Transport Committee - Wednesday 28 August 2024, 2:00pm - West Yorkshire Combined Authority Webcasting

Transport Committee
Wednesday, 28th August 2024 at 2:00pm 









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  1. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  2. Adam Hunt, Committee Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  3. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
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  1. Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council)
  2. Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee
  3. Cllr Matthew McLoughlin
  4. Cllr Joe Atkinson
  5. Cllr Tony Wallis
  6. Chris Steele
  7. Cllr Sarah Courtney (Calderdale Council)
  8. Adele Rae
  9. Tony McGrath
  10. Adam Hunt, Committee Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  11. Transport Operators
  12. Cllr Annie Maloney
  13. Cllr Andrew Loy
  14. Cllr Jonathan Pryor Leeds City Council
  15. Cllr Moses Crook Kirklees Council
  16. Cllr Andrew Pinnock
  17. Cllr Katie Kimber
  18. Cllr Caroline Firth
  19. Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  20. Mr Patrick Bowes
  21. Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  22. Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  23. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  24. Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  25. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
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  1. Mr Patrick Bowes
  2. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  3. Mr Patrick Bowes
  4. Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
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  1. Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  2. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  3. Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  4. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  5. Transport Operators
  6. Cllr Annie Maloney
  7. Transport Operators
  8. Transport Operators
  9. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  10. Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  11. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  12. Cllr Matthew McLoughlin
  13. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  14. Tony McGrath
  15. Cllr Matthew McLoughlin
  16. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  17. Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  18. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  19. Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  20. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  21. Cllr Annie Maloney
  22. Transport Operators
  23. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  24. Transport Operators
  25. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  26. Cllr Annie Maloney
  27. Transport Operators
  28. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  29. Transport Operators
  30. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  31. Tony McGrath
  32. Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  33. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  34. Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  35. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  36. Cllr Sarah Courtney (Calderdale Council)
  37. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  38. Cllr Sarah Courtney (Calderdale Council)
  39. Cllr Caroline Firth
  40. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  41. Cllr Caroline Firth
  42. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  43. Cllr Andrew Pinnock
  44. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  45. Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  46. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  47. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  48. Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  49. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  50. Transport Operators
  51. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  52. Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  53. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  54. Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  55. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  56. Cllr Matthew McLoughlin
  57. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  58. Cllr Annie Maloney
  59. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  60. Cllr Annie Maloney
  61. Transport Operators
  62. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  63. Transport Operators
  64. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  65. Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee
  66. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
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  1. Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  2. Adam Hunt, Committee Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  3. Transport Operators
  4. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  5. Transport Operators
  6. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  7. Transport Operators
  8. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  9. Transport Operators
  10. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  11. Transport Operators
  12. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  13. Tony McGrath
  14. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  15. Cllr Matthew McLoughlin
  16. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  17. Chris Steele
  18. Transport Operators
  19. Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee
  20. Cllr Joe Atkinson
  21. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  22. Chris Steele
  23. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  24. Transport Operators
  25. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  26. Transport Operators
  27. Cllr Tony Wallis
  28. Cllr Joe Atkinson
  29. Transport Operators
  30. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  31. Transport Operators
  32. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  33. Cllr Katie Kimber
  34. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  35. Transport Operators
  36. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  37. Transport Operators
  38. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  39. Transport Operators
  40. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  41. Transport Operators
  42. Cllr Katie Kimber
  43. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  44. Transport Operators
  45. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  46. Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  47. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  48. Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  49. Cllr Sarah Courtney (Calderdale Council)
  50. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  51. Webcast Finished

1 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:00:01
on Thursday I feel very popular and so it is great to welcome to this West Yorkshire Transport Committee meeting obviously bank holiday week but every still working, so it's nice to see the work rate in West Yorkshire I'll just introduce myself and then if we can go around the room in due to everybody is aware this is a brand new committee this the first meeting of the new committee.
if you're new to this welcome if you come back a welcome back and it is great to have a really good representation across West Yorkshire got portfolio holders for transport here we've got that engagement leads here and we've got members are here from across West Yorkshire representing their constituents and and bringing those grassroots opinions into this room and writes the decision-making body so great to have you here so
apologies for absence, any apologies, apologies for absence were received from Councillor Neil Buckley, Councillor vocal Williamson,
Adam Hunt, Committee Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:00:58
lovely declaration discuss disclosable pecuniary interests, anybody got any.

2 Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

3 Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

4 Minutes of the meeting of the Transport Committee held on 24 May 2024

Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:01:03
no, none declared an exempt information, I don't think we have an exempt information today, so we're really doing that, or minutes of the meeting of the Transport Committee held on 24th of May, those have been circulated with these papers other Rooney comments, questions on those will rupture, thank you very much that's I'm happy to second that always in favour please show.
that is carried, there was a a record as a correct.

5 Governance Arrangements

report of that meeting and then firstly on to the substantive item we had sought forgiveness and restaurants, so before we do that I would get to introduce ourselves so absolutely Hinchcliffe, family job Rafat, on chair of West Yorkshire Transport, I think we knew added 1 pretty supports.
I'll drugs Gately's Deputy ch for rail.
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council) - 0:01:53
political Councillor relates, but he was Deputy Chair with responsibility for bus and active travel.
Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee - 0:01:59
Councillor Matthew McLoughlin from worker, please, on the transport engagement.
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin - 0:02:05
Councillor Rahman Jones, Councillor from Lloyds, representing Horsforth Jo Atkinson Councillor on Calderdale Council for the appointment likely Walter.
Cllr Joe Atkinson - 0:02:14
Cllr Tony Wallis - 0:02:19
Councillor Tony was from Castle Wakefield Council.
OK, Councillor Chris, Stoke from Bradford Council.
Chris Steele - 0:02:25
Cllr Sarah Courtney (Calderdale Council) - 0:02:28
Councillor Sarah Courtney am lead member for regeneration and transport.
Councillor Dan, right from Leeds,
Adele Rae - 0:02:36
Councillor Matthew Murray, Cabinet Member appalling transportation and highways Wakefield Council.
Tony McGrath - 0:02:41
new home managing director of the area.
Adam Hunt, Committee Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:02:48
hi Chris Jackson, managing director of transparent express.
Good afternoon are also Northern trains.
Transport Operators - 0:02:58
Good afternoon, Roger Jones, representing First Bus.
a thin campaign.
Cllr Annie Maloney - 0:03:07
to hurry pulsated, commercial data to train staff.
Andrew McGuinness Street, between the trade body of a boy operators Association.
Councillor Andrew wind Bradford Council.
Cllr Andrew Loy - 0:03:27
Councillor Jonathan Pryor, Deputy Leader of Leeds and portfolio holder for Transport.
Cllr Jonathan Pryor Leeds City Council - 0:03:30
Cllr Moses Crook Kirklees Council - 0:03:33
a Councillor Murray Grubb, deputy leader of Kirklees, and portfolio holder for Transport.
Cllr Andrew Pinnock - 0:03:39
Councillor Andrew Pinnock, curriculum Councillor, I haven't been a member of the passenger Transport Authority, said that was quite a long time ago, but sorry in that sort of person coming back.
Catherine many also from Leeds and transport, engage with late.
Councillor Joe weekly, Bradford,
Councillor kits, Kimber them engagement rate.
Cllr Katie Kimber - 0:04:01
Councillor, Caroline Firth, Bradford Council, and engagement late.
Cllr Caroline Firth - 0:04:06
hello, I'm Helen, Elton, head of transport policy at West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:04:12
hello and Patrick most had research intelligence for West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
Mr Patrick Bowes - 0:04:18
Good afternoon, thank Hoskins, Interim Director passenger experienced
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:04:25
assets Combined Authority Ellam Simon Robertson, Executive Director for Transport.
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:04:30
thank you for that, so from that, I think of the actually operates is going to struggle because they're all howling at the moment.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:04:33
the rapid phones and so if we could, if we could sort that out belts, how we do that paper, that the really good at how we do that but magically we can do that and that the Super so we're gonna go on the first item, which is the governance arrangements who's going to talk
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:04:54
about that overdue sandbox, thank you, Jora add so this report sets out the arrangements for the committee which were brought to the annual meeting of the Combined Authority on the 20th of June in the report
and appended in full detail we've set out the membership of the Committee, we've sets out the dates of future meetings, and also those members of the Committee who have been agreed to represent West Yorkshire on a number of outside bodies, a number of Transport for the North committees in particular in addition to the consortium of East Coast Main Line authorities.
thank you very much, and these are for noting really around the
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:05:42
approval to went through the Combined Authority approval by hasn't got any questions or comments on this paper.

6 Transport Survey Headlines

no, in that case, will March on onto the next three papers, which we're gonna probably at much, we're gonna do these three six transport survey, headlines, passenger experience report, bus and developing the West Yorkshire Bus Network. We're gonna take these as three papers in their entirety, then we'll go to the operators and then we'll open to questions. If that's OK, it's probably a more efficient use of the of the meeting because we've all got two hours as it is so
who's going to present on number number 6, transport serve a habitable objects over to you good afternoon, so this
Mr Patrick Bowes - 0:06:25
item 6 sort of paper presentation summarises the results that are in the yr, the paper in your pack, where the information is provided on the West. Yorkshire results from the transport focused, your your bus journey and also the public perceptions or transport survey, which is a regular survey which is undertaken by the Combined Authority for the last 20 years that looks at passenger experience across the public transport, offer from train rail bus and allows us to look at more choice and allows us look at characteristics of Lords using the the the network as well. So the first couple of slight the pack. I should point out
that you've got contains the full results. Lately, the we ar y any legal any the Transport focus survey, so those are the results for West Yorkshire and it also contains a sort of a more detailed pack for the public perceptions of transport survey. So the short presentation, I'm gonna, go through just steps you through something the key results. So firstly, this focus is on so key results from the Transport focus survey. Your next bus journey and ecologist looks at in West Yorkshire as sort of some of the key elements of the passenger experience and sort of overall ranking and satisfaction, and you can see here that the the the the bar chart compares with the average in West Yorkshire for the urban equivalents in England and the England average. You to point out that that England average does not include London, so that's everywhere, the 34 88 outside of a outside of London is sort of key takeaways. I think, from that as to reflect on the overall satisfaction score at 73%
details of the Transport focus survey and its methodology are included in the pack, but this is a survey conducted on-bus, and he's these are interviews with passengers face to face, though.
it differs from the survey, the transport from public perception of transport survey, which is a telephone service to just point that without and you can see here, so there's a great deal sort of variation in some some of those score so for instance overall satisfaction at 73% and then length of time waiting for the bus is rated at 61% of respondents so there is a certain amount of variation but with with that that's fine you can see the comparison with the with the England average there.
so moving on to the next slide, this slides a little bit busy, but again it just sort of focus of you in on some of the some of the different aspects of that passenger experience, Sir Alex, with a sort of flagging up here that so ratings of different elements of passenger experience suggests that coverage of the the network and the range of ticketing options scores the highest, so if you look at that,
the bar chart a little bit busy at 76% and 73% respectively, and compare reasonably well with some of the urban, an English average reliability of services, though, as I mentioned, there does have the lowest rating of 40% and, as you can see in that slides, 8 were the lowest in England in terms of sort of a comparison with other ITA areas.
it's worth flagging up as well. The cost of of over a bus based in West Yorkshire compares well with the England average at 67%. So I think that's a lot of multiple difference. In wishing that as well in the public perceptions of travel transport survey where people are reporting that yeah, I can increase satisfaction with value for money for the bus ticketing as well. So there are a number of surveys. Sources are pointing that announcing that in in West Yorkshire. So I would point out there's a lot more detail in you in your pack around the results, as an awful lot of insight in the in in the full West Yorkshire port for Transport, focus just to flag up, that we are expecting the 2024 Transport focus survey, which will build on this and assured that this is the first year that they've use this methodology. So it wasn't comparable to the previous over that Transport focus on it undertook and we're expecting those results in February and obviously we will keep the Committee updated on that. When we have those those results as well, so moving on to other public perceptions, transport service. So this is the come Combined authorities, on sort of a serving which we've undertaken for other sort of 20 years and allows us to look at sort of passenger experience through through a number of lenses, particularly in terms of the mob choice, and to understand some of their satisfaction with a range of different component parts of the public transport offer and again some reasonably busy slide. But I think what I want to try
sort of a pull out to you is that sort of ratings with overall satisfaction of bus services have remained fairly stable in earlier 2024 to worth pointing out this survey was undertaken between January and March.
this year. So we're comparing it with a similar period in in 2023, so that overall satisfaction with bus services has remained stable or have ever so slightly by 0.1, sort of or index points. So the overall satisfaction score on on satisfaction of the more services at 6.00 out of it at a score of 10 sorry section. With the overall affordability of public transport. It's a 10 year high in 2024 thing I've mentioned that said in the preamble there to the site. The satisfactory this is, compared to 2019 2020 sort of comparison points, the satisfaction score increased by a statistically significant Mau Mau point 3 index, points in the in in in the year
so turning, I think, to ticketing, so there are a range of different elements that were reflect on, so the at the 2024 survey points of a significant increase in the satisfaction scores associated with the ease of ticket purchase, and again this is compared to a sort of a pre-pandemic 2019 2020 sort of baseline and that's what by sort of 10% so that's got quite a significant increase.
75% of bus users report being very satisfied with the ease of ticket purchase.
of 41% reported that they were satisfied with the with the with the ticket price, up from 45% in 2022 2023, so again, I think, backed up a number of sort of information sources, we are seeing sort of people feeding back to us that they are more satisfied with the value for money offer of of of ticketing and purchasing and travelling on bassoon in in in West Yorkshire so moving forward he go to the next slide.
this is sort of to just sort of reflecting a little bit on where people get the information from, and the survey shows that
she, although this is actually changing so so there's a distinct shift in installing usage of website. So that's not only to train operator websites but also sort of you know, Metroline awareness of those different information channels very, very significantly, lower rates worth pointing out, and we do ask about a range of different things, from sort of electronic displays at bus stops and ticketing timetables at both bus and rail station, so that the the thing that people most aware of in terms of sort of an information channel hits the electronic pulse displays on on on bus stops 85% of sort of a passenger survey we're aware of those, but at the other end of the spectrum, sort of awareness of other sort channels such as safe, for instance,
sort of Metro line is a little bit lower, but when we sort of shift into the detail of of what's how people are actually using those differently information sources compared to it to its awareness, it does suggest that, for instance, that for their travel centres, Metro, travel use and indeed Metro Messenger score much more highly so where people are using those sorts of that sort of those sorts of information channels they do actually read them.
quite quite highly, so it's got a nuanced message,
you know, I mean the work within that, so moving on to a regular bus use, a regular bus route remains lower, which pre-pandemic levels.
so all of the 800 p we talked to in the survey.
32% said they use the bus on a regular basis, up slightly on on on the year, it's worth pointing out as well, I'm just sort of picking what I wanted to highlight to you as a great deal more information in the slide pack with it with the paper there's a significant gap in in in that regular bus usage between sub deprived and must the most deprived and least deprived areas at 38% and 28% respectively.
so those in the most deprived areas rely much more heavily and usable sport more regularly, I think most of them probably probably know that the Soviet gives us the empirical insight to you know to to confirm that and in the year that's widened ever so slightly as as as well so that's some top up despite reliance on on bus between the at least deprived in the most deprived areas that perhaps actually actually widened of it in the in the in the year.
so, turning to our personal safety on on on buses, this varies significantly across day and night in terms of sort of use across all groups and or cohorts it's worth pointing out female passengers report the lowest confidence scores when using the bus at nights 41% compared to 68% for men, and that sort of concern continues a trend that we've seen over him over the year over the last two or three years.
leading onto that anti-social behaviour and a fear of crime affects more choice and travel behaviour, 41% are female passengers report using a taxi instead of bus or train e in order to work to avoid anti-social behaviour, our prime.
would this affect even higher for younger female passengers era writer, to 54% for that, no, that's that group.
so lots of sort of key headlines from from both surveys very potted insight, although the the the actual report itself contains an awful lot, a lot of information and the sorry back to October Councillor.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:15:55
thank you, and I know a lot of as if I've read employment, objected that multiple quite a lot already, I think we've got a lot of questions that so I will move on to Dave to go through the next presentation.
Mr Patrick Bowes - 0:16:09
OK, I'll talk you through item.

7 Passenger Experience Report - Bus

Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:16:12
we item 7 Surrey, which is the passenger experience report on bus, I'll give a brief, brief overview of the contents of the report.
rather than go through. It goes through a wholesale. The report does, or does our report on the ongoing closure of Bradford Interchange bus station, as well as giving an overview of the work we've been doing in recent years and forthcoming activity around bus stations in general and refurbishment and rebuilding work. We've been doing around those there's also wider information around bus performance, bus network changes and a number of initiatives that we are. We are putting in place to benefit bus passengers at present, so to talk you through on the bus station site Combined Authority own manage 24 bus stations outside the combination of staffed and unstaffed bus stations. There's projects in development which are touched on in a minute in Dewsbury, Huddersfield and Heckmondwike in particular. That of course to work are previously reported around Leeds, bus station and husband surrounding the roof
the report highlights work that we undertake in respect to the bus stations around a condition surveys, health and safety inspections,
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:17:16
planned maintenance or with the intention to the primary goal actually to comply with statutory regulations and health and safety obligations as an authority moving on in terms of Bradford Interchange specifically since the last Committee meeting in May a further update was provided to the Combined Authority in June at its meeting and links are provided in a report to the information that was set out there.
the report, in simple terms, provided an overview of the current position, discussing historic maintenance and investment in the facility, but also talks about the current arrangements that are in place for transport users and the proposed next steps, particularly highlighted in terms of next steps.
is the fact that we will be presenting options to the September meeting of the Combined Authority around the way forward for Bradford Interchange as a result of ongoing work that's been in train since since since the spring, we can report, as I think has been reported through the press as well that a project is currently underway to reopen what I would call the lower concourse that's the main entrance to Bradford Interchange and that will be ahead of the City of culture of touch 25 but with an intention to provide improved rail station access as well as,
we didn't wider work around developing an alternative bus station facility, that's for the eventuality that the the main bus station may not open or actually that it may only have a finite operational life remaining, so in three 14 it sets out the over the coming months as a key milestones working towards that reopening of the lower concourse which I will work through but we're wrong we're certainly on track as things stand a couple of months into the work to to fulfil those requirements.
moving on, I touched on the fact that we have a lot of work, we do around bus stations, in 3 15, we set out the costs of running a bus stations as set against the income we receive at bus stations, which demonstrates a gap that star,
through revenue revenue budgets, we also have capital budget has already alluded to the recently reopened multimillion pound Halifax bus station, which has received very positive reviews from uses to date, and indeed we're using the lessons learned from this project to apply to these future schemes as set out in the report.
moving on to Leeds bus station that underwent a 6 million pound plus refurbishments in September 2022.
it was recognised that the time that the roof was the challenge and some remedial works were undertaken on the roof, as has been previously reported, which ultimately proved as anyone who's been to the bus station unfortunately to not succeeded, and we have a series of measures in place to ensure the safety of passengers an interim but we've got two projects in train one is a full replacement of the roof, but how do that we are doing some further remedial works to ensure as much as possible we want through the winter months, have have a repeat of what we've experienced over the last year or two crustacean in terms of water ingress.
in terms of Dewsbury bus station as a comprehensive refurbishment of existing assets, the project is underway and we'd be planning to start on site in winter months of 2024, so that's not too far away.
Huddersfield Bus Station again a comprehensive refurbishment scheme together with a new entrance canopy and enhanced public realm
that'll be quite quite quiet, changed Huddersfield Bus Station when it's done that is due to start on site few months behind in summer 2025, so work is well advanced and the design step.
and the final one around the bus stations, its work, that's going on attachment Wyke moments around the bus hub.
the existing sites of the bus stop is being developed for new driver and reverse out bus station and again the work is estimated to be complete by Summer 2025, so I think it's fair to say the simplest, some very good progress being made and I think going back to Bradford Interchange we'll be reporting in due course around our proposals and and and findings from the work we've been undertaking.
moving on to the the bus network and bus operations itself.
we take patronage in July was was still, as I think Patrick just reported below pandemic levels, slightly up on 2023 a similar picture week, weekends and weekdays as well, overall, were a couple of percentage points up on where we were in similar week of last year in terms of passenger usage.
notwithstanding not, there has been an overall longtime in long term decline in bus use, as you can see from the figures in 3 41, but as a Combined Authority I'm working through with bus operators, through the Bus Alliance we put a number of measures in place to try to arrest a decline in fact turned up decline round, I think it can be seen in the last year there has been a small increase that which is which is positive, positive news and also the work around mass fast has been previously reported.
demonstrating some overall year on year, patronage growth and park and ride sites, while still under levels of pre-pandemic, probably about 81% of the pre-pandemic levels, are about 8% up on levels of a year ago, so again the initiatives that are being put in place with the bus operators around this.
PH be paying off and patronage is being is being driven up,
in terms of network performance, following on from the work Patrick presented around the survey says, work ongoing through the Bus Alliance in terms of the major bus operators, around punctuality and reliability the overall picture is that those figures are still down by a few small percentage points from pre-pandemic levels but compared to 2023 reliability slightly down with punctuality has shown a slight increase at the same time.
moving forward in terms of a couple of other initiatives that I think are probably worth flagging to to members here in 3 50, were highlighting a pilot project that we are working on, together with a number of NHS foundations across West Yorkshire, to assist patients identified as vulnerable who may not be able to access tickets and information via smartphones so this will facilitate a one-third discount on Ian Copestake saver tickets during the second month period.
and it is actually part of a wider series of national NHS pilot projects, so we're in dialogue with a number of NHS trusts to keep an eye on how that how that pans out, but so it's a very welcome initiative or through the West Yorkshire ticketing company limited as well in terms of moving on in terms of inclusive travel as well highlighting in 3 53 onwards.
that the critical area to support and ensured the offer around blind and disabled bus pass applications is efficient and effective moving forward the processing of all of these passages has now been moved from the district councils in house as a one-stop shop with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority from October.
this will still provide the same level of same offer as well as was the case previously, but the intention is to provide a more consistent level of service and to speed up overall processing times and and produced book in backlogs that we've been experiencing, and it's a small financial saving that's associated with that as well.
and moving forward through the report and not too far from the, and now I don't think in terms of network developments at 3.57 highlights a number of initiatives in terms of bus bus service improvements that are being funded through BCF enhancements there are wider service changes as well, timing changes and routing changes which have ensured that those improvements to a service and punctuality and reliability, which should be coming through.
overtime across all districts,
and finally, to draw attention to some marketing campaigns in three 60 and 3 61, both around ticketing which has taken place both over the summer period, focused on leisure travel and also as we move into the new school year at under 19 ticketing and back to school activity as well and at an interesting campaign around concessionary passes raising awareness of the benefits of the senior pass with wider social benefits Éireann combating isolation, trying to encourage renewals and applications online so there's quite a lot to go out in that report.
and hopefully
you some questions that for myself or for the bus operators that we can, we can talk through following the next report. Thank you. Thank
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:26:00
you very much, David, and then Helen on how Ellison on the developing the West Yorkshire Bus Network. Thank you very much, OK, I'll not, I'll not pick out the bits that repeat what David's just said, but
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:26:09
I'll just I'll add to add to that conversation okay them. So what this paper is specifically looking at is the bus service improvement plan funding and just can have where we are and what that means between now and working towards franchising, and I love it beyond. So the first caliph section of this paper is really focusing on the funding side of that and particularly its the networks direct kind of relationship with a funding for affairs. Through this, you'll be aware, as we've reported previously in Transport Committee, we've been in to keep us in line with the national programme. We've had to keep our fair at 2.00 pounds and that the national scheme runs to the end end of this year. We as a result of this this has cost us more money than we anticipated when we establish the programme and therefore we've had to take some money out of the network pot to be able to and other pots, particularly the network, to be able to fund who fund the gap in the affairs we are currently in discussions with government about what happens next after after December, so starting in January and where they are just with the national scheme and the national scheme as well.
the paper also then moves on to the network side of this and sort of sets out the BCF funded services that we've done to date, which David's picked up and that we currently have 10 million pounds worth of unallocated basic funding for services wow this currently needs to be spent by March 2026 which is the terms in agreement of the basic funding with D F T.
and then further spend and further spend obviously on services around this, obviously it Network viability and deliverability of seeking to make sure we can spend and spend the network funding in the right way across the echo across the piece.
we need to understand at government what the proposals are for funding post 2026 to ensure we don't have a cliff-edge at that staff at that stage. So then the papers that goes on to talk about how we do stop set out how we talk about the the network position and the network bus network as we are but going forward and in the way we're seeing it here, which sort of frames. What I've just said is around can have the short term being very much around stabilisation, the next phase being around movement to sort of transition, to franchising, and then be on around that Network Development. So so what we're asking here is just the Transport Committee to note kind of 0 Howe, currently viewing the viewing the bus network and how it relates to the piece around the Mayor's bars.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:28:44
lovely thank you very much, and there's a lot there, I'll just go to have a short remarks, if you've opened Mark suffer if account from 1st Arriva and transfer of sorry, I know there's lots of people wanted to ask questions, so if we can just keep it brief place in the initial trauma questions will go up.
hi, good afternoon, everyone, hopefully, that suitable clear.
so arm some short remarks, first of all, I think it's s, certainly since we've lost here we've worked very hard on our recruitment
Transport Operators - 0:29:19
position and that have a direct impact on reliability, so we are as a business now fully staffed and not working closely with both the Combined Authority and projects like route to success is also just a review of our recruitment and retention programme as well, so that's been a positive in terms of how we've been able to impactful liability and secondly,
decarbonisation there's been a.
significant progress on that part Bromley debt posed now are 50% Electric, our West Yorkshire fleet is now at over 90% Euro VI or better we've clearly got much more to do, but it's certainly progress I'd also just like to add we're also working with Wrightbus on a project called new power, which will convert these officers to electric buses as well, so that's a roll-out that we're looking to to make across West Yorkshire and then lastly, on de CAB were also now looking at business to business opportunities for third parties to use the charging facilities iTablet post as well. Lastly, sorry, thirdly bus use. I do appreciate
the points that thanks be making about passenger usage, there are some very positive examples of across across West Yorkshire, particularly in Leeds, where we've got over 6% growth that we talked about the park and rides, but there are also was a growth areas as well and we do recognise there are some challenges, particularly around Brayford patronage at the moment at we're working closely with the Combined Authority, particularly around resource and,
at communications to the public at help encourage bus use.
then, lastly, on service changes just wanted to add that we are introducing our first 24 7 service on the 72 between Leeds and Bradford the next month as well, so that's a very positive
Cllr Annie Maloney - 0:31:23
I think I'll try not to repeat Hardy habit, suggests February is perspective, we've been working quite heavily on restoring brutality and liability into our network so that we can then grow from famous
Transport Operators - 0:31:33
solid base and the punctuality work that's been done on our network so far showing some real signs of success.
seen, on average, around a 10% improvement in neutrality across the the Dépôts where we've done that work, so we've currently done that Whitfield, and we did that in July, sorry, did that may in Wakefield, we did that in July.
I'll carry on, we've got some further work coming in feathers that goes in September as well, and we'll continue that on the rest of our network, but we are making real progress in that regard.
drivers is still a challenge for us. We've got a lot of drivers currently in training and when I checked this morning amid about 47 drivers in training, so to backfill, for that, we do. We have brought in additional drivers from outside of the company in order to make sure that we've got the required resource in order to get those drivers through the training and again that showing real improvements in the in the reliability of our services, we do share the ambition of the Combined Authority to do further enhancements for us, it's about doing it in in stages and manageable undeliverable, because the last thing we want to do is is promised enhancements that we then can't deliver, but we absolutely share the ambition to go further with that and to put more enhancements in place and linked into that, and we are pleased to announce that we are in due for the next 10 from Wakefield to Leeds lobbying, express service, which we know was was popular and was was asked for during the pandemic for that to return, it has taken a slightly different route, but we believe that that would better address the demand and also give access to some areas that don't currently have it.
so that's due to launch in September.
so it's quick update from close to have put a few stuff wise, largely stable.
this proposal
is there it's fully staffed to see ever will be on the, I think, our
Transport Operators - 0:33:34
biggest challenge at the moment, his vehicle parts, particularly from certain suppliers?
it turns the tends to hold us back Network is is fairly stable, we did a number of changes earlier in the year for punctuality reasons, a bit like can give us as explained, particularly Bradford area, which have delivered the punctuality we need.
unfortunately, the the expensive, slowing down the journey time in some cases.
that is, that is where we are decarbonisation, odd depot at Harrogate, which serves elites milk, is this now fully installed with charges, you just need some buses.
so the same people who are not very good at supplied parcel of good at supplying buses on time either, but we hope to have the the vehicles in the which will be serving the Weatherby area in the next few weeks touch wood and Bradford's will follow illion 2025, the electrification of that Depot is is is well advanced, just quite challenging given it was built 60 years ago for vehicles or a lot smaller and a lot less electric, the visa,
and we've also got a batch of 15 hybrid buses coming in which were based in Bradford, but because of both Bradford Leeds services to the airport, which, all things being equal should be in with has November December.
Helen that at the moment, the focus is getting ready for everybody to go back to school in the next couple of weeks, seen as the summer, I think there's been and gone and on that basis, broadly it from us.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:35:22
thank you very much, so, and urgent to say, check property interests a couple of things, firstly, obviously bus interchange backfired, that's coming back from the 20th September Combined authorities needs a bit more time to talk about laughing and, but obviously there's a few and bus in bus station items on this agenda and obviously an issue now Leith molestation just the capacity to actually managed to stay, I think it's really porn just a few comments on that.
and I am, and not for now, really, but obviously there is data and here around a 65 plus now and again.
because I think they've not come back in the same numbers that other passenger groups have come back in, and also there is a little bit of detriment ethnic minority. I wouldn't mind seeing the holdouts are split by ethnic minority experience as well, actually, because just looking at the travel centres, the ethnic minorities satisfactorily trumped centres 49% whereas the general population was 64%. That's quite a big gap is that, and I think we need to see that, as highlighted any other form of transport, so just comments on those and I'm just evidence questions which just thinking about questions. Thank you
it could be a chaise yet or Krombach's so in particular, are so I think, undoubtedly, one of the big.
issues that I've been looking to address, since taking up the role with the the Combined Authority, is around the way in which we
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:36:45
approach assets, there was a report that I took to the last meeting of the Combined Authority that set out a new transport management structure.
for the combined authority, what I'm looking to do through a director recruitment process, there's underway at present is to separate out and therefore make sure that we've got both resourced and managed effectively.
the two aspects of of of assets, so we will shortly have.
a new transport services director joining the team within his function he will oversee amongst a range of other issues.
transport facilities, so, in effect, everything that that applies from shutter up in the morning to shutter down at at the end of business, I'm also currently looking to appoint a new Capital Programme Director within the Capital Programme we will specifically have a have a third work stream alongside our core delivery programme and the partnership working programme that we have in place with local authorities which will be about.
assets, renewal and Asset Life cycle, something that I think has been missing from our compliment, we have recently brought in a new Head of assets.
and I think we're already starting to say some of the dividends of that he's currently given advice to myself and Dave.
around the compliment of of have staff and capability that will need to get properly on top of our assets, because you're absolutely right, it is undoubtedly a growing area for us.
if you can, let us have the data, as all premises 5 plus, and for landlords has that been very useful?
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:38:49
sorry adopt clients on that, just give me it, so I've got cut, we've got Councillor McLoughlin Councillor Molly is a third person who also Councillor Jones, I'll take those three and then we'll go to next week.
thank you very much, Chairman, thank you for all the presentation, so
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin - 0:39:07
I'm gonna speak particularly to item 7 on the agenda, passenger experience report, bus to say, first of all, on behalf of Dudley, that the investment in the bus stations at Huddersfield, Dewsbury and Heckmondwike are extremely welcome. It came as a little bit of a surprise to me that Huddersfield is the fact West Yorkshire is busiest bus station. So having that investment in Dewsbury and Heckmondwike to support Huddersfield manage that Lord will be will be very welcome in the report says that there have been lessons learned from the rebuilding of Halifax bus station and the bus are gonna, help the projects at Dewsbury Huddersfield just wondered what some of those lessons were and how we can expect to benefit from please. So before you answer that Councillor Clarke, that Councillor Molly than Councillor J
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:39:46
thank you Chair, I've got a bee on all reports and a little bit more
Tony McGrath - 0:39:51
so just bear with me, firstly, a river, the Exe 10 will not be run to the detriment of the current 1 10 as somebody who runs through my ward months through a Wakefield it is one that I do see a lot complaints about there is not punctual buses are counselled, and we'll see what this new will on what you know.
I'm just Councillor lots going run with the effects of
we've had the current 1 10 moving on as well, though to bus stations.
this will have made for a river again is very Pam, works or the the leakage out from the roof, and what have you from the bus station there, but moving on a couple of over our bus stations, puncher and Osei are quite an aged now, are there any plans for refurbish of then?
also on, I suppose, inclusive travel, the national concessionary travel scheme. Where will the face-to-face droppings beef and if people need to speak to somebody face-to-face currently can do that within the Council's and our contact centres? Our drop-in centres, our libraries don't currently whether that be with the Combined Authority are run in it. And lastly, on these say the current basic first tranche of pea soup battle, once again there's to services the one out to the wanting to they have not been confirmed, will be able to deliver them services yet was not to do that and on Super bus I don't just taking all work and make sure you can provide services. You have promised to matched up well, we've come through a scenario where where he was up for it, it could live a super bus is meant be launched in October is a massive so that people crying out for Catherine nods at all toffs sorry, we can't do it
I know you can say it recruited drivers came, but we've been saying that for a long time now and things are improving in the worst district for public transport in West Yorkshire.
sorry about that run, Chair plus the work, thank you, Councillor Mark passenger.
minds on the traffic survey, transport turnover.
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin - 0:41:56
very clearly, what you've not asked is what people think when that we come into the call centres and what is at the feedback from that, and I'll opposite particularly bothered about this because at 5.00 in the night first we move their service, we can cut so he can't contact them, Metro go at 8.00, so if you, if you are, must bus does not turn up at half past, say who do you contact? This particularly affects older people or vulnerable on women. This is not acceptable to me and I'm I I have had the the experience without being left five miles from home were about to walk home
because I didn't have we meet ready Kagami, so our I'm we all want to know why this is acceptable, why this has been allowed to carry on. To be honest first on this or why bang up on Friday, by the way, to check my facts, which add the point of waiting 40 minutes for a response by the were on on answering the form and I've got the classic thing from 1st which which has been there for the last 10 years, where we're very busy today we very busy every day and the when, rather than if you care sort through his e-mail, you'll see an e-mail from Mrs, I think you might need some more staff and that's five years ago, so nothing's tunes do a point I would make is on
recruitment and retention Vesey quite recruitment. You've been suddenly for the last eight years that you haven't got enough drivers and adults any difference now now, to be absolutely honest, I think one of the problems you have is because you haven't been able to Rooney reliable services or people have children Suju to drive cars which adds to the congestion. It also adds to the portion of our cities and I think there's a real issue that you may have addressed you. The electric vehicles works will be absolutely honest. What you've not done is not addressed the reliability. Thank you, thank
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:43:50
you. So do you want to take those questions that you asked taken as an onlooker to revert from Councillor Molly date
I'll take the lessons learned first if that's OK around Halifax bus
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:44:01
station, I mean that I haven't got a full list in front of me of all the lessons learnt we got from that perspective side at every single project we do things go well and things don't always go well and Halifax bus station was also the first new major bus station for some time.
we are quite quite a number of issues sorry I've been made aware of around how we how we plan, particularly if I give an example of the transition of having a Lifebus Lifebus operation, we buses moving around it while we are refurbish the bus station and that that presented quite a number of challenges in terms of the phasing we had and how we do it Negga Abdo gonna be absolutely transferable in terms of what we do in in Huddersfield and Dewsbury to minimise both the impact on the travelling public but also to ease any potential disquiet from bus operators because it is an operational challenge for bus operators to do alternative service provision at times during construction.
facade some interesting lessons learned around.
the challenges of making a bus station, it's environmentally friendly or next era as possible, with the green roof in Halifax,
and that's that's blunted challenges, as well as being an overwhelming success, but I think there's quietly there's quite a lot of experience that the project team have picked up in general and as they move off the Halifax project they'll be moving home.
it almost like a sausage machine on to the next projects and be able to have that continuity and consistency of staff working on those projects with the lessons are learned from it, they're the big wins as far as I'm concerned from Halifax and shortest shoulders plenty more
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:45:33
certainly and certainly recruitment question and answering an efficient effective up in the evening.
so I think if we are, I think there are some really important
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:45:43
observations that he might Councillor Jones around how we provide the right.
support for for travellers, lightened to leave now and know that there are some at some agreed arrangements in place through through the customer Charter, so what we're going to suggest is that we, we take that away, just set out nice and clearly for members what arrangements are in place at the moment just spoke, passengers into the evening included.
including the last service.
issue and above right round members with with some further information on that point, probably most appropriate for operators to to address the driver recruitment issue, I just wondered whether you want to pick off the at the bus station issues while look, I've got the microphone,
so I'll I'll let keep coming up and Whitefield as well. Clearly, one of the issues that are, I'm sure Cynwyl will raises that discussions are now starting between ourselves and Arriva around the future ownership model for Wakefield bus station, as is quite unusual at present in that is currently in a RIPA ownership. Clearly, as part of our Asset Programme in preparation for bus franchising, we are in discussion with Arriva about how that now joins the stock, so will pick up through those discussions with Kim and colleagues, the the issue of of the roof at the the two examples of contracts and a Nasa are great examples of exactly why I'm looking to put this
asset lifecycle model in place so that, as a member of the Transport Committee, you can start to understand the state of our operating assets overtime and that that that and make sure that we got an orderly process in terms of how we're bringing forward are our assets for either refurbishment or renewal through the capital programme.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:47:51
can you can I get to a rather than just to take them as a Councillor Morley's comments about x 10 Super bus and bus station?
yes, thank you, Chair,
if I can just cover the bus station piece first, so Whitechapel
Cllr Annie Maloney - 0:48:01
station, as as I'm sure you're aware, has been problematic with the roof, and we have spent many tens of thousands pounds on on fixing the
Transport Operators - 0:48:12
roof to prevent that from happening and fundamentally the design of the drainage in the station is a challenge and we're trying we've got some specialist at the moment looking at how we could redesign the drainage in order to overcome that challenge, but it is more than just roof repairs and but it absolutely isn't already Darwin and something that we're looking at.
the the x 10 and the Super bus pieces are a kind of intrinsically linked. So, as I mentioned earlier, we've been doing a lot of work around neutrality and Wakefield and Castleford in particular, of benefits at the most from that so far, but what that has meant is, as Paul alluded to Eliot, traffic patterns have changed. So we have had to put more resource into our services just a standstill, so we've had to put in extra buses and extra drivers just to maintain the existing timetable without being able to enhance it. So all of the recruitment activity that we've been doing in the build-up to Super bus has been swallowed up in that punctuality work and and that's extra cost to us as a business, but it was necessary and we had to move on foot or punctuality forward, so that's why we we went on track, but then, once we've done, the punctuality work that showed us that we have to be invest, that was us into the existing network before we enhance it.
and that was a very considered decision, I've been absolutely clear with my team that we're not going to commit to enhancing our services when we talk deliberate, we will only commit to enhancing what we think we can't deliver, and the extent is one of those.
in relation to the to the detriment of the 1 10 as I'm sure you appreciate Councillor Molly the 1 10 is obviously as route in the whole of West Yorkshire so essentially if that service suffers as a result of any driver or vehicle shortages in effect we're shooting ourselves in the foot, it's our busiest services that service that cabbies' most people and therefore generates the most revenue, so it is absolutely not in our interest and for that service to be impacted.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:50:09
so, yes, and I've just what the Dr recruitment thing as well to the MA personal or take an interest in that over the years and a still seems to be an issue, so you know what are the operates is doing about that and obviously the Mayor, I'm sure will help with a call for for action but what else is happening on that and get a brand new jobs to come in on that?
thank you, Chair, yes, to specifically address that point and Councillor Jones back customer complaints, so-called was picked up on
Transport Operators - 0:50:42
the issue of recruitment first ball retention, so I think it is the committee will be aware many councils have been in touch on this subject over recent years when we exited COVID that we had a significant issue across the sector not just in West Yorkshire but across the UK R and I think operators as well as First put significant effort into in that round one and that's been done in partnership as you say, Chair with the Combined Authority. So I mentioned the route to success programme earlier that has helped take people
into pre-interview process so that they get that opportunity for an interview with operators and that has helped to encourage numbers, we've also looked carefully at not just recruitment but retaining staff as well, so making sure that our facilities are improved, making sure that shift patterns are reviewed so that we can retain as well as recruit.
the the other area, particularly that we've been looking at, is apprenticeship programme as well, so reviewing the whole training process, so the whole end to end process for for recruitment and retention, nothing has been has been reviewed and nothing that is reflected now
in in certainly some of our operators performance in terms of being being fully staff now, but that we kept stop taking the the fourth off gas' because we've we've got to now make sure we can continue to to recruit and retain and work together to add to attract people the industry and I think in addition to that we were looking at increasing diversity are so that more of our drivers reflects the travelling public as well and that helped attract to attract staff as well, so there are a lot of initiatives going on we are taking extremely seriously and investing in in the business.
lifelong learning centres, for example with our partners Unite Union, another area that we're looking to use to to recruit and retain staff as well, so
a lot of work has been done and it is now demonstrating successful that when we were we not not stopping that focus.
just briefly Kim.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:52:50
Cllr Annie Maloney - 0:52:53
yeah, I echo anything band consisting entirely just one thing I would add to that is that our challenge isn't so much attracting people now it's actually getting them through the training, so the licence acquisition and we are engaged with three external providers to add capacity, on top of our own extent internal provider, to to get more people through that follow processes as soon as quick as soon as we
Transport Operators - 0:53:15
can at the minute people who were offering jobs to part start until October because of that training backlog.
so that's all biggest challenge at the moment, it's interesting,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:53:24
though, and if, if it can of the operatic sorry, I've forgotten employer
thank you Chair, so at Brandon and covered, with the successful again, just to echo that the Mayor was B. The grit supportive. That's that's across much of the north of England now it not stood here in West
Transport Operators - 0:53:43
Yorkshire well would see for us would seek busy. Is the trade body week collate shortage figures on behalf of the whole industry and liaise with the F T? So outside London that's below 5% now, and but just on the process point Kim mentioned, there is issues around around that process so that you cannot start training or a Dr or potential Dr until a provisional licence, and that's a hold-up, so the D F T have been consulting over the summer and I will request that is something which yeah outcome. If it goes the way that we hope it will will mean that we can streamline the process but still deliver the same quality and also that consultation process include elements surround younger drivers in the system. So there's a lot of work, but free during of operators influenced the trip body with the F T in government. OK,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:54:38
thank you in an atlas, and wish her comment, Authority to have sight is that actually, if there's something that on the day of teammates to have a view on that is going to help, the industry had got Councillor Cole chasm, I just briefly to come back on just one of the questions of hasn't been answered. When it comes down to the national
Tony McGrath - 0:54:51
concessionary travel scheme, where will the face-to-face droppings? They will need to speak to somebody be.
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:54:58
OK, as part of the transition to new moving in house, and we have now written to each of the the teams in the existing teams in the districts, so they can brief members on the arrangements that are in place. My understanding is that there will be provision for that within the districts and not be that information should flow through to ensure districts individually, but not yet OK. That's only recent unmet, I'll ensure that happens, so I I think, is I think it's a back
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:55:21
office change, I don't think it is the eighth, not the passenger shouldn't no passenger
lastly, I think it is yeah OK, fine because I've had a briefing breakfast, everybody needs to make sure that they know how the transition is gonna, work, internal in the round and castles pianos Özcan odd show that certainly started our travel centres are still
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:55:43
still available to to to our boys passengers so Councillor C I just
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:55:47
say NB indicating from our questions to the operators Councillor Firth.
right, Councillor Courtenay.
Cllr Sarah Courtney (Calderdale Council) - 0:55:58
thank you so trickles down in line with other districts of West Yorkshire, in the interests of sustainable socioeconomic development, the surveys.
we hope that the service can drive action into developing public transport. To the question is how do we get more people on to our buses? We need more people to use bus services. I've made a few notes from sorry for peers. I'm rooting out. We need more pupils to use bus services for the importance of our population health. We've gotten national health crisis and being more active is one of the sort of nearest thing to a silver bullet that we've got to help people's health, which were then help public finances generally. It's also important for air quality, public health, road safety, its public health issue. There is a need to reduce carbon emissions and, as a major driver for economic growth. We know that a bus, you know, people using public transport, it's really important. We've got fewer people commuting by public transport in West Yorkshire thing that's it's the it's the lowest, that's the lowest amount of people commuting using public transport in the country I think any way is is not great.
so reliability is obviously a big factor, as well as the service reach and frequency. Over-reliance on cars increases congestion increases. Air pollution causes a decrease in road surface quality, which means more road repairs, which means more delays, and this is particularly disadvantaged people who have lower household incomes or who don't drive. So if we want to have an inclusive economy that works for everyone, we need to encourage people to get out of their cousins public transport. Now we've had co service services cut in the Upper Calder Valley recently because they're not commercially viable, but one of the questions about that is about. How do you know what the passenger numbers are if we don't have date, how is data collected if we don't have like a tap on top of if someone's using a bus pass had you know, they're getting on in Halifax, how do you know where they get enough again?
if they get enough in Hebden Bridge, they get enough on top of don't know they're going through to Rochdale, there's not that instrument had you collect them.
tap on top of, or having so between all of you, as bus companies. Can you were, you know, have you got plans to work together, including including with services, the cross Transport Authority borders because cross barrier cross ticketing cross authority ticketing with you, so help, and and and you know, and if people, if people have got to now get off a bus in Hebden Bridge to get on another bus to gets taught, McDonald gets Rochdale, then you know we don't want them to have inspired more than 1 1 to kit, but the big question is what can we do to get it?
to drive people back onto buses, and you know it's like you cite commerciality, but actually it's a, it's a chicken and egg, isn't it, and we can't week with wanting people to get back up back on public transport in our borough because we because of all of the reasons that I've mentioned, but without those commercially viable services and obviously we you know we do have to subsidise that, but it's like you know we need, we need you to work with us on that, so
you know, what can we do, thank you, Councillor, got here here, Councillor Firth.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 0:59:06
Cllr Sarah Courtney (Calderdale Council) - 0:59:10
thank you.
yeah, this is relevant, operates and to WYCA got a couple of
Cllr Caroline Firth - 0:59:17
questions, some first is, the data shows that we've got more electronic displays than other regions, yet satisfaction scores are falling, so why do I think that is and does it mean that electronic time this was aren't fit for purpose in West Yorkshire and my other sort of question and comment is around safety of women.
obviously the status of horrific and women don't feel safe using public transport at night, so I know from the report that we're gonna look more closely into this, but we need to find out if it's perception of fact come and look at crime figures.
but what, or why could the police operators under the authority is going to do about this, and how are we capturing specific concerns from women because that data is not qualitative and I were working on these issues and, crucially,
are we putting in interventions and who's paying, because if we just asking the questions and not got the money to pay for those interventions, what is the point of doing the work?
so we have to have the budget between us to make this better for women because we're disenfranchised, can all the data be broken down by gender and ethnicity trend understand it better, so I see the access to a car isn't gender specific that I could see in the pack and with no general that women have less chance of access to cause the men across the whole of society and my final point is that the teams doing this deep dives one will look around this room.
women and ethnic minorities are underrepresented and without being ruled, would not want white men making policy and assumptions, because you can listen in here, but you don't understand, so we need people who are working on these policies to actually get it as to implement them as well. So I just want assurance on that, that that is the case and that you've thought about that, because women shoulder all sorts of caring responsibilities after go from one place to another to
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:01:15
another. Integrated transport is more important to women. I would
Cllr Caroline Firth - 1:01:19
argue the men on that basis, so just one in assurances from operators and WYCA, the all those points are being considered and will be worked on
thank you, Councillor Penny,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:01:29
package or a brute question about to a bus stations, particularly
Cllr Andrew Pinnock - 1:01:35
small boss versions. We have over the years, have probably for tacky molestation and anti-social behaviour, and the I mean I was moved to ask that question. When the officer talking about staffing now it might not be possible to staff small bus stations, but what I'm really, what what I really don't know is presumably there are various CCTV in all the small bus stations or
am I barking up the wrong tree on that point?
and if there is, is it monitored?
so that so that people can actually see what, Sir, what's going on, because it it you know, I don't know about other small consultations by the, but certainly we we have had an issue along those lines. The other point I wanted to make is what I think is a very good news story. I was going to talk to the river representative afterwards, but this concerns passes between Cleckheaton, another split
something I'd been going on about ever since I've been on the Council Onkar, please, for various reasons the route used to go or is at the moment going.
through Roberttown and goes Barker Keaton believe it ought not to get to Huddersfield which, personally, I think there's a rather long winded route.
Arriva are now proposing to extend the 2 5 4 route from Cleckheaton to break out to Huddersfield.
which will and increase the frequency, and are I you know, I want to offer three chairs or even more chairs for that, because we're both parts of the same authority and you would you would think it would be useful to have a frequent and reliable I hope bus service between the the two parts of it so that,
people, for example, there are people in Cleckheaton, whose children go to Greenhead College in Eldersfield, who can't very easily get there now, on September that from September, the first sorry September, and the second was that so too are Monday there'd be able to catch a bus to this field and get to school on time, so I I I want to offer a
of a big cheer for that I don't it might not need any comments, but
there are all sorts of issues, sorry, I will obviously I was going to say there's one of the reasons why I'd never thought this was going to happen was because the bus route between Brickhouse and Huddersfield is almost entirely first, and I suspected I don't know whether Arriva and First kind of
carve out different areas may not have wanted to trespass on each other's territory on, and I could be totally wrong up that that, but
if if it produces a frequent service between clunky and Huddersfield and, incidentally, also to break out some others feel then I'm gonna
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:04:58
be very happy OK, so I will say at his I noted praise for Aretha.
and I just concentrate on your question about anti-social behaviour and bus station CCTV, so I am going to go first of all to Helen Ashley to tell us about how to increase patronage cover that is obviously that that is the exam question of it that Councillor Kotla was getting that and obviously obesity is very much part of that but just a brief list or to the trust that question thank you thank you and I think
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:05:21
this is a number of things which were doing at the moment around can have around looking at how we can ultimately increase captain urgent
the the broader area on those around the Local Transport Plan and just kind of how we can make sure that our policy environment makes the bus more attractive to use and can of how people can feel that, as part of a transport network will be, they want to use them and, as you rightly note, the bus is part of our as is' can have a core part of our public transport offer, but is the main part of our public transport offer, and so it is something that we know really do need to focus on diversity and three flats with the area. Aside from that, we are obviously delivering BSF and was we've talked about previously. We are delivering one of the largest research settlements or a country and a big area of that as run-making, making the bus more accessible on fair basis, but also on the network side. So so there's some, there's some things went, but crucially it's around that wider policy environment and how we make sure that the bus is situated within that integrated transport network.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:06:25
so that we could do obviously do a whole meeting on that by the interest boo will just go on to a cross-border they've done to so about a cross-border.
the people. How do we make it possible freehold across the border in
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:06:37
services, for network? They just want short. We have been working
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:06:41
closely through the West Yorkshire fixing company limited to establish where the opportunities exist. In particular, I think the translator, for us as a good example where, when we, when we do of services which how it which cross into it as and surrounding areas, I think the challenges is how far into surrounding areas the cross-border initiatives need to go, and I think Paul might be best placed to meet her to talk about that in a minute risk upon Paul a little bit on the spot.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:07:09
I think transit wanted to come in at such as you know, I was going to say something else, but yet on that one first yeah, we do provide that link between the owners of number of links between West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester and yes, sometimes we have to recognise that.
people's travel patterns don't necessarily fits the boundaries.
particularly in your area, where some people resent what county they live in, still as well, totally there's a focus of history and it's in
Transport Operators - 1:07:40
this yeah, there's nothing is a bit of work to be done to on some of those boundaries to to live their, I remember we've got particular issues with.
the way we did resolve a number of years ago where,
students you're going to school at Todmorden High School, who lived in Burnley
could qualify for the bus pass ID card that was required to get back on the bus in the afternoon and daft things like that get get sorted thankfully.
the the one thing I was just going to to mention was on the the the growing growing passenger numbers in in Calderdale, in particular wow. This is alluded to earlier that the new bus station is now open fully and all services are in the this does present after the summer holidays. The opportunity for us to start talking to people about the positivity of getting into Halifax again or all our communications really for the last three years have been about disruption and change a new buses going from a different place. Yes, they're still roadworks associated with or the six to nine scheme, but
that there are not so also immediately week, we need to use the I sought the Calderdale.
partnership meetings now just be to talking through how we can. We can build customer numbers. Upset. Similar conversations have been happening at the Bradford meetings now with say, actually, how do we are, how do we start re-engage with people? Now the city centre work in Bradford is largely complete and getting people in their so yeah. I think that there is a hopefully stability now in Halifax in particular, and we can use that to build if you build those numbers back up and make sure, with with talking to people, about the positivity of getting into the the town rather than the
the disruptions that we've we've had to make necessarily to deal with the bus station, hopefully that reassures thank you, sir, them can
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:09:38
just move to an extra time, displays and safety of women Jonathan
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:09:47
yeah certainly, so that that there are a number of really well made points at, I think, where we are in terms of the the electronic time displays, setting aside some of the issues that we've got into two goats buses.
is is that I I would advised the Committee that don't believe that there are real asset.
the issue is around us making sure the therein asset that we can fully utilise, so what what they, what they demonstrate very clearly to the public is one a service doesn't run just as much as when a service does rub, and so the information systems is only as good as the service that it represents and I think the issue is about us getting the reliability into the service so that we can really capitalise on.
the electronic.
information system stabbed because of the otherwise, it's, it's at least partially redundant, isn't it in terms of what what what we really wanted to be able to achieve, but
no, it's a very good point and we should, which we should specifically ask if we should specifically ask, is, it's a, it's it's, it's a very, very good point, which cannot takes me on to you substantive point, which is absolutely,
the the right point is the transport industry, two white and too male, yet
on undoubtedly.
it is, I think, where we'd benefit.
in West Yorkshire is there is very strong political leadership that isn't white or male, including the Chair of the Committee and and including the mare, who are both very, very keen to to hold middle aged white man, quite rightly to account in terms of was not planned in the system through throughout I'll lived experience but also,
it is around the recruitment policies that we apply as the Combined Authority, and we are very, very serious in in in in our attempt in that regard, not just recruitment but also development as well, so one of the things that certainly I'm very pleased.
about as an organisation
the number of
young, talented women who we are promoting.
through the organisation and who will definitely be the leaders of the organisation in the future, and that can only be
a good thing, or the other thing that I would stress is one of the very, very successful elements of of beset is is the introduction of the dedicated piece PE PCSOs team that we've now got in place around the transport system, positively coordinated.
by a very talented young female colleague.
it in in the organisation or one of the elements that were very, very keen to make sure that we can secure a long time a long-term revenue base for, is the maintenance of of that presence, because there's no doubt that a a a presence around the system is one of those elements that that really helps to build confidence back into the system.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:13:28
thank you and then just anti-social behaviour within Apple sessions.
year, leading on from Simon's point, Councillor Pinnock, race
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:13:33
questionnaire social behaviour, absolutely right, they got they are monitored by CCTV and we do respond quickly to incidents as they arise, it's interesting the linked to the Safer travel Team each time just refer to supplemented with those PCSOs which were funded through through admits initiatives a year or so ago fully trained and operational.
we deploy them across the whole of West Yorkshire, also in the in in recent months we've appointed or created an additional two bus station manager posts, recognising the lack of resilience, we both happened in our team and existing bus stations but also needs to have more roving bus station managers to keep a close eye on those more remote sites which are on staffed on the CCTV is monitored as well, I think in answer to your question,
to pull it back, to work to a real example of that this to this around this time last year re probably acutely aware of the issues we had to offset bus station, where the bus operator was, quite rightly threatening to pull out of serving it due to the levels of anti-social behaviour due to a joint operation involving ourselves, PCSOs and and the River we we gotten got it to the point where I think it was reported in local press a crime that never been so low in also generally in the following period a little bit stretch made me but,
but all the same, a successful operation and will have no qualms about about doing similar as assets arise is going forward, we haven't had the same levels of anti-social behaviour of in recent months in of that nature that we were not sitting up in reporting through to me but we are responding quickly to them.
the so I'm gonna, completed the bus sited at Castle from very briefly,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:15:11
I am very brief question and very brief answer, very, very brief, question it just a positive thing to say thank you to officers for
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin - 1:15:15
listening to the conversation we had about the passenger charter last time, including the key fobs indicate around accessibility. I think that's a welcome addition and thank you for listening and doing that work that wants to that and I just had not the it's actually a quick wash your head,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:15:28
so that's good, so, and what the apprentice waving at me.
can you make it very brief, because what we'd needs have got rail colleagues waiting patiently?
Cllr Annie Maloney - 1:15:41
absolutely thank you and just one quick point for a record, there is no calling at the bus market, it's actually illegal for us to do that, so I do feel the need to deliver a fairly quick and I think,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:15:50
and just I absolutely echo, the Safer travel Partnership have been
Cllr Annie Maloney - 1:15:54
really welcomed by both our customers and our staff, so thank you for that, the one thing I just did want to come back on was in relation to the comments about what more could this committee due to support the bus network and to support modal shift, and we've we've got the FEZ initiatives the operates as a heavily working on reliability and punctuality in the background,
but the one thing that makes the bus and attractive mode of transport is speed of journey, and that is something that this Committee can directly influence, regardless of what model the bus industry has
Transport Operators - 1:16:22
operated under that fundamentally has to be improved if you want to generate modal shift,
which means bus lanes and parking, thank you Chair, just just very
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:16:34
briefly on group, what keeps would benefit the survey results, tell us that reliability and punctuality are focus areas for us.
Transport Operators - 1:16:45
the report recommendation to set up a working group is really welcome, and there's also referenced in their 2 sharing data, so as as operators that want to fix these hotspot issues, and whether there is any need for further dates, are all working more closely together, we'd absolutely welcome the opportunity to do that.
secondly, am the customer complaints that Councillor Jones raise, I'll come back directly on those issues that you've you've raised specifically and an answer those points.
and on the violence against women and girls are issue. There was a question about whether operators are supportive, absolutely, though, in fact, I is a combined operator Agreement with the confederation of passenger Transport to to address this, and it's a, it's a national issue. That's actually being addressed a conference next week, and we are very hopeful that out of that will come procedures, processes and actions that will directly influence that issue because we absolutely accept it's it's something we need to address and on real-time displays. Simon mentioned just briefly
although cancellations are a very small proportion of of our service.
what we do recognise that where there is a cancellation, we need to make sure that is absolutely on the real time display there's been a huge amount of work going into making sure that happens both manually on through automation processes and in fact next month were trialling an and automation process that will make sure that there is a back-up there for that manual intervention as well to improve that liability.
thank you, and I just bring Councillor Cowell just afternoon, leads on
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:18:27
buses Forest across West Yorkshire, just to end this item.
thank you are branded mentions a little bit, so I was going to
Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee - 1:18:34
actually which which was just to pull out, I guess it comes back to Councillor Courtney's question a bit Councillor first as well around.
from the survey, what we have got in this report that ruin endorsing, is a couple of points that we brought out the the main, and Brandon mentioned that there, really, in the reliability and punctuality what you see through our although survey results is that if you're bus didn't turn up, or if it wasn't on time, then that covers your whole view of the bus journey and the bus experienced that you've had one is the biggest bone of contention for passengers, so that's the thing we're really looking deeply into. We all have a part to play in that we we
his councillors is about the highways authority that look after the road network, but also then we've got operators with their driver issues and various other things through, so that's things that were key to having a working group to identify exactly where those issues are coming in to solve and the other point that's going into that is that point around safety, people on bus, especially women and girls, because there is obviously a huge number of people that are choosing not to use the bus network at the moment and we can't afford to not have those passengers on the bus in to make sure everyone feels safe here there to keep its were endorsing out of the survey, and I think I think they are the real key ones. We want to work on the the more difficult bits to work on, but now is the time that we have to focus on those rare
that goes back to Councillor Jones point about not being able to
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:19:52
heaven portrait o'clock in anything does not really, as we get to get the fundamentals right, so with that, obviously it most of the reports that we've talked about for noting but as Councillor Cowell says that the transport survey headlines does have some recommendations in 3.8 there I'm happy to recommend those as Councillor Cahal to second, those can I see all those in favour, please show.

8 Developing the West Yorkshire Bus Network

9 Passenger Experience Report - Rail

thank you very much. That is carried, so now we've had our rail police waiting patiently, thank you very much for your patients will go to passenger experienced port rail Dave you want to just briefly outlined its reports with Reddit, I'll try and try to do quite briefly consider
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:20:28
the time report covers, it covers a lot of ground here. It talks about the the growth compared to last year. Is that Northern of reported, interestingly coach pick-up or an electoral market being strongly 70% of their revenue now, which is quite a shift? Real shift from framework was pre-pandemic, commuting used to used to dominate
but there have been. This is against a backdrop of service delivery issues, around cancellation, roots and suppressed demand and strikes as well over this period, very positively transparent and express a much overall improved position from this time last year, I think for 4 June on June, figures is probably about a third up and where it was, as you know, that shows that they're certainly stabilising a position from where we're at and transparent. We will be able to to come into that tasks required, moving forward posted positively on in Section 3.7 reference again around inclusivity of travel. A trial is taking place around activation of the gates at Leeds, the trail station for blind person's a very small trial, but important nonetheless, to see how how that
how that goes in terms of network service changes next timetable changes in December, there's not many significant changes but the most significant to those properties around TransPennine Express again where that year, long temporary timetable reduced timetables come to an end as a certain 3.9 relating to some improvements in services of route return of services on those routes to to previous levels in three times highlighted.
a live issue around some 24 timescale timetable on the York punch for punch at Park Hill Sheffield routes where Sunday services have seemingly been removed without consultation, that's that's a live issue at the moment, so we are awaiting a response from from round of partnership and others around where we get to on that in terms around network performance moving forward to about 3 16 that, as I said to have been in the industry wide challenges.
have been some punctuates, neutrality, declines
but also significant Bruins fit for transplant on network while north-east has worsened, so so it's up for Whalen down for the other cancellations on Northern Europe transparent down overall I'm Northern haven't been happy making use of increased what's called P coding, which is short term coating of services.
demonstrating the probably around 8% of Northern services not operating North and have a plan in place to deal with this, which they can. They can no doubt report around and challenges around Sunday staffing remaining critical, but also I think it does say again and 3 21 the measures that are being put in place to to improve the resilience within the rail network, which are which are very significant and important. These issues, which highlighted quite life issue around the Aslef strikes album such as an accident, may have actually changed since I've the position where attention since I wrote this text a week or so ago, but hopefully they'll be some improvements in terms of issues around diversity, working what that means in terms of the district situations.
finally, passenger network enhancements in relation to transparent route upgrade some very, very positive engagement with the same, it's fair to say, and positive engagement through the Member working groups in terms of site visit that took place in July, a further site visit is planned for November. Information will be supplied to members in the room here if they wish to partake in that this had not yet decided where it's going to be, but it has been significant work over the summer in the Morley area and slots and Deighton Huddersfield Dewsbury leads at weekends and
between Leeds and York on Sundays during June and July, the next big piece of work relates to Castleton British on the Calder Valley Line area, that we are blocking up blockade or block for 18 days with an alternative route through Diggle route notion of the rail network and listen to the upcoming closes, a link to sorry is provided in 3 34 for information,
I think finally, I'll just flagged as part of the tram project system, some great community work taking place for the community fund identified and showed 3.3 5 with projects within five miles of the route being being eligible for funding.
that's the key issues for me,
okay them, shall we move on to the operates as then we've got Northern
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:24:48
T P Network Rail them on that we're not wearing approach and so Network Rail, George put top first and biggest approaches opening remarks, you are happy to a new home so I am responsible for the
Adam Hunt, Committee Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:25:02
three-year programme so we'll talk about that so until you comfortably the largest enhancement in the north of England at really a generational programme, and we are now fully mobilised as a programme
Transport Operators - 1:25:14
so employing around 5,000 people across the north of England, so it's moving at pace.
a huge amount of work going on, if you get on the train 7 between here and Huddersfield, you see some of the largest civil Engineering and sites in the north of England, if not the UK seminar on a boat in a new 400 metre long viaduct it would take for tracking from Dewsbury all the way to Huddersfield so that's really positive for us.
we ran our first electric train, which is our someone, Koki output to get up at 1.00, was about in the and and improving the diversion routes.
and that ran from Manchester Victoria to steer the British as the first stage of electrification for seven miles of 70 miles, so that's a very positive for us.
we, as I said, we've got lots of works when you go to Huddersfield station. That's one of the most complex pieces of work, several we remodelling this station and and changing modernising campus canopy. While I was keeping that cost 1 musty boating in the conditioner, as so, that's a really important for us for point of view of people on social value, we're beating are both apprenticeship targets and our graduate targets at the moment, and we have. Over 85% of people in the programme, are now employed within 40 miles, so a very high levels of employment and and as those funds we will sort of the D F T funding for the main works we've created. A number of funds means that we don't just do the main works, but we can do all the little bits in between. So yes, we've got the Community Fund and we've also got a 3 million pound first and last mile fund, which is all about. Can people actually link-up between the new stations were voting and the new facilities.
and things like cycle routes, canal pathways and general footpath pathways and making sure the Environment as good, so people actually want to come to the station and then 100 million pound Station fund make sure that when we finished as pupils actually have a truly modern railway across the HRA and not just lots of nice and expensive MeToo and concrete all over the place, so we operate proud of what we term around plan we're on budget and that's going pretty well. Thank you
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:27:28
very much were very pleased to have the investment TPM show Eric
Councillor Eric Firth and cover letters as very good, and that's all there TransPennine upgrade with Chris Jackson.
High. Yet Chris Jackson margin directed transparent express, hopefully that's not to echoey, and you can hear me OK, that was good report. I thank you very much. I would just like to echo it's a massive infrastructure programme is transparent route, so great the second biggest after NHS to some of the biggest in the North, and if anyone would like to see it from a drivers, I perspective just let me know afterwards, more than happy to accommodate you in a cap between York and Manchester, you can just see the extent of the work is quite
Transport Operators - 1:28:05
phenomenal square experiences up
so if it's all right chef quick 3 minute quick fire just to give you a few stats about TransPennine Express, but also build on them to give you the latest business outlook. So 2,500 people are employed by TransPennine Express either directly or through our partners. Stable, well-paid employment across the North and into Scotland and to build on the point about diversity were making good strides so much more to do. 26% of our employees are female. Believe it or not. That's actually quite a good stat for train operating companies which shows that we need to do much more but are well on track in that space.
we grow in passenger numbers which shows linked to what you've written down in your report, Dave with a stable, reliable operation which we've been offering over the last 14 months, were growing at 11% passenger numbers year on year, which is quite phenomenal it's sector-leading actually and we expect to transport around 25 million passenger journeys at this year we've got 308 carriages in our fleet and we're gonna be reinstating.
our services in December, as you are referenced in the report and costs for West Yorkshire in particular. That means four trains an hour fast trains, an hour between Leeds and Manchester, leaving at double over 15 13 45 pasty, Joel from 0 600 to 2000, and also particularly important for where I preside Castleford, is getting an hourly service as his Normanton Wakefield through to York and into Manchester. So that's great improvements in connectivity. That means 12% improvement in seats available on a daily basis or equates to 1,300 additional seats and per day. So we're well on track to deliver on our commitment to reinstate and the timetable. In December. 70% of our customers are leisure, customers were wholly reliant on subsidy to operate 12 pence subsidy per passenger mile, which is quite significant. But if there's one stat, vegan remember from my update today, please take this one away. Don't just see us as a cost centre for every 1 pound invested in transplant and express it generates for Pound in wider economic return
so we know, when acutely aware of the value that we can offer to grow the economy of the North and of course we're making some good progress against our recovery plan which and all Councillor Hinchcliffe has been living and breathing them over the last few months we still reliant on Wednesday working, which is an agreement we have with us left, we have the agreement until March next year and we need that to clear the backlog of driver training that was one of the
core problems at transplant and faced but well on track to address that driver training backlog by the early part of next year and of course that allows us to reinstate our timetable in December, where a key partner in the transplant and routes upgrade programme, along with Northern and we've got an order in for 29 brand, new trains will be assessing those bids later on this year. We specified the drains, we know what on Northern demographic want to need, so we've specified them rather than traditionally there'd been specified far removed from the North. So and we're really excited about what that will look like and they'll be rolled out by the back end of the decade, a kneels work that he's mentioned is gonna mean quite a bit of disruption between now and the end of the decade. So around 160 days per year, trains will be sent on a diversion re route away from the core network. But we're doing our best and we're well on track to keep passengers bottoms on train seats rather than bus seats, as much as we possibly can, and of course, that's part of the training programme that we've got to make sure that our drivers and conductors can drive over their diversion routes, and we're making good progress in that space, so really exciting business to be part of we've still got a lot to do. We've got a plan, and particularly my next priority is to address some of our restrictive Dr at terms and conditions, and I'm eager to get in the negotiating room with us left to move some of those forwards because that does hinder. We've don't have the flexibility to deploy drivers, as we would like to just to use a few data points. Finally to support what I've said, net promoter score, which is a measure of customer sentiment that sits at plus 11 for us a transplant and express which is the highest it's ever been. That's been at that level for two consecutive periods,
and complaints from customers are also at their lowest level on record, so I think customers out there, starting to see the transformation and was slowly starting to rebuild trust and confidence in travelling with transparent express thanks. Thank you very much and
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:32:21
certainly I think we all welcome instability in TransPennine Express and look forward to the restoration of services that we we've lost her in January cover a period, so thank you very much for that at Northern John's mentioned, Ilkley, when you are
police have all come through which pass by all cliches are located
Transport Operators - 1:32:39
there to satisfy reduced pale playing, Bradford, of course.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:32:43
I think to echo Chris's point, there are lots of good things happening
Transport Operators - 1:32:47
in the railway, we tend to focus on the performance, absolutely accept that because we want to deliver a good product to customers, and I think, like Albus colleagues, an unreliable service isn't a good service toll.
on some of the challenges that we face.
leisure travel, as Dave alluded to in report, is the 70% of our business currently, where we do struggle is the Sundays outside of the working week for a lot of our colleagues, and I think one thing to request is that the reform package is essential for the railways not just for the driver terms and conditions of employment before I conductor fraternity also who do not have Sundays within their working week.
good news on the Aslef.
position for industrial action there has been an offer, I'm sure everybody has seen that on the ballot goes out this week, so we should know by the end of the month whether that's been accepted, we're hopeful that a deal will be accepted and that ends the industrial dispute with drivers for now.
as for rest day working, unfortunately, we don't have a rest day, working agreement passed the end of August and we're working really hard with as left to try and reinstate or agree a new deal.
while that does mean is that impacts on our ability to train our people, and we currently within our business of 7,845 driver training days?
within the East region, which affects colleagues in this room, 1,230 of those within within the yeast, the great news is from December 23, we've delivered 1906 days within the east, so when we have the rest they're working agreement we can deliver some brilliant training numbers.
if our people are productive and I'm can do the full aspects of their jobs, their availability increases, as you can imagine.
a point and deal with the with a PE coding in the east, we do not pickled, we've done a couple of times over over the last year, that's the west side of our business, predominantly on the figures that you see within our website contained P coding numbers, sorry very transparent and that sometimes it feels like hidden cancellation, however, our website is transparent and does offer the details for P coding.
some great news and again for for Councillor Hinchcliffe.
our education season tickets offer up to 50% off for students and encourage everybody, all the Councillors in the room to speak to your school fraternities, they are superb value for for families and, as I say, up to 50% of one of the great news stories is we've just secured one of 220 season tickets at Ilkley grammar school.
teaches young people to learn behavior about buying before they get on a train, so you know ticketless travel is reduced, so again I'd really encourage people in the room to speak to your education, colleagues.
on ticketless travel D F T estimate 240 million pounds of lost revenue per annum, which taxpayers burden Northern, had just recorded a 3% across our business ticketless travel which is exceptionally good within East region, 2.0 1 so can really really good news.
ship. The dapper has been announced, and I think the Chair was there. That's 100 million pound investment in West Yorkshire and again that's gonna bring apprenticeship, jobs and new opportunities for people of West Yorkshire and I think that should be applauded. And finally, on the Ilkley, this is regarding the off peak is I didn't experiments are
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:36:38
proposed, so obviously the reduced him to add to throughout and one train per hour after the pandemic, and we are trying to get it back to, and obviously I spoke to Rail North this week as well about that, and we need to have a further meeting to see how else we might be able to provide that service within your operating parameters. So it's probably worth another meeting on it. I don't think we would agree
Transport Operators - 1:36:58
with that Chair on the subsidy and Chris mentioned that you know we need to see it as an opportunity. But Northern's average subsidy is 42 pounds per passenger per mile
so, as you can see that and that that does equate to a huge amount of money from a subsidy point of view, but the economic value of 4 pounds for every pound spent, it is great value and I think we have to see public service in that light, however, we need to protect the taxpayers' pounds.
and then, finally, I think, on the current performance, the numbers mentioned in there at 6% for the East region last period were recorded for point 1% of cancellations with 80.1 at a time three and 97.9 at times 15 we have arrested a work in agreement currently and you can see,
the delivery of performance improved significantly. When we do have rest day working, it's essential for the railways is probably essential for more businesses. And again, you know if you are in conversation to encourage that to continue would be helpful. Thank you. Thank you very much. And Adult be a queue of people wanting to go
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:38:10
and Transpennine Express to go into camp, think probably as well. Actually it's added if you want to share that burden of at Inter in Northern as well. Actually, but I think I'll Sophie nods when that went round the FSA Councillor Mowat, Councillor McLoughlin and Councillor Steele,
thank you Chair, just to comment, though, on the service, out to
Tony McGrath - 1:38:29
Manchester Geoff from Castleford, that's been a fantastic success story, ruffling, how long the local Members myself, the community groups, since cited so many people in Kosovo campaign to get the second platform then to get some identikit Saga series and enhancements, a catalogue, the enough to combat fraud and we've worked together to get this forward so great great. Thank you to everybody on that. One Goodness gathered more than some of our infestations connected within the district, but I just say a massive thanks on that one and also the battle service. Can we please get some information regarding that? Cancellation to local members could note something they are coming under fire with in bunch Brandt. Thank you
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:39:14
thank you, Councillor on them, the Council o'clock on sorry.
thank you Chair, and thank you for the for the reports and, in
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin - 1:39:19
particular I want to talk to TP about the the new December timetables coming in the turnaround the TPO managed to to achieve in their performances were quite remarkable really it's gone from being a complete catastrophe, frankly, to to been relatively reliable and successful so they they deserve praise for that. Unfortunately, I've got quite a lot of angry residents in the Colne Valley in
who commute to Leeds on from slower of Marsden train stations, the new timetable for the first time since the 19 early 19 80s does not have any direct service to Leeds in the morning peak.
which is a huge loss to those communities and really is not good enough and needs to be thought of thought through again, I know in particular the Mayor herself uses that commuter service, so you might want to really have another look at that, thank you.
Councillor Steele,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:40:10
OK thanks, 0, I would like to just pick up on one thing, apparently
Chris Steele - 1:40:15
schoolchildren going to Oakley from early and and your comments about ticketless travel there isn't actually a ticket machines on that side of the
platforms, so could you install on their because frequently been, on the other side going to link to this article order as well?
Transport Operators - 1:40:32
and I'm not obviously we do to councillors' travel I attach dragging today my local stations, Manston, Imam, disabled, and it's almost well it is it possible for me to actually get on to the onto the train and a lot my elderly constituents have complained to me about the same
Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee - 1:40:54
thing I've got picture hit on the phone or someone trying to get on a
Cllr Joe Atkinson - 1:40:58
tray and like the gap in the heights it's like Naomi knee-height.
and it's not acceptable to exclude people from public transport on that basis, I understood that the track was going to be note on that sought to make to make it more accessible but actually seems to have been hired.
so is this the worst station on the network for disability access and when you do something to fix it?
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:41:27
thank you, Councillor Steele, so and Christian throughout the answer, the transfer and questions were, I can do Chair and thank you for that
Chris Steele - 1:41:33
commentary, can we refer to the December timetable for connectivity be between slower in Leeds yeah I don't have that time before you referred to existing times with because there are direct services at just after 6 just after 7 at just after 8 of to come back to you once I get my signal back to confirm what will happen between slow in Leeds and connectivity after the meeting.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:41:59
regarding the issue about disability access at Menston that Network Rail thing, and I think I'm I'm happy to answer the call of questions
Transport Operators - 1:42:09
that have come all the schoolchildren and the to give vending machines on one side.
that will remain with the ticket vending machines on that side, I think what demonstrated earlier that the success we've had with Ilkley grammar, we've now got over 800 of their pupils' with a season ticket, so we've seen great success we continue to do so and if you get to Ilkley you'll often see our revenue protection teams there
and our on board conducted will also conduct revenue duties.
Menston, I absolutely understand your point, I'm a resident of Guiseley and I know on Wednesday very well there's an access for all scheme going to take place at Menston, so you'll have lift access and and and and and as such,
the challenge of the platform is his real, our conductors can deploy the ramp and absolutely will do for any not people in a wheelchair or for any customer who requires assistance.
it isn't the worst station on the network, the accessibility for the height differential between trains and step-free access would be fantastic for every every person that the railways what 200 years old so we're getting there, were improving access and accessibility all-time you'll see the schemes with tea, are you with with lifts and as such some Menston is getting lift?
I'll have to come back on what the plan is from Network Rail as to the access height, I've not seen the detail of that, however you will have lift access, and our conductors and the ramps make the station accessible, even though it is a challenge I absolutely accept.
can I just come back on that because?
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:43:54
Transport Operators - 1:43:58
87 year old lady got the Chair spoke to me at the other week and woe she asked if she thinks it Oakley and she asked for a ramp to get off the train at Menston actually had to put a really strong case to get
Cllr Tony Wallis - 1:44:11
Cllr Joe Atkinson - 1:44:13
one doing and she was told that it will deploy a ramp for foot passengers on health and safety grounds.
Transport Operators - 1:44:21
so again, I can absolutely say that we all want to have access for all and equal access in in in every area.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:44:29
I will conduct the train to assist customers.
Transport Operators - 1:44:34
not just people there have been with hidden disabilities, or I'm sure we all accept, so that wouldn't be an acceptable reason, I will take that away and again discussed with the operation managers, however, please be assured that our customers,
they can ask for that assistance and we will give that assistance without comment.
OK, thank you, I think there's obviously is is opened up a bit of a
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:44:56
vista, there are on what it's like a person is awkward, listen, isn't it, but if you actually can't step onto the train what is part of the lift saw that I think outmanned having to look at that issue really as a as a separate issue across West Yorkshire and see how many stations are affected in that in that respect sorry, I'm just conscious of time sorry has anybody got any burning questions will supply targets of Councillor Kimber and then I'll go to Castleford perhaps,
Cllr Katie Kimber - 1:45:24
thank you Chair, I have a couple of questions, if I may, I met more quick and we've got him in Calderdale and we've got gardens, repair communities coming into play in the next few years them and his inquiry, cos, whether B is one train an hour is a huge town.
recognising the fact that he's right on the them 62 some equals easy choices to get in the car which we do not want, we want to promote active travel and public services, and one training hours is Paul and I think people would would use it a lot more if it was more accessible to them a couple of trains an hour if there's an issue or you know human error, Mr trend that's your fault okay but if a trainee it has an issue he got people not getting to work and school etc
my second point is around, I think it'd be remiss of me, not to mention the electorate care shift, the Calder Valley line in this meeting today, so you've got the workforce and expertise doing the upgrade on the transparent online at the moment should we be harnessing that thank you.
Scotland 3
so Les, who has got a Network Rail, you can, of course.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:46:46
and electrification.
I plead the fifth in the centre was not in my business case, not my remit, but there is obviously long term plans for full electrification of the network, but yet another point is well made.
Transport Operators - 1:46:59
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:47:04
if I can come in on the electrification, putting let me let Darren answer the point on Brick House electrification is very, very expensive.
and I think that the purse strings will be tightened really, so I think the answer is in modern technology and new solutions, and
Transport Operators - 1:47:18
something you'll see very soon, in fact, if you speak to Graham or myself afterwards, there is a launch that we're doing with partners in a taxi and so the rolling stock leasing company where we are putting a batch.
do I need to put shaking yeah, we're putting a battery under one of
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:47:43
the vehicles, so we have an alternative means of propulsion, I think battery technology, an alternative motor propulsion will be the future rather than very expensive fixed.
on the brick house.
Transport Operators - 1:48:02
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:48:06
so we agree service specification with Romeo partnership, we are under
Transport Operators - 1:48:10
real cost challenges as as a lot of the industry is, what we want to do is bring a reliable service first and foremost and and we understand the value of that and you and you just said that if somebody makes a mistake that neither or form, however, what we want to do is just deliver a really good service if we have one train now it turns up every time and you say it's clean and tidy has got a seat for you that would bring a nice customer experience and I think we have to focus on that.
the larger picture is what does the service looked like in the future we continue to work with Rail North Partnership and with the Combined authorities, and what that service looks like always mindful of the cost challenges at the railway does bring, so I absolutely on some you have the point you made brick house by though I was there a short time ago for that guarding opening the fabulous job by the community group there to do the garden but let's get unreliable service for you and I think Ali then does suit the need right now.
Cllr Katie Kimber - 1:49:11
it is really quickly will come back, not the garden railway station, the Garden Suburb communities that will be building English councils will bring many, many marquee pointy into the town, thank you.
the chance for his percussion, yes, so it's probably worth mentioning
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:49:26
that Councillor as well lit for significant parts of divergence
Transport Operators - 1:49:31
brigades will actually have two trains an hour both in Northern sewers on the transplant on service calling as it supports the hinterland and also customers from Huddersfield so there will be significant parts of
next year, where brick house will have two trains an hour, well, so deep divisions are taking place.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:49:50
thank you very much and a bonus for shots on at least so.
so at the party, just for noting, so I will take that as read, that's right, isn't it, and just moving on and briefly the last item on the agenda, which is the Local growth alone.
thank you, Councillor to the. This is just a brief item, just to kind
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:50:11
of show where we are in a number of key areas. So just to really set out the local growth plan and the work that's been going on within the Combined Authority and Kenneth alignment with the local transport plan. So the local grub plan is a narrower manifesto, a requirement and also a government priority, and the focus of the Local growth Fund is around economic growth that protects and regenerate to the environment. We, alongside that, are also writing the Local Transport Plan, for which the local transport plan is looking at how we can make sure we maximise the benefits of the local growth plan and really ensure that transport network and the infrastructure side unable that can the connectivity to to realise the benefits. So the paper sets out the barriers to growth and prosperity and how we can make sure that are sufficiently skilled workforce and low levels of investment are overcome through enabling and focusing on grow
and the draft plan within here can have sets out one of our regional if you like, competitive basis in advantage, alongside kind of how we utilise new opportunities, so within the Local Transport Plan we are really kind of tried to show how how it strong role and how our focus going back to delivering a mass transit system, the role of boss and kind of rail and greater TRO active travel links, and here enabled us to be able to utilise and grow that I've progressed and so it was really just trying to bring the two together, and the recommendation was that the report is just noted by committee
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:51:43
thank you very much and I think you know all of us, and whether it's called few times today understand absolutely that transport is a key economic driver and it's not just been really efficiently, it is about the power it gives to our local economy is absolutely essential that we all get it right deliberate any questions or comments briefly to Helen on the plan.
no one is it going to be published, Andrew approved.
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:52:12
so we're working with the new government in terms of precisely how government wants to see final Local growth plans being developed, but what what we're doing business physio, where in between these bringing further developments via Greg upon to each of the victims of the Combined Authority,
thank you very much, thank you, so, yes, or just a quick question on
Cllr Sarah Courtney (Calderdale Council) - 1:52:34
whether to stick a comment really on the growth plans so.
yeah means we need to have a sort of a bit of a think about how important I mean you've mentioned how important public transport is as an economic driver, but I mean maybe we just need to working with government, you know, so it's obviously there's little we can do is culture all councillors, there's, you know relatively little you can do in West Yorkshire is a national picture, but I suppose in that lobbying element about is other some, you know, possibly some quite radical things that that we need that we need to look at and I think, as as I suppose, as a sort of like a little plea from Calderdale, as well as that, while some of those radical things are being implemented around sort of like you know, improvements like you know, mass transit and buses and staff actually die, don't forget some of the more rural areas and don't forget some of the sort of areas that are going to be waiting a while before before we see some of that delivery, but I just think you know may be. You know, I know that, like Spain, you know, and I think it was a Spanish government, in conjunction with some of the Spanish train operators put in free free commuter travel on to 300 kilometers for us to month period. I think it was a summary year or two ago you know, I mean I mean, you know, nobody going until the details of that, but you know maybe there are some radical solutions for I've been able to get people back into back into using public transport, so let's say you preaching to the choir there, Councillor
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council) - 1:53:56
Lowe and in inverter, obviously, investment in transport and skills. If you want to go, any Colin medals are the two key areas that you will need to invest in. I think that's sorry for Alan is definitely going to reflect. So with that we will hopefully agree with that will close. The meeting with Officer Date of next meeting is the 14th of October. Can I say thank you very much for your attendance. Thank you. Particularly to the operations of bus and rail who have come to answer questions today, and please do take up a TPO, all on the train driver, thank you very much