shouldbe doing? Yes there is, so yes so there is a process as part of this which is a
not checking everybody but doing a sample check in as we go through the
process to make sure that there's nothing untoward as part of this but it's
very much built on a model of nudge nudge and encouragement rather than you
know a stick kind of thing. But also workforce telling us if they if they
Mandy Ridyard (West Yorkshire Business Board) - 1:16:58
feel that things are slipping away so that we have eyes and ears on the groundthrough the workforce as well. So thank you for that challenge.
Okie doke. So are we happy to approve the schemes outlined above to progress
through the assurance process with the approval of the CA's funding
contribution and approval of future assurance pathways and approval routes?
We are. Thank you so much. Okay, let's move on to project approval,
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:17:21
investmentpriority three, creating great places and accelerated infrastructure.
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:17:27
Can I ask LizHunter director of policing environment and place to take through the recommendation and
Thank you chair. So
Colleagues around this table will know that we've had brownfield
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:17:39
housing funding the last five years. It was going to end in March this yearbut we've had news from government after and quite a bit of
Cllr Sue Holdsworth Calderdale Council - 1:17:47
Discussion over over the last six months at least and for that program to be extendedSo it means that we now have an extra 24 months within which to spend the funding that we had which is good news
because not all the projects that we wanted to fund
were going to be able to complete within the time frame.
So we still obviously want to work at pace,
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:18:04
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:18:05
but this means that the money stayswith us for that extended time, which I think is good news.
So this recommendation asks for you
to delegate then to the chief executive
to finalize what that looks like,
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:18:18
because we're still waiting for some further informationfrom government.
So it enables us then to enter into the legal documentation
with mhclg in line with what those approvals look like thank you thank you
it's frustrating for a while thinking that this scheme would end and the money
would go back so i'm very pleased that we've got this extension any comments
great are we happy to approve um to delegate to the chief executive the
11 Project Approvals
extension of the brownfield housing fund program time scales
and to enter into any required legal documentation
With the MH CLG in line with the forthcoming approvals from government
We are lovely. Thank you moving on to 11 C investment priority for
Liz Hunter - 1:19:03
tackling the climate emergency and environmentsustainability
Can I pass to councillor patient and then on to Liz to take through the recommendations? Thank you councillor patient
Thank you, ma 'am
and be presenting this instead of Councillor Scullion.
So the Home Energy West Yorkshire programme
responds to challenges facing domestic retrofit
to promote, facilitate and deliver retrofit housing
across all housing tenures in West Yorkshire.
And those are households that rent their home
from social or private landlords
or have a mortgage loan on their home or own it outright.
So a business case has been submitted seeking approval
of the combined authority for a contribution
for a maximum of 826 ,000 from the Single Investment Fund
to deliver an area -based scheme in Bradford. There's already been schemes
delivered in Colerdale and Leeds as well at various stages. And this scheme
specifically aims to test a new less intrusive approach on how to tackle
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:19:59
retrofitting of hard -to -treat Stonewall terrace properties in Bradford. And thescheme will be managed by In Communities Limited, a social housing association who
own those 28 homes and they'll be supported to have committed to fund 30 %
of the final project costs.
Lessons learned can then be used and combined with other retrofit workstream outcomes like local area energy plans,
which Calderdale happens to be the pilot area from,
as well as thinking about how we can upscale and deliver on those projects
and scale up to more properties.
Thank you also to the combined authority on devolution and spending review and we're making sure that retrofit funding and investment and delivery
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council - 1:20:38
continue to be a high priority area and of course area based delivery will helptackle fuel poverty, reduce inequalities and do some much -needed
placemaking work as well. It'll continue to need high levels of public
investment however and staff resource so let's all keep our lobbying hats on and
hopefully you can see in the report what the scheme aims to do in terms of
outputs and data so just some quick benefits before I pass to Liz.
So reduction of fuel for heat and demand in the 28 homes, lower fuel bills as homes will be easier to heat and to retain that heat,
a huge reduction of carbon emissions which we all welcome, and the learning from this scheme will help influence and inform how to scale up a retrofit of those pre -1919 terraced homes,
and tackling of fuel poverty as well which we really need to do work on which affects 30 % of households in West Yorkshire compared to the 20 % nationally.
So our pattern tool is our director of environment to work through the recommendation. Thank you
Calcipation thank you and you've covered the details. Oh, thank you for that
So yes, the recommendations are for the scheme to proceed and to activity five which is into delivery
And as you already mentioned funding of eight hundred twenty six thousand eight hundred and eighty pounds
And that's a contribution as you already mentioned to the wider scheme cost
We have talked around this table before about about scale -up
So this is one of the things we're doing,
amongst many others that we've talked to you about before,
including funding directly for social housing,
but also products like our low interest loan
and our collective buying scheme.
So this is part of the mix.
I think this is the third of the demonstrator projects
to come forward.
I think what we want to do next has
got to be at a different scale.
So we will be working slightly differently, I think,
with authorities going forward.
but hopefully you're reminded to agree today
and then we can take some of the learning from that
as we do the scale up, thank you.
Thank you, because the challenge is enormous
and you'll have heard from government,
I think it was yesterday, talking about their ambitions
for this parliament.
It's gonna be very challenging,
but the opportunity for jobs and skills
and growth in this sector,
I think we're in a really strong position
And I really applaud the team for getting us into this position where we can say to government,
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:23:02
actually, give us more than you're giving us because we're ready to go.Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council - 1:23:04
Liz Hunter, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:23:08
And I certainly believe we're in a healthier position in this space as Greater Manchester and West Midlands,and we're making the case to government, you give us the money, we will deliver,
because we have hundreds of thousands of homes to retrofit.
And we're up for the challenge. So thank you. Thank you for that.
Okie doke any thoughts on that? Yes councillor love.
Thank you mayor.
This is all extremely welcome.
Can I just ask whether in communities they are contributing to the total scheme financially as well?
Yes councillor patient mentioned 30 % that's correct isn't it?
Okay thank you.
So are we happy to approve the scheme outlined above
to go through to the assurance process with approval of the CA's funding contribution and future assurance pathways and approval routes.
We are. Thank you all so much. That is fantastic.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:24:02
Okay. To the next project approval, investment priority five, delivering sustainable, integrated, inclusive and affordable transport.Can I ask Simon Pope?
Transport capital program director and Tim Taylor director of transport services to take us through the recommendations, please
Thank you that
So under investment party fine, we've got three projects where we're providing recommendations for the combined authorities approval
If I may I'm going to present me slightly out of order relative to what's in the papers for expediency
So I'll talk you through the two schemes where they're within the transport capital program
And then I'll hand over to Tim who will talk you through the bus service improvement plan program
The first transport capital program scheme is the a 64 bus cycle and walking improvements. We're recommending that the command authority approves the scheme proceeds through decision point for which is for business case and work commences on activity five, which is delivery.
We're also recommending the client authority approves total funding of
Cllr Martin Love Bradford Council - 1:24:57
up to 7 .3 million pounds to deliver the scheme and that future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and the approval route set out in the papers.Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:25:06
Just briefly, the scheme includes measures to benefit buses along the a 64 between leadcity center in the outer inroads, including new bus lanes for junction upgrades and at
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:25:14
stop real time passenger information, as well as improve crossing facilities for pedestriansand cyclists.
Through such provision, the scheme aims to improve bus journey time, reliability, improve
accessibility to bus and encourage modal shift from car to bus, walking and cycling.
Total cost of the scheme is 7 .3 million pounds to be funded in full from the transforming
cities fund. This is two and a half million pounds higher than the cost estimated at outline
business case stage due to an increased unit cost rate for the materials is above inflation
a longer program and increased allowance for risk and utilities. Further cost escalation has been
Simon Pope (Director- WYCA) - 1:25:49
mitigated by descoping the components which have a weaker value for money case and the lowerstakeholder support. So the higher cost for the scheme will be met by committing additional funding
from the transforming cities fund contingency budget.
The scheme has a high value for money case
or the benefit cost ratio of three pounds
of economic benefits for every one pound
of investment spent, justifying the higher cost
now proposed.
Subject to your approval, the scheme would start
and site in June 2025 with completion program for June 2026.
Second scheme within the transport capital program
is the active travel program, where we're recommending
the command authority approves a change request
for 4 .2 million pounds of active travel fund tranche five funding be added to the combined authorities active travel program across 12 separate schemes
this comprises 3 .7 million pounds of capital funding to develop and deliver construction schemes and
480 ,000 pounds of revenue funding for maintenance and the development of a future
Simon Pope (Director- WYCA) - 1:26:44
schemes pipelineWe're also recommending the release of development funding where applicable and that future approvals are made in accordance with insurance pathway and the approval
Simon Pope (Director- WYCA) - 1:26:55
will be in the papers. This includes a mix of schemes, moving directly todelivery some schemes will be subject to conditions discharge by an approval to
proceed and some that will be subject to a business justification case. The five
partner councils work collaboratively to define the active travel fund
transferred scheme list um includes new construction schemes and top up to
existing schemes essential maintenance and support for the pipeline of future
active travel improvements and
The schemes that could be managed by the partner councils with the combined authority managing the residential cycle parking installation
Appraisal of the scheme benefits will be undertaken at the next stage of scheme development
But the outcomes are expected to build on those from previous transfers of funding by making it more attractive to make local trips on foot or by bike
Active travel fund five takes our total active travel program cost of 49 .9 million pounds
All of which represents a direct grant from active travel England
I'd show from five schemes need to be in contract by March 20 26 until the in fall by March 20 27
So those milestones have shaped the schemes that have been put forward for consideration
Finally just before I pass on to Tim just draw members attention to the delegated decisions taken by the chief executive
Which are set out on page 170 of the papers. That's the Bradford interchange resurfacing works and the Woodhouse Lane Gateway
Obviously take any questions than those in a moment, but I'll pass over to him first to cover the bus service improvement plan program
Thank you, Tim. Thank you, Mayor. So this approval sets out the approach for the
acceptance and use of bus service improvement plan phase 4 funding for 25 -26
of just over 34 million pounds from DFT and alongside the use of existing
funding from previous tranches and how the combined authorities intended to use
its funding in the forthcoming financial year. This will see BSEP funding part
overall increase to just over £125 million. The funding in as in prior years will be
to provide balance support for the bus network in a variety of ways including the continuation
of the Mayor's Fair and that bus fare cap on both single and day tickets which have seen over 62
million journeys made to date. It'll also be used to provide support for enhancing existing bus
services, protection of existing services and to de -risk the potential for further service
deductions from across the network. Specific bus routes to be supported the next financial year
will be delegated to the Chief Exec in consultation with yourself Mayor and the Chair of the Transport
Committee for selection. This is particularly important as members will
I'm sure recognize the importance of a strong regional bus network in enabling
growth but also critically as part of our bus reform plans and franchising
continue ensuring that we have a stable bus network to allow us to implement
those plans effectively. A final point of noting amongst these plans may the
funding also sees the continuation of the Safer Travel Partnership teams with
PCSOs working across the region at our bus stations and as well in the community in
supporting safer travel for passengers and I'm sure you recognize the
importance of the role they play today. Again, happy to take any questions. Thank you, Mayor.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:29:46
Tim Taylor Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:29:48
Thank you so much. Any questions on these projects? Yes, Councillor Morley.Yeah, thank you, Mayor. Obviously with basic money there was
enhancements to evening service in the Wakefield District that Areva couldn't
couldn't handle basically, couldn't commit to them so they're almost quickly taken back
off again. That money is still there. I just want
assurances from officers that we're still working with officers in Wakefield
Council to retain that money and use it on other services as and when we can get them
coming forward. Thank you. Tim. Absolutely, Councillor Moly, you have that
commitment. We've actually already identified a couple of new routes that
are in progress in negotiation with the bus operator so we're hopeful we can
moving forward those arrangements for approval in the near future.
Thank you so much. Okey -doke, are we happy to approve the schemes we've discussed to
progress through the assurance process with approval of the CA's funding contribution
and of future assurance pathways and approval routes and the delegated decisions to the
chief executive? Good stuff. Thank you so much. Okay, moving on to project approval,
Investment priority six creative industries culture heritage and sport. I wonder if I could come over to
Sarah Bose for this
Obviously, it's really important that
We keep our focus on one of our growing sectors the creative industries
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:31:20
Cllr Matthew Morley Wakefield Council - 1:31:22
And this is adding additional investment into our you can make it hereProgram helping creatives to set up and to grow businesses locally. Thank you, Sarah
Thank you, so yes, you can make it here is an investment readiness accelerator program
currently in delivery up to March and it's about supporting creative
industries businesses to position themselves to access finance, secure
finance which we know is the biggest challenge for small businesses
particularly in the creative industry sector and DCMS have offered
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:31:46
continuation funding to extend the program into 2526 to support additionalTim Taylor Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:31:53
businesses and build on the great work to engage with the investor communityand expand kind of help them to understand the benefits of investing in
creative industry businesses and so approval is thought for the change request to increase the funding and associated outputs are set out in the
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:32:06
Lovely and it would be good to know the spread across West Yorkshire and whether the festivals haveBoosted business confidence to then come to us for extra support to grow their business
any comments
No, thank you. Our members have to approve the changes to delegate the authority and
12 Governance and Director Appointments
Enter into the required agreements and documents as specified to support the you can make it here program to continue and enhance
Super, thank you so much
11 Project Approvals
And I was so pleased government saw that this was really impactful and we're going to be doubling the number of businesses that are going
To get that support. So thank you. Okay moving on to item 12 governance and director appointments this content
Can concerns key appointments and proposed changes to governance and
Sarah Bowes, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:32:57
audit committee can I invite Caroline Norris our?Assistant director of legal governance and compliance to guide us through Thank You Caroline
Thank You mayor yes as you say this report does a number of
things the first is to seek approval and
Actually to two key appointments at this stage so firstly is to seek approval to the appointment of our new set
permanent section 73 and chief finance officer who will also be the authorities director of finance and which is Kate Taylor and
That's recommendation in terms of the opponent has come through from our newly formed employment panel who considered
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:33:39
Who went through this in detail and let's put that recommendation?Forward to the CA because of course that is a CA decision with it being a statutory role
So we seek approval and for that appointment. We also seek approval for the appointment of Mike Burch as the director of mass transit
And which as the report says has gone through a recent recruitment exercise as well
We are we are in a transitional position in terms of the use of the employment panel in the CA moments
You'll have seen that coming through in this report, but obviously as we go forward we will get that into full swing
In terms of the third approval we were
looking to seek approval to the appointment of the director of bus
franchising we're not quite ready to seek that at this stage so we were we
are withdrawing that recommendation there and what we propose is that the
employment panel is convened to take that decision at the right time so that
is in accordance with our revised arrangements for appointments and it is
12 Governance and Director Appointments
Caroline Norreys, Assistant Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:34:36
a role that the employment panel can take the decision on so we have two tworoles there seeking approval in that regard.
And the third matter here is in relation to changes,
proposed changes to our governance and audit committee.
These changes we're looking to introduce
from the new municipal year, so from June.
And it's, the request here is that currently
the composition of G &A is four CA members
together with three independent members
including an independent chair.
we reviewed that in terms of the role of GNA and also discussed it with the current members of the committee and
Collectively, I think both officers and members of that committee are of the view that moving forward
It it would be more appropriate for those local authority members to come from our district council
Partners so to be co -optees in the same way our scrutiny committee is I can see councillor lambs a member of GNA
nodding to that. Given the role of governance and audit is to hold both officers and the CA to account in terms of our finance and our governance and have that level of scrutiny.
Having that separation in roles helps demonstrate that impartiality and that transparency. So collectively I think we are seeking to do that.
So we're looking for approval in principle at this stage and that would then come into effect. We would put that forward at the annual meeting in June.
Alongside that, legislations come into play during the year to enable remuneration for
members of governance and audit in the same way we remunerate members of the scrutiny
So, we're also seeking approval here to convene the independent remuneration panel that advises
the combined authority on remuneration and to undertake that exercise to come back with
proposals to a future CA meeting in terms of that remuneration for all members of the
So they would look again at the independent members as well as the local authority co -op teams
And and and finally on that just to provide resilience
We'd be seeking and to look to substitutes as well as members so that we ensure that we have a quorum
Governance and Audit Committee given its importance of the statutory committee
So we have so recommendations 2 .4 2 .5 relate to that and then finally mayor
We are seeking approval to the appointment of your inclusivity champion to be an advisory representative on our thematic committees to enable that, I suppose, to increase the prominence of that role and her access, that direct access and support into each of those committees in terms of driving that agenda forward.
So thank you, Chair. If there are any questions, I'm happy to take them.
Thank you any questions, I would say I'm grateful that
the decision has has been arrived at for remuneration because
Our expectation is people will do a proper job and give it the time and energy that is needed to read papers to scrutinize and
And sometimes remuneration makes a big difference because it means you can carve out time out of your day
So thank you very much for that so councilor lamb
Yeah, thank you, Mayor.
I was just on the Governance and Order Committee, so it's Councillor Scullion and I have kind of been joining forces to chip away at that one,
and I'm pleased the recommendation has come forward, conscious we're doing ourselves out of a job,
but it hasn't felt right sitting at this table and then being part of the Governance and Order Committee marking our own homework.
So I think it's the right thing
So we will sacrifice willingly our place our potential remuneration
But it's the right thing to do
Good stuff
Okie -doke no further comments
So are we happy to approve the appointment of Kate Taylor as director of finance and commercial services section 73 chief finance officer
We are super are we happy to approve the appointment of Mike Burch as director of mass transit?
We are super we're going to delegate the authority for the director of bus franchising later once they
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:38:54
contracts are finalizedSo in principle can we approve the proposed changes to the composition of the governance and audit committee as detailed
lovely and approve the convening of the
Independent remuneration panel to consider remuneration for local authority members on the governance and audit committee
Yes, lovely.
And finally, approve the appointment of Fatima Khan Shah, my Inclusivity Champion, to the
thematic committees of the CA.
We can.
Cllr Barry Anderson (Chair) - 1:39:26
Thank you so much.So, minutes for information.
I have those.
Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council - 1:39:30
The date of the next meeting is the 3rd of April, 2025.Thank you all so much for coming, and thank you to the subs who stepped up in the hour
of need and made us core at and also our ambitions are shared around this table
for West Yorkshire to really grow the economy and punch above our weight
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 1:39:58
across the country so thank you for your commitment to the people that werepresent thank you thank you very much miles
- 250130 Minutes CA - 30 January 2025 (Draft), opens in new tab
- Item 6 - Mass Transit, opens in new tab
- Item 7 - Local Growth Plan Update, opens in new tab
- Item 7 - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- Item 8 - Business Support West Yorkshire, opens in new tab
- Item 8 - Business Support Review Appendix, opens in new tab
- Item 9 - Work and Health, opens in new tab
- Item 9 - Appendix 1 - Labour Market & Health Data, opens in new tab
- Item 9 - Appendix 2 - Work, Health, and Skills Plan Logic Model, opens in new tab
- Item 9 - Appendix 3 - Work Health and Skills Plan - Exec Summary 250211, opens in new tab
- Item 10 - Investment Priorities, opens in new tab
- Item 10 - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- Item 10 - Appendix 2, opens in new tab
- Item 10 - Appendix 3 - Gainshare Capacity Fund Project Approval, opens in new tab
- Item 11a - Project Approvals IP1, opens in new tab
- Item 11b - Project Approvals IP3, opens in new tab
- Item 11c - Project Approvals IP4, opens in new tab
- Item 11d - Project Approvals IP5, opens in new tab
- Item 11e - Project Approvals IP6, opens in new tab
- Item 12 - Governance Arrangements, opens in new tab
- Item 13 - Minutes for Information, opens in new tab

Executive Director of Transport
West Yorkshire Combined Authority