Transport Committee - Friday 24 May 2024, 10:00am - West Yorkshire Combined Authority Webcasting
Transport Committee
Friday, 24th May 2024 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
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Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
13 Apologies for Absence
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Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council)
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council
Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw (Bradford Council)
Cllr Caroline Firth
Cllr Abdul Hannan
Cllr Jonathan Pryor Leeds City Council
Cllr Andrew Loy
Cllr Neil Buckley
Cllr Armaan Khan
Cllr Oliver Edwards
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
1 Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
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Agenda item :
2 Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes of the meeting of the Transport Committee held on 13 March 2024
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Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Oliver Edwards
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
5 Passenger Experience - Rail
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Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Jakob Williamson (Wakefield Council)
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Armaan Khan
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Jakob Williamson (Wakefield Council)
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Neil Buckley
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Neil Buckley
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Martyn Bolt
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Andrew Loy
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council)
Cllr Jakob Williamson (Wakefield Council)
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
4 Passenger Experience - Bus
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Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Mohsin Hussain
Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw (Bradford Council)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Moses Crook Kirklees Council
Cllr Jonathan Pryor Leeds City Council
Cllr Caroline Firth
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Oliver Edwards
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Jakob Williamson (Wakefield Council)
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Jakob Williamson (Wakefield Council)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
6 Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) Update
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Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Andrew Loy
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
7 Passenger Charter Update
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Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Oliver Edwards
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Neil Buckley
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council)
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council)
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Jakob Williamson (Wakefield Council)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee
Cllr Jakob Williamson (Wakefield Council)
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Martyn Bolt
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
8 Transport Policy Update
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Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Martyn Bolt
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Jakob Williamson (Wakefield Council)
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
9 Local Transport Plan Update
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Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
10 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy
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Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Martyn Bolt
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Oliver Edwards
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
11 Project Approvals
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Agenda item :
11 a) Leeds City Bus Station Roof
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Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Jakob Williamson (Wakefield Council)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
11 b) TCF Dewsbury Town Centre Walking and Cycling Improvements
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Vicky Dumbrell
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Martyn Bolt
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council)
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
11 c) TCF South Bradford Park & Ride Expressway
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Simon Linley
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Mohsin Hussain
Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw (Bradford Council)
Cllr Martyn Bolt
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Simon Linley
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Rachel Jones
Agenda item :
11 e) BSIP - Bus Network Plan and Superbus
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Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair)
Agenda item :
12 Date of the Next Meeting
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Webcast Finished
Disclaimer: This transcript was automatically generated, so it may contain errors. Please view the webcast to confirm whether the content is accurate.
1 Apologies for Absence
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:00:00
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:00:02
lovely, let's start, then everybody welcomed this meeting of the Transport Committee of West Yorkshire. It is a committee made up of all parts of our glorious Council, are all coming together to discuss the transport priorities and make progress. So my name is Susan Hinchcliffe family to of Bradford, also Chair of this Committee, and this is the final meeting of this civic year actually, prior to the Combined Authority, a GM on the 20th of June. So for some colleagues here it could be their last meeting here before they move on to other committees, depending on what their host authorities have decided.So I, before we start, I will just say, go round the table to have a few new people, my name is Susan Hinchcliffe and Little Bradford, I've said that who are you
pogrom Hunt's Committee supports.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:00:55
Dr Peter Khalil, a Councillor in Leeds when he was Deputy Chair of the Transport Committee.Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee - 0:01:02
Coaching.Councillor M, Douglas and I am also a Deputy challenges.
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council) - 0:01:08
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council - 0:01:14
Scott, patient, deputy leader of Calderdale council, and this will be my last meeting unfortunately put, or shall Sarah my colleague will gracefully walking my shoes going forward, also, apologies for Councillor Colin Hutchinson, who's I'm recovering from surgeries.Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw (Bradford Council) - 0:01:32
Cllr Caroline Firth - 0:01:44
Councillor Hobden Hanan, for Leeds, heading all our parks.Cllr Abdul Hannan - 0:01:49
Cllr Jonathan Pryor - 0:01:52
Councillor Jonathan Pryor, and Deputy Leader of Leeds, and the new portfolio holder for economy, Transport and sustainable development.Councillor Andrew I, Bradford Council.
Cllr Andrew Loy - 0:02:07
Councillor Neil Buckley, although the Ward leads it accountable.Cllr Neil Buckley - 0:02:12
not involved Mirfield Ward Kirkley, Council Councillor Morgan, ConwayCllr Armaan Khan - 0:02:18
Full Council Councillor Jacob Williamson Wakefield Council,I wonder if, on Councillor Alan Lowney, in lace and transport occasionally?
Good morning, everyone, Councillor of Edwards.
Cllr Oliver Edwards - 0:02:30
Leeds City Council is also my final meeting.Thank you, Chair, Councillor Matthew McLoughlin from Colne Valley
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin - 0:02:39
warning, Kirklees and transport engagement lead for kettles.Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority - 0:02:45
Mick, monsoon, Interim Director of Transport operations Combined AuthorityJim Allen and Helen Nelson, head of transport policy at Combined Authority.
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:02:52
promoting Andrić Hoskins on the Interim Director of passenger experienced losses at the Combined Authority, and I've signed him upDave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:03:01
to them, Executive Director for Transport, the Combined Authority.thank you very much, everybody, congratulations, Councillor patients
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:03:11
on his elevation, so that Slater and, of course, Councillor Jonathan prayerful.Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:03:14
apparently I am, you are a full Watson, member us today, because you are a portfolio holder, so that means you you can vote so just to clarify that apologies for absence, as it recorded your apologies for absence from Matthew Murray, Councillor Cornwall, which informed me, Councillor Moses, quote
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:03:39
thank you very much, can we just note that the microphone for Councillor Ashon, Councillor Firth, is not working very well so spooky, okay, Councillor St was always Councillor Stones in a budget, thank you.2 Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
3 Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public
so declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests anybody has anything to disclose, no, thank you exempt information, there is a confidential item in the electric vehicle infrastructure strategy which is at appendix 1 of agenda item 11 can I just ask anybody who wants to refer to balance obviously when we come to Item I remind you again, but we'll have to clear the room if you want to talk about anything or ask any questions about that appendix so.
Just bear that in mind who gets the item, but I'll repeat that minutes of the meeting of transport committee held on 30th of March any questions, comments on that Councillor Williams just to address them under item 17 of the minute I just wondered if we've received a nearby passenger that I would request at a previous meeting from Northern Rail.
4 Minutes of the meeting of the Transport Committee held on 13 March 2024
To deal with the overcrowding issues we've been having, as at Dave are
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:04:50
we being discussed with Northern Rail around this, they are in the process of still working on getting that information for us, butDave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:04:55
they're assuring us there are no problem that has yet to be tested through the evidence.thank you directly, will not be able to get him to bring it to this Committee when they come.
However, it at least sent to us by on top of that commitment.
and they are due to come to the next Committee and will ensure that
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:05:14
that if that information isn't available by then, I'll be able to explain why it isn't available, but hopefully it will be available by then.Thank you very much, any of them accessorise at Councillor Bedford,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:05:26
thank you also quick follow up point 15.Cllr Oliver Edwards - 0:05:32
correspondence with Northern in C P in regards to trade union relations and have we received any response?and, if not, can we chase sets up please?
I have not yet seen response to our truth, I will chase up again, but
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:05:50
we have regular discussions, both with Northern and C P or monthly basis, what matures picked up with that.and of course, all future meetings, and for you will be that will you
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:06:01
actually count surgeries, but we do often half the operators here, which will be a question that we need to make sure we keep asking them is very important for the effective running of the railways and so any further do on that Snow otherwise are we happy to accept those as a correct minutes of that meeting please show?Thank you very much that is carried and so moving, then on to the first substantive item on the agenda, which is passenger experience rail.
5 Passenger Experience - Rail
Dave did you want to start the site,
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:06:35
Okay, thank you very much as a reporter who's got an appendix which has got quite quite a lot of technical, detailed information beyond, but I'll try and give a high level overview of the report so that members are aware of what's going on out in the network at the moment because it started in 1.2 it covers a range of areas from trends, service changes, variability, it touched on the strike issue and passenger network enhancements in terms of passenger trends, the figures if the comparative figures to last year we're seeing upward trends of Northern about 4% increase from last year,Obviously and transparent about 6% up on March or March figures, not only are 21%, so are all of yours, is the biggest increase there, and at Leeds Leeds station overall figures are back to about 80% of pre-pandemic levels as, as we previously reported a lot of increases that we're seeing we're seeing are actually around the leisure market there's there's still slow but steady increase in commuter markets over time.
in terms of rail services, net network service changes, I won't go through all of these because I could get into quite quite some level of detail, but the next National or main changes on the 2nd of June, some relatively minor changes in our area although minor that may be though they may be they must phase until impact on passengers either positively or negatively.
The police who talked such as mentioned, on crowding, complaints to Leeds, Doncaster and Bradford North and North West electrics is one of those where shorter trains have been introduced, and we're still awaiting the evidence on that, and there have been some small timetable adjustments in the Calder Valley and Leeds to Skipton Capital. Our routes, including additional additional stops to plug gaps in services such as margin Royal Oak Moore Salby Bridge ghost unfortunate Apperley Bridge, also in June. That'd be an impact on the Penistone Line due to some of the 1 what they're called 1 50 class drones having to be taken out for heavy maintenance, so they'll be reduced for a period of time for from three to two cars. We're keeping a close eye again on potential overcrowding issues as, as we said already, that's something we do need to make sure we are well on top of
In terms of transparent express match to Huddersfield Wakefield York trains currently for four times a day service is not going to be increased to 6 solicitor some good news there as well.
there is quite a lengthy.
explanation around without any are increasing number of journeys to London and how that impacts upon wider services relating to withdrawal of surface services at.
grateful for their services, so I think a common theme that results as services are being changed in sometimes minor ways, they do have knock-on impacts on our local rail network, which we need to be very, very closely aligned to, and we do as I've said already have regular regular contact with it with the rail operator to keep on top of that.
It was still still challenges through the through the Rail North partnerships, where we could not get support for reinstatement of the services between Bradford and Oakley Skipton, two trains an hour.
they were reduced at what was a temporary measure we were, we still protesting and asking for service be reinstated from from the end of the year and that that's being followed through moving moving down forward to the rail network performance and reliability issues.
The good news here is, there have been some improvements in punctuality and cancellations are significant, in some cases with Northern and tpa,
the most recent four week period at the northern is at
North is 83 and a half percent and CP at 76% and cancellations are down as well, quite significantly, northern, down to 3% actually bit lower in Eastern region and trans transparent quite dropped down to 2.3 5 from what was a 6.72% level of cancellations that a strong strong reason behind that is around the fact that the effort to state the isolation of the services albeit at a reduced level has led to increased levels of reliability so passengers a greater level of certainty now that the trains are going to turn up and that that's also been reflected, as I said above, in patronage levels as well.
And and my understanding is it's been reflected in levels of passenger satisfaction on CP which have risen from where where they have previously been before.
There are still some challenges, is fair to say, some GPs are coping well with the crowding levels, but Northern do starting challenges around train crew availability which is impacting on on on the services being issues around sick leave, both companies inform me reliably inform me that they're well on top of the training of drivers and staff which historically has been an issue.
in the road and rail network, moving on in terms of sort of Network Rail related issues, the rainfall of last year has has caused problems, 20% more than average, and we've seen that manifests itself in terms of the high-profile cases, particularly around the landslide at Baildon, which has resulted in the full closure of that Shipley to Guiseley line, which is which is still closed, I believe, to the end of the end of June at this stage is that its latest latest position, I've seen
I understand the contract Knottingley situation has been resolved now and that's open again or bank to be opened, I can't recall exactly which.
network Rail are putting increasing money through a national fund of 2.8 billion around climate resilience in extreme weather, and I think it's particularly important.
we've got a number of lines in our area, with some, quite in some cuttings and with embankments, which I think are quite significant strategically for us, we need to make sure we continue to push Network Rail about getting what we need out of that.
moving on again a bit more the
we doubt last year if you recall with the consultation around the potential closure of rail ticket offices transparent, have told us that recruitment is now complete, but there is still a bit more training of staff to do Northern, it's not quite as rosy a picture that still scenarios unfilled and recruitment and training still ongoing but both both continue to make good progress in those areas where the rail strikes which is factored into 26 to 27 hour I won't go over that will look at that has had some impact on rail passengers and patronage over the period in terms of passenger network enhancements.
There's a lot going on there, Councillor versus involved in the TransPennine route upgrade are working group meetings with members, and we were working very very closely with the rail industry, I've been impressed with the level of information that we've been getting and the forward.
for warnings and contingency planning, that's been going into place within the rail rail industry, that's not to say that there may still be some some glitches along the way which we do pick up as well as, as I say, occur, such as when rail replacement buses don't quite meet our needs.
but the report sets out what closures have taken place and a potential future future closures coming forward, I think that there are some really big stuff in here and I think it is really important that we continue to put this information out, to make passengers aware of what's coming up and and the rail industry are very good at keeping us informed when those timescale timescales change as well because people need to be more full warned as we go forward.
Some good news set out nearly finished, share some good news in 2 31 about the new train maintenance depot at Shipley which has been announced forming part of transport routes, upgrade.
with 100 new skilled jobs and apprentices, as well as the aim of having 80% of workforce coming from areas looking to our EU routes open.
It's a mixed bag, I think I'd say overall a lot more positive messages coming out from the rail industry than we've probably experience, if we look back a year ago, AP has always there's also work to do that, so happy to take questions.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:14:40
thank you, so there's a lot in now, obviously I join you within celebration about the Shipley depot, which we are very pleased about, it is great to welcome the rail minister to announce that a few weeks ago, and I just want to concentrate though also on the landslip issues and Anna Whitfield have a similar problematic area and,I think obviously it's been very disruptive for our residents over the last few months and it has taken an awful long time to sort out, obviously because it affects people's lives, people's houses, but I think it has for me opened up a new vista in terms of the climate emergency. The fact that land is getting more and more waterlogged with all the rain we're having, and this is an increasing problem across the north and perhaps across the country, and he said the putting a study wanted to decide, but I think it's something we need to raise on Rail North as well, actually on the agenda, because I think I think it is a major issue that structurally they need to be on top of
Councillor Williams, I think you also wanted to mention him.
Yeah, I think from our point of view, there was a lot of issues around the communication, so with a lot.
to wait for your council, elected members and residents was rather seemed to be quite a period, significant period where everybody didn't really know what will go enough with the lunch slip issue, and there seemed to be a few complications with sort of replacement bus services and stuff we are. We are quite pleased with the outcome of the replacement bus services. Both were there was a lot of issues getting getting to that point as well, so I dot my flat going forward as if
Cllr Jakob Williamson - 0:16:15
there's anything we can do to improveyou know the transfer of information, basically from whether that's from operators, from Network Rail here and then to everyone else, specifically going forward, thank you.
yeah, I think that's a very valid point. I'm a software, I was out
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:16:31
there, Castlefield, whiter, heading at Pontefract and, and it wasn't clear this was a few weeks ago now, where where the replacement buses were coming from. I flagged that immediately with with Northern at the time and and that was rectified within a matter of the day or two, so I think until if we see these issues we need to flag them quickly, we can escalate them very, very quickly and Adam confident. Northern and other rail operators will react quickly in these circumstances. Dr, I don't want to be caught out in the same way as we don't want passengers to be called to hitThank you, Councillor Firth.
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council) - 0:17:16
both are about the rail replacement buses replace it with Helen.Assumed to be a problem with students at Greenhead, getting back to Dewsbury for some reason they to do, that one has to stop or whatever, and that has been brought to my attention by a number of parents, and I am hopeful that that can be addressed.
but we all know that the tio wi t I you upgrade, is the biggest leap just about the biggest civil engineering.
Project in the country just now, and they do it quite a remarkable job.
and I'd just like to point out, even though it's not in my ward, it's just over the head, calculates molestation, that's a fantastic example of engineering. They've done a marvellous job and if that's replicated along the rest of the line throughout Kirklees, we can only applaud him, but we'll keep an eye on them, but it's really fantastic one more point we'd been taught, we touched on landslip and climate change obviously has got a great deal to do with it. I just have to smile because earlier on him, in the papers that they've got and are a team
Where is it about the extreme heat to are ready to take the spring into action when when, but then, if we do get any son, Emma a summer, I'll spring into action to address any problems with high temperatures.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:18:51
indeed, I am afraid it is giving me problems he changing etc to Nigerian company earlier in the week that chance prepare for all eventualities, extreme weather conditions and something that is going to impacts all our lives. Isn't it, and therefore we we do need to prepare for the ABS, otherwise it's can be hugely disruptive to our travelling public and to the economy, and subsequently we are prepared, which is great yeah. We're not bad enough to stop non-slip sampling at the moment so that that does need sorting Councillor patient. Thank you, Chair, and via an Councillor first point subCllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council - 0:19:20
springs up. A visual image does a bit of a row, pupil spray and hose pipes on the railway tracks or something like that, but actually you know from a serious point of view, your Calder Valley as we know, foods a lot, and we've found especially with limestone soccer and Desmond situations, where we've got kids in school and they've not been able to get home properly because the rail networks been affected so much. I think it is really welcome what they're saying here, but it feels like there needs to be a bit more of a concerted effort to connect with partners that are asking, especially an Environment Agency who are delivering flood alleviation schemes in places and want some of that connectivity to happen while they're doing similar development work. I guess the other thing just to say briefly as well is just around some of the improvements on stops, we're still not quite there to where some of the cuts were put in in 2018 sort of 19 time, and it'd be good to see some of that happen within the lifetime of a suddenly not me sitting on the Committee but perhaps in Councillor Courtney Estonia,Do your leadership, I think, probably for the Treasury searching for?
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:20:28
Cllr Armaan Khan - 0:20:30
Councillor Khan, I'll check nod my frustrations regarding the Cross Country survey, that's gone that he and his act coming in, do we know why we, there were no consultation with Combined Authority regards to this one at any point, is it likely to be reviewed?The decision is likely to be reviewed in the future.
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:20:51
a decision on the cross country changes we have. We have been closely working with the rail industry around this, not as we can. We recognise that when when these things happen, they have consequences Hunter ultimately end up being some trade-offs. In some cases, we believe we can live with. The trade-offs in some cases were quite unhappy with the trade offs this. This is the one where it's been quite challenging to get to the point where we're at we are. We are consulted with it and if there's a need to do a bit more communication with local members around this at times that maybe not as it happened, we can, we can start doing a bit more around thatas if, if we come up with further situations like this.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:21:32
And Councillor Willis in her wants to come back and say she.Yet just a couple of issues I want to touch on, so the cross country just carrying on from that it.
we have had issues with the coverage reductions on Black Northern services.
And if we're losing a significant number of these cross country
Cllr Jakob Williamson - 0:21:58
services in both directions, every day, I think, is about 11 stops you not crossed both directions that completely go in and it's just going to put a significant pressure on the rest of us rail networkers almost the component for is already point at all.But
My worry is, when you look at the wider transport picture with as buses, we've been hit hard on, we've got.
Serious issues of reliability and punctuality and all his livestock towns and villages within the District are becoming isolated from one another, and then our districts then becoming more and more isolated from other districts in West Yorkshire and we can't go on, and it's just I think what train operators need to be look in as entire rail network holistically, so we can't just stop this situation where each and individual rail operator is just going to start cutting the services.
Chris which is going to be pushing issues from one operator on to another operator onto other services and
Just this is this because this can only a bit profit driven but looking at their own profits and I think as passengers over decades paying over the odds in terms of rail fares and I think it's bathtime any stock you don't give him back to his passengers and the taxpayer as well and actually start providing some decent services rather than cut cut cut.
so I think I think Councillor Williamson makes a very good point in.
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:23:34
just as the discussions taking place, I wonder whether it's worth us just raising these issues with them with Transport for the North, an A and rail model, so the focus of Transport for Northern Rail North inevitably tends to be around northern rail services and TransPennine services both it will point you make and Councillor Williamson is effectively cross country acts as a local service through Parks Whitfield and that's that perhaps gets a little bit the moment, so we'll we'll take that away and pick up with with TfN what is a model of engagement with cross country?
I think patently she is.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:24:12
when they look at money revenue, she looks at trains, I think about them is going out to be in passenger numbers. Speed connectivity, they don't see the wider cohesion issues, the wider economic issues, regeneration that we all rely on transport for, and I think that's and that's and constantly transit broaden horizons of the rail industry to make sure they realise that these decisions are made like they want to reduce the services between you'll claim Bradford is hugely damaging for our economy and they need to see the wider ramifications of that. Sorry, Councillor Buckley, I think I may have missed you earlier. Apologies and Councillor Bolt, yeah funky, Joe, and I wanted to bring upSomething which is not specifically on the paper here at White Rose
Cllr Neil Buckley - 0:24:59
station.the contractor who has disappeared, the developers left the site and its are effectively abandoned, and I just wondered what the timescale was in terms of getting this started and completed.
I mean, it's not on the paper, so I'm not sure I'm happy just just to
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:25:26
just a brief briefly update, because probably members will be aware from for media coverage, so what White Rose station is one of theSimon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:25:34
programme of new stations that that's being delivered around West Yorkshire the Combined Authority is the principal funder.Of that station developer development but not actually the project manager up the scheme scheme is being a project managed by Monroe K the
the owner of a van
significant development around White Rose.
there have been a series of cost overruns within the scheme we're currently working through.
with Network Rail and some independent advisers or a full understanding of the attribution,
of those costs so that we can understand with the other partners and City Council
Monroe Kate themselves and and Network Rail.
How we go about coming back together as partners to to address.
the cost overruns while that process takes place there has been a temporary posing inactivity. I'm hoping that through the next,
four to six weeks, we should be able to reach.
A point of conclusion with the partners, that means I can bring some fresh advice back to the Combined Authority in terms of whether there are of what what the budget implications are and how we re-investigate activity, so it is a temporary pause it will be delivered, but we clearly need to make sure that we've undertaken due diligence so that we're securing suitable value for money for the combined authorities. Significant funding contribution into the scheme. I think Councillor Bolt
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:27:26
yeah, I mean, obviously, can you keep it brief and consultation has been a lot to get on that it is not actually on the paper sad, I don'tCllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:27:36
really want to go into any detail and if you don't mind we have got a lot to get on this agenda so very briefly so always saying Monroe KCllr Neil Buckley - 0:27:47
could still be the contractors even though he walked away.So to just just clarify mum knockout of other project managers or
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:27:57
company co-sponsor role that was contracted, so I don't think it's appropriate for me to go into what's a commercial arrangement between those those two parties, but we're working very closely with all of the parties Councillor Bolt,thank you Chair.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:28:10
A question they are. We talked about a local benefit of some railwayCllr Martyn Bolt - 0:28:17
station and rail companies, the detail of detriment we've got from TB and nobody is to be commended, but for other stay and such as Grand Central, it should go look on the website. Why do I have that data produced because a Grand Central is also a local provider for people to get through four of the districts in West Yorkshire? It links Kirkby use another's through to Wakefield and Doncaster, so we don't get the graphs in everything you are told to go, look on the on the website and there are issues with reliability on that service. The other one and Eric's mentionedmolestation could I ask if the Combined Authority and its partners are doing anything to improve pedestrian and cycle access from Mollie railway station to Morley Town Centre, the principal route is up to the steps of the miners' arms, which actually owned by leadership council, I believe which most of the time I quite precarious because they're covered in algae and everything and you wouldn't want to be taking a lot of.
a lot of luggage, you won't want to be trying to carry a bike up and down there, anything, it's almost like Sir Edmund Hillary country down to go up and down those steps as I find when I'm going to work, so is anything being done for connectivity from molestation to Molik on Centre.
I'll pick the two points out. Firstly, on underground central data. I'll I'll take that away with the rail team to him to establish if there's a reason why we don't get a date with if they don't collect.
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:29:43
The Thatcher was just so we have not requested that level of detail yet, but certainly can I am mindful, it becomes a very long appendix, but equally I'm mindful that there's if there's an appetite for some of that information, that's important to you at local level, when we we should be trying to get our hands on it, and I don't know the specific answer and you move on you merely question. I noticed some challenges of our challenges. We've been looked at over the years about how we can do better connectivity from the town centre to the station. I know I'm not quite up to speed the work, the the funding the country from all East rooms at the towns fund did have some aspects around there which we were due to be around connectivity linking the station in better I know it was looking at car parking as well at 1.00 point.I will take that away and see where I see why we're up to with that
there are challenges in our area, as you, as you said quite rightly comfortable,
Councillor Lye,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:30:29
Thank you Chair, and it was just going back to the failed in one slip, and I just wondered how confidently whether the one, at the end ofCllr Andrew Loy - 0:30:37
June, he was going to be achieved to reopen it and whether there'sbeen any more information received since the report was prepared, so the told me is going to be finished by end of June,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:30:52
and last night we had a workshop with local residents to help improve the replacement services, so will the northern round that will run on that Wirral not as well,'s, as you know, obviously as a local councillor, that it has been very disruptive and I do think there needs to be a more strategic look at how we resolve that before it starts in the in the end because obviously now transportation for more services through Niall Quinn Bradford is made harder when it's been closed for the last three months and that is very hard and gave Cheshire position to be in, but I will keep pushing for that with your support, Councillor Lye, to make sure we get him as many services as possible between the two towns, it is very important and but yes at the moment,
That's what being told and they've not indicated, that's the main difference so yeah, we all look forward to that reopening.
them had Councillor, Thus, and then Councillor Williamson, I just threw him actually through your Chair, the Councillor, but they must be added a lot more because the platform was full.
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council) - 0:31:58
Hopefully we will get numbers through this morning.Just to be very quick, be carried reductions on the once if days are not says effect, Muslim, punish them one by one that we used to have them on the Leeds to Sheffield long, which goes through more thought
Cllr Jakob Williamson - 0:32:22
and stuff, so I just wondered if that were going to be affected and,On the TransPennine Express service from Manchester to York I mean I welcome the increased services on that line, you now have spooked quite a few people who are happy with, you know the service, but there seems to be an issue with all the production on the tickets from Wakefield to dock and I think it's a route code in our
I think what I'm being told is it needs search engine to not via Doncaster or Leeds because its result, I think it's result in a lack of 50% increase on ticket, so I just wondered if maybe the author it could take that up with tpa please.
Okay, I'm on both those in terms of the class 1 fifties, I've not been
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:33:08
alerted to the fact that their their issues are about and being affected, we work. We are working closely with. I'll I'll I'll chase that up again once again to make sure I know overlooked actually, Councillor Williamson, on the honesty on the TPO overpricing issue. I will absolutely definitely pick up straight after the meeting and if you want to drop me dropping a couple of details around that you, you said to the thrust of it. I don't know if Standing order sits behind it, but I'm happy to pick up directlyLuckily, I think that is old questions.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:33:35
alright OK.All right I didn't know who you were sorry speak.
So he's gonna pick the lateral up after the meeting, thank you, Councillor Bolt for spotting him, hiding in the crowd then very much.
6 Passenger Experience - Bus
Lovely OK. Well, it is no further questions, then we have the part for noting, and we'll move on to the next item, which is the equivalent pay per passenger experience and bus. Obviously, in this paper as well, which sent her verbal updates on the Bradford bus interchange gas', obviously, which have got passenger experiences bus in Bradford city centre at the moment and obviously affecting the wider districts, the passenger experience is not as good as it should be because of the closure of the bus interchange, and that is something that is really hindering people getting around, and we are due to have a fair paper at the Combined Authority on the 20th of June. However, I know, obviously we've just been announced that this general election, which means that's going to curb papers
coming, but we can, we therefore bring that paper forward, so we'd not in the pre-election period because obviously I am very keen to make sure progress is made on that so expedite and improve matters as quickly as possible, Dave Jones just come back on that.
I think in terms of what you just said, our councillors should absolutely yes, we're working on it on a paper at the moment we're
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:35:11
bringing forward as soon as possible which sets out the situation and and our around Bradford Interchange and and where it looks like we'll be going next but in terms of the Bradford Interchange bus station which remains closed, work is ongoing on the surveys to assess the safety of the structure at the appropriate level of detail. I remind everyone here that this is a large and very complex concrete structure that we are dealing with here, that is over 50 years old, so this is not something that can be done very, very quicklyBut as quickly as we possibly can, at the same time, we are working hand in glove with Bradford Council and trustees of the City of culture team to ensure that there is a fitting central arrival for the city for 2025, so that's parallel to the work we're looking at needs to change we're making sure we're working closely on that on that issue so that that's the headlines in terms of the bus interchange itself.
I could pass on to my colleague Nick Bunting he'll give us a brief overview of the bus operations in the city centre at the same time, and then we could pick up on some wider issues yeah, and can we just
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:36:06
offset, can you just reassure us that some obviously senior oversight on this project because obviously this is major disruption to people in Bradford and want to make sure that there is proper governance arrangements surrounding it and proper senior oversight?Yeah, I'm sure which I thank you just to just to go into to the
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority - 0:36:29
mitigations to the challenges that lie that have been highlighted, the we've deployed a staffer at various parts of the city throughout the period since January and them at various junctures throughout them service changes we've ensured that passenger information is kept up to date on all.facilities and also.
We, we've got staff working around the city to ensure that on-street information is up to date and correct at all shelters, maintaining close relationships with Bradford Council on the Shelter roll out on the TCF rollout and we've got I'm told this morning 13 of the 17 and now installed the main development there being Vicar Lane, which is now in the final stages of implementation which has allowed us to split services out from Vicar Lane onto Leeds Road which has had a massive improvement on congestion this week from the changes that took place last weekend we are getting regular rep and I'm getting regular reports from our research and intelligence team in terms of bus performance in the city.
to ensure that that wi we are keeping a track of that one and also how it compares to West Yorkshire now got some very brief highlights on that in a second, and we continue to work very closely with the Safer travel Partnership in terms of de deploying PCSOs, working with our Neighbourhood Policing Teams and ensuring that people are reassured and feel as safe as they can do in this difficult time, as as services are pushed out to the periphery of SDC to ask, these important works take place so that that, all as my personal oversight, I also have a a project team that's managed by my head of mobility service, which meets on a weekly basis with partners including Bradford Council, and that looks at a number of work streams, including accessibility and health and safety and other issues that passengers are raising with us frequently adult entry, all through our communications communication channels which we're working through to ensure that those appropriate mitigations are put in place. But that project team is headed up by the head of mobility services and she reports into me on that. What I can say is that, since January, punctuality in Bradford has actually improved from 77% to 82%, and an lateness has decreased from 19% to 13% of services in a year on year comparison he calls that from 77% last April 2023 to 82%, as I've just said this year, the number of cancelled journeys is down at 1.00.6%
patronage is it is is, or is something that we are keeping a close eye on in in on a year on year, comparison in April 2024, it was the same as April 2023, however, West Yorkshire wide saw a slight increase of around 6%, so we are keeping an eye on that and mitigations are being put in place, the latest of which, as I've said at the service splits that took place last weekend to reduce congestion at bus stops and shelters and stop locations, and to reduce those clusters of buses or at specific sites in the city. I've got people on the ground monitoring that on a daily basis, and I'm told that that has had a significant impact and we are keeping a close eye on that patronage figure to ensure that we can bring it back in line with West Yorkshire and exceed it as these mitigations and improvements are put in place. Thank you
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:40:01
thank him enough says absolutely prior to for us for this situation to improve as quickly as possible they the fact that the bus interchanges closed was nothing that we predicted would happen, therefore it has been something that's impacted on our transforming cities programme.People in Bradford are not a shock move forward, they tell me, I don't need to research intelligent states to know what's happening, they will tell me, quite rightly, when they're displeased about things and I can tell you they are very displeased at the moment and that anything's happening. Councillor Shaw yeah, thank you and thanks
Cllr Mohsin Hussain - 0:40:37
Rutland really useful to know that such groups had some of those figures aroundCllr Alex Ross-Shaw (Bradford Council) - 0:40:44
Punctuality and reliability in and kind of where they are. Some people have to adjust to a new route, so it can kind of feel worse than it sometimes is. Notwithstanding the fact that there's always a bedding-in period and and improvements we can make on that just on the accessibility, and I know that's a big concern for people and it's really good, but it's about kind of weekly meeting. I just wonder if there's something we can do about kind of these issues have been raised. These are the improvements we've made of a vacuum of communication, because at the moment what's happening is people will raise an issue with me. I'll pass it through to our team, so I can pass through to youIt is not, I couldn't say much back, and this is how we can improve things in sweet things as he's gone in. So we know, obviously the more shelters that we can get in the better it'll be, but obviously if you've got people on the ground who are making those improvements, the residents who've had that issue will just move on, but to communicate that to a wider audience, to show that we've made those improvements and we've listened, I think, of to help provide some reassurance to residents and actually we've was thinking about how we can get a better communication on that. There you said we did, can I think, yes,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:41:46
yeah, thank you, Councillor, I think that's a really important pointMr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority - 0:41:52
in it and on that very briefly, our accessibility coordinator is part of the project team that I mentioned and also on our daily stand-up callswe've got a and accessibility, an actions log which, and information is fed into that from the monthly walk around, that our colleagues deal with Bradford colleagues and we've got a list of of have issues, risks and mitigations and solution, so we can put that out as a as a communication as to what has been done and and that logs,
Updated on a daily basis that work is a really key element from the inclusivity of travel is is really important to us, and that's why we've dedicated this key resource to it in partnership with the Council.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:42:36
Councillor Firth, yeah, I just want to repeat the same question that I asked in the last meeting around staffing for Bradford Council as theCllr Moses Crook Kirklees Council - 0:42:42
as Wacker now hired enough people so that wardens etc and communityCllr Jonathan Pryor - 0:42:49
and neighbourhood officers from the Council and not having to step in and support and that can get on with the day job.Cllr Caroline Firth - 0:42:53
yes, so all of the staff that are being deployed on the ground at theMr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority - 0:43:00
moment, as far as I'm aware, either our own staff operator, colleagues or agency staff, that we get in through our contract, we work with we with with or without agency colleagues who are there so as far as I'm aware will check that out but yeah I did raise that with the officer that manages the operational response to this and that's what being a short of so yeah, thank you.Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:43:26
Lovely, thank you very much, sir David just look forward to a paper expedited.Before the
before the pre-election period starts, yes, thank you very much moving on to other relevant so bus then not papers or anything else, Kay is a solicitor or a brief pipe on the rail paper.
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:43:46
so it will take a month or just long to go through the detail of this one, but I'll I'll draw a couple of the key points that are in the paper and in the same way we've just talked about road rail passenger trends, bus passenger trends as as a mixture start our upwards we take bus use is 86% of baseline, which is up on last year it's a similar position at what we can data at 87%.As a baseline, I mean pre-pandemic, which is which is the measure will be, you can take into find out.
In terms of network performance and reliability, the tables that are set out in in 2.6 demonstrate if we compare back to 2019 a drop in reliability for I've just over 3% drop in punctuality overall of about 4% diesel in March, figures pick it up and and stops along the way of 2%.
We were which is not not great, but if we compare the 23 figure to 24 and it's actually, as I'd call it, stabilisation or even a slight improvement in reliability and punctuality over over the last year, so there's
some some good news there when we advocate across all the operators and some good news on when we are, but this is aggregated across all the operators and it doesn't necessarily reflect, there will be some local pockets where there have been issues, this is across all of West Yorkshire for manager.
In terms of service changes, yes, in February 24 tranche 1 of the bus service improvement programme services were introduced across the region and from last week or so ago.
in May, we just in investing further in a new preferred orbital route through visa, which incorporates the current six foot six to nine, we also proposals and by working closely with the operators to deliver additional Trunch, won't work on what we call 1.5 schemes in the next month or two so that stats coming forward.
The other area just to flag is in terms of passenger satisfaction at and attitudes, there are some links provided in the papers to some work that we've contributed to around your bus journey, which has been managed by Transport focused and the results from 2023 are published.
and there's also a an annual survey we run around looking to understand West Yorkshire residents' perceptions and attitudes around transport and infrastructure, as linked to last year's results are published. We have got this year's results through which are being reviewed at the moment, and the intention will be to provide a an overview or even presentation with the operators present at the next meeting of the Transport Committee and will run through those so hopefully that will be a quite quite informative for people to be able to get that the deeper insights into what's going out there in the streets and what the passenger perceptions are. I think it's fair to say that some of these surveys took place. As I said, between January and March we may pick up some areas where there is a drop offs in satisfaction as a result of issues such as wet weather or other issues have been going on across the region. That's everything from me on on that reports, happy to take questions. Thank you. And needle
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:46:48
C Councillor Edwards quicker for blocks now Castle Edwards.Thank you in a pithy contribution as well, I think, can I appreciate
Cllr Oliver Edwards - 0:46:59
this is not in your gifts, necessarily, I think, as a general best feedback, it would be quite helpful with these tables in 2.6 if we could know some of these figures by individual routes, so I recognise that some that's with the bus operators themselves, but I think that woods that would make even easierfor all of us in our role, scrutinise our role, scrutinising these figures, to know what the actual picture is and how it's affecting our residents.
OK, I'll I'll pick up on that point what would become a point
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:47:38
directly, but we will pick up on that point and I think when we get to the passenger charter report that Les Mick Bunting, introducing in a few minutes, he'll probably touch on some of those issues around key performance indicators and information and what we need to do around that.Councillor Firth tortoiseshell roof at a camp, it would be remiss of
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council) - 0:48:01
me not to mention the rapper.the talk to service, which I
I told you about the wire comfort on it.
so I give him the neck, I gave him a neck when this happens, in view of the for my ask us, she catches a bus, a lot on this Oliver Sunday to the bus turned up as usual.
In our own town is usually bus station she got on, as did 30 other people, the bus driver went to have a break and then didn't come back, and then somebody rocked her up and said you'll have to get up the bus, we've no driver, you'll have to catch the next one so you've got for a very busy scruple passengers there.
And there's one more, he and I turned up for the 7.7 to our toe in from leaks abuse following on Friday because I met a friend there for a couple of hours.
we've turned up just been cancelled, so that meant there was a bus every two hours rather than one every hour, and it's not on and a river continually doing this with a two hour to two or three service, sorry, but after that.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:49:15
Aspirated Councillor Leese instruments come in on that, yes, yes, Chair.I just pick up from what Councillor would say I mean, it really is the
Cllr Jakob Williamson - 0:49:24
only way to get an idea, I'll sort reliable input trolley, sir, in terms of each district as well, because we just do it well.On a West Yorkshire level, we're saying why controls unreliable, it seems to be stabilising.
and I appreciate you mentioned obvious little bit pockets of stuff but it seems OK in Wakefield district, there's none of this sort of news about this service or that services improving and getting better, we have frequent sort of issues where we're talking call, bus routes don't have a service particularly on an evening for a couple of hours is not but whatsoever running.
That it would seem to have a lot of issues, particularly in some of his more deprived communities as well, which raises issues in itself.
I would I would really be interested to see our different operates in different districts are sort of performing against one another, because I think, as we go forward with franchising, we need to get a real grasp of these issues and see sort of where we need to be putting in the work construct to improvers services when we actually take of Roman regulating ourselves, thank you.
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority - 0:50:41
Yeah, thank you for that Councillor, to come back on both of those parts of the really valid points and thank you for them and we are working really closely with Areva, we understand, they've got signifiers as, as is not new news, they've got significant issues with recruiting and retaining drivers.We are working really closely with Arriva through the West Yorkshire Bus Alliance, at how we can support them to to to and meet this challenge, including looking at the possibility of some agency workers to get to get in and get those routes get those rooms moving and we invested heavily through the be sipping in a number of Wakefield services, as you know and I think they're perhaps the services of the talking about the challenges we will see in them.
I and others, and we are aware of those challenges and we act. We are working directly with the operator to try and try and mitigate them, but understand the frustration that's causing passengers very briefly
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:51:36
Councillor, just check them. There is some issues on some of the bedsit funded routes, but some other routes were talking about theseCllr Jakob Williamson - 0:51:43
things, like the one town, which was like a commercial service, and probably the District sought a main car through where on an evening and will be on its various parts through various got services, just not run in all its possibly 15 minute service and reports. I'll keep getting from residents, there might be a couple on Munro on or from which we start to only put all elements of the maximum visit routeI think it does this personally, notes that you want to act on that.
7 Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) Update
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:52:07
Okay and nothing way we can move forward on on franchise, nothing we do have further insight into which routes are doing well, which ends whether those can be shared, not improved. Demand is a different issue, but that that's the kind of intelligence we do need to be able to move forward properly. As Councillor Williamson says, OK, fine anything else on that or we lovely. Thank you very much. So we note saying the passenger experience and the actions set are rising from that at moving on now, then set Item number 7 bus service improvement, plan, visit, updates and also for colleagues at prefer. If we can put in here item 12 D about the visit clearance. Simple fires mess fires will put the approval. That's in this paper. We're gonna be discussingthat's a in here item 7, so.
Helen is going to become missing here, thank you, Councillor Hinchcliffe.
El Al introduces paper and then we'll jump on to the existing
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:53:10
programme and the approval, and then I'll come back to the next phase of the visa programme, that's OK, so that because the purpose of this paper is to really update and get can have,approval or delegated approval to submit the next bus service improvement plan. A deadline for submission is the 12th of June. Obviously now we have a general election, so I am just checking with D F T, that they are still intending taking submissions on that date or whether they are delaying to post post the election. We were required before the general election was enhanced, to publish our bus service improvement plan by the end of June. But again now we have a general election that does that, does change. The paper does start with can have a programme update on our existing bus service improvement plan. We've touched on the update and can have the summary of the work on the network side in the bus passenger experience paper
So if I can just hand to Dave to go on to the Mayor's fares, but if that's OK and to do the approval for the further mayor's first fund and the approval for the additional network funding, I'll be done later in the meeting with the project approvals.
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:54:24
Thank you thanks very much hope in the report that Helen Page has introduced sections, 2.7 she was two points and set out an overview of optimise first programme within visa and why that stands with volunteers, as Members will be aware, this is the implementation of subsidised flat for bus fare across West you option Yorkshire to address concerns of cost of living concerns and encouraged plus plus travel uptake post-pandemic, we said we've seen an update as had been previously reported with 25% of people surveyed, reporting using buses more than previously and 70% of people agreeing that it makes bus travel easier to use.In introducing maize farmers nationally government introduce what's known as national 2 pound fair cap scheme, which is slightly different scheme to what we've got here, it's not quite as wide ranging, but it still has to basic the basics of Thomas verse in that around capping single first of 2 to 2 pounds so the rest in the rest of England that was introduced in January 2023 and governance had been committed to maintaining that scheme until the end of 2024.
the fact that the national FAS scheme has been maintained.
creates issues in terms additional financial pressures against that 34 million pound BCF allocation against Mayor's fares. So we, we're not, we're not in a position as per the original, what's the word assumptions that were made within the programme, that we were going to be increasing the fares by a certain level of inflation year on year, we've not been in a position to do that, since government has held national scheme at 2.00 pound, which has been absolutely fantastic for customers, but gives us some issues in terms of the longevity of the maize first programme itself, where we're working very closely with the F T at the moment to ensure we continue to live a benefits for passengers from this scheme and that we don't we're not out of kilter with the rest of the country around the national 2 pound fare scheme, that's absolutely critical for us, particularly going into franchising that we don't get into that situation. So we are working closely with the F T as we speak, trying to work through solutions to the problems of the affordability on a long-term scale of mass fires, and how that sits with national tuft scheme, as was mentioned by CPO. Catherine's pithier earlier sitting. Alongside the overview of mass powers within visa, we are also seeking approval,
which is to basically unlock the rest of the marriage vows money that that sits within be so so of the 33 million pounds we're looking to unlock the final, the final some, I haven't got figure right in front of me here possible of 10.3 5 2 million.
At this point in time it's worth mentioning, and this is where we jump to page 1 1 6 at the bottom of approximately pages Page 1 1 6 of the pack I'm not sure what page it is on your on your screen but Mrs 1 1 6 09 it provides an overview of the funding envelope around maize farmers in the context of visa it talks about it being,
With an additional 11 million which has come from the effective further phase, a piece of funding that takes us to 45 million just shy of 45 million, but this this report specifically is looking to unlock that electoral, Latin merely actually 10.3 5 million work has been undertaken around this too, and to to ensure that this still represents value for money. We've had already how our passengers are ready for, in terms of how we assess the value for money in economic terms is giving us a benefit cost ratio of about 1.7 8 to 1, which is a good, healthy, benefit-cost ratio and certainly benefits from that are coming through. So what we're seeking a committee to do here is seek funding recommendation to unlock that money and this committee. Thank you very much
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 0:58:06
any questions, comments on that.First of all, can we?
before we take any further questions, can we just Ed votes on if there's no questions on it about the extent of the mess FEZ are we happy to propose that, can I suggest a allocate that I propose that it can seconded by Councillor Carlo always invited please show?
That is carried, thank you very much, and any questions around the further reports now that we have on visit.
Do you want me to go?
all right, fine, thank you very, if you could do that, that's fine, thank you, I was gonna, go to Keighley, but that's fine.
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:58:52
Okay, thank you, Councillor Hinchcliffe them, so in terms of they can have the basic requirements going forward, the D F the d f t be set requirements of 2024 further, can have this next round of the visa and requires us to update our bus service improvement plan to accept the next in the next level of funding, so this is the 13.3 million for this financial year from Network North.
we, as part of that we need to update our baseline of, can have date for change in terms of our patronage and what we've delivered to date, and we need to undertake a bus connectivity assessment and understand work with the bus operators to can have understand their capacity and capability to try to deliver going forward so,
So those are new elements that we need to work through which we or will be submitting alongside our new bus service improvement plan, so our new our new, be CYP, will build on what.
What our submission from 2021 and take into account the decision we made on bus reform back in back in March, the programme, within their will, can have continued to deliver, say the elements we have been delivering with an additional element which will also look at, can have our our infrastructure and proposed to kind of have capital improvements around our our bus stations.
so what we're asking for today on this is delegated approval to submit I'll be set-up.
in theory, on the 12th of June, unless d f t f, as otherwise due to the general election.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:00:40
looking at any questions around that.Councillor Lloyd,
thank you Chair, it was just.
the question about the access bus wait,
Cllr Andrew Loy - 1:00:56
the replacement event I was contacted by.what was one of our colleagues in Belgium was contacted by a resident about the Avenue vehicles that they were using, as I understand some of them have reached the end of the life, so they've had to recent vehicles in the meantime and
apparently there have been some issues with.
with the or various things the
No handrails nowhere to put also to insufficient space to put wheelchairs and shopping.
Uncomfortable poor design for older people.
so just wondering if there was any any sort of plans to.
Find more suitable vehicles in the interim before the
year full replacement
thank you.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:01:51
yeah, thank you yeah, thank you for that, Councillor, the the accessMr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority - 1:01:54
bus, as you know, provides a really valuable service to communities we since the pandemic we've been trying to procure new fleet in it into the into that service.but due to a real challenges in the market in acquiring those vehicles, that's that's provided fruitless up to date, but we have got a pipeline in progress, and that is something that we are working through now to to to to to look at the fleet and renew it so it is it isn't drain.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:02:29
Let any further questions now, so are we happy? Obviously I was please see about Keighley results as well, actually Councillor Firth, just looking in here, the increase in patronage in Keighley she used to want pan-flat, for which is nice to see so ad shows what can be achieved, will have local control of our own destiny. So that's that's great, and so we have a suggestion from officers that we need to submit this bus service improvement plan to come by the 13th, 12th of June officers subject to general election, which is putting a fiance it joins if it's at the moment,but Sam, I am happy to propose that Councillor Cowell happens seconder, always, if I please show.
8 Passenger Charter Update
LaFleur that is carried, thank you very much, I think that completes the items on this paper moving on then to the passenger charter update something that Councillor Edwards was particularly keen on at last meeting and officers his last meeting with a stay from his last hurrah rail passenger charter, so I'll let Sir Mick presents on that and I'll go straight to Councillor Edwards.
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority - 1:03:41
Thank you Chair, so Members will probably hopefully, be remember the the launch of the passenger charter in March 2023, with the promise that there would be a renewed challenge on an annual basis that would pick up on performance KPIs feedback from passengers, performance in the network to ensure that the document was or was a live and meaningful document and and just didn't sit in the background, not adding value, so we've been teams have been working really hard to do this to. The purpose of this report is to update on what the annual review of the first year of the the Charter has told usand to evaluate our newly developed key performance indicators, which were which were put in place and part way through the first year of the of the charters wife, just a really quick bit of background, the passenger chat is, it is a key requirement of the bus service improvement plan to set the standards for customers or what they can expect from our bus services in terms of punctuality, reliability, driver standards, standards of bus customer complaints and all those really important things that passengers,
rightly value and.
It also seeks to to to to get us consistent set of standards across across the network and put with our operators, and that was a key feature of the Mayor's big bus chat consultation, where passengers were really clear on this.
and the Charter set out a number of ambitions, which I won't go through it, that needs have been taught through before, but they are in the report take that as read, but one where we were, we were really keen this this year the at the the the annual the the first anniversary of the chatter to to look at the KPIs look at the data behind them and see exactly what it's telling us again I do not propose to go through every single KPI in the report.
in terms of all the data there, but one and the there for all to re bramble, I will take any questions, but some of the really key elements, and so they are the hot topics that we've got from passengers throughout the area, particularly around the the customer complaints process, the responsiveness of operators and the when that process is set up in terms of it.
in terms of an ambition for it to be more centralised and and localised in terms of responses, rather than perhaps going to to tick, tick, tick to, or further afield call centres to to manage which we've found has not been to the satisfaction of many customers and also in relation to customers who are who are expressing dissatisfaction and the promise in the charter with regards to free travel vouchers and you'll see it,
KPI number father, over two and a half thousand of those we were given out and Councillor Edwards and I have a conversation about listnum Shah Councillor Edwards Mark may want to make some comments about about that as as well. We are in in terms of the into the timeliness timeliness. We know is an absolute key element to passengers were mindful of the results of the CHA Transport focus survey and and what passengers told us in that and how important that is to them and
We we, we've got that as a as a key performance indicator in the charter as well.
there are other bits in there that are that I'm sure you've had a look through them. I think out of that, what the point that I I'd like to make is that from this, now that we've had a year off of the charter, we've got all the data, we've got the information, we, we cannot know what it's telling us and how passengers feel through assessing the KPIs and through looking at surveys and what the tram transport focus. Information has told us we are now gonna be establishing a quarterly report that goes into our transport board, that will report on all the these care powers, so we've got very senior oversight in the organisation on this performance so that the the any key actions that come out of that will feed into the West Yorkshire Bus Alliance, where we can directly hold operators to account for any any findings that come from that quarterly reporting. You'll see them at 2.00.6 that a key Aikey
concern of off of passengers is around failure to operate, and thus we talked about gas buses before services that have been cancelled, and you can see in figure 1 that that's a that's really are keen for, because passengers in terms of what they expect rightly expect from our from our operators and from in bus journeys and this the monitoring of this data will now give my teams the the the the tools that they need for us to have meaningful conversations with with operators to hold them to account on that.
we've also got a clear, inf, clear data round, passenger safety at House House passengers feel with regards to their own personal welfare in light of anti-social behaviour and crime, and the difference that we see between male and female passengers, and also the difference between day and night days during the daytime a lot of passengers feel.
Pretty safe, but you can see there's a huge reduction during the night-time hours and I'm a big distinction there between men and women, and that's a real key consideration about us in terms of our safer travel partnership work, and what we can do in terms of targeted interventions and intelligence led interventions to try to deal with that inflammation so that there the actions that we will take in that quarterly report will come back into the Transport Board. From this point on, we will continue to update Transport Committee with we with key updates and them, and also, on an annual basis, refreshed the the Charter. So this report also seeks
approval to to to implement the 2024 25 passenger Chapter, which is appended onto the report, happy to take any questions, thank you them
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:10:11
for that and it's good tell first year, and also quite keen, even if we want to look at just lists, to keep KPIs constant over the years and you really see whether you make an improvement and not as I don't want to adjust too much about what we've got here over what we're at Councillor Edwards.Cllr Oliver Edwards - 1:10:31
Thank you very much and thank you for your work has swollen this making, and you'll see Ms Butler know, there's a lot of work, that's been going on behind the scenes, so that's really appreciated, so I think by all of us.I mean, I'm looking through the points that the there's lots of helpful things you've said, I think I mean, I think one of the things that we discussed was around free travel vouchers and I think from the bus operators this needs to be a bit more ambitious. There are lots of people for whom getting a free travel voucher would not mean a huge amount and in a lot of places where there is no alternative to the bus, people are often having to take taxis, and I'm not talking about travelling to the other side of the city but, for example, people having to get to work and there isn't a reasonable alternative. It's true in my areas, too, in many areas across West Yorkshire, so where people need to
take a reasonable alternative and they can demonstrate that, in terms of cancellations, I think.
that some kinds of compensation scheme reasonable compensation scheme, would be something something to work towards, and I appreciate there are that's an ongoing conversation, Butler is something that I would very much like us to push. I think improvements in the complaints procedure as one which you've which you've touched upon, because at the moment for lots of passengers they feel that if they make complaints, the bus operators get to mark their own homework and that can't be right
One about the quarterly reports, I think that's that's very promising, and that's very helpful, I know there are restaurants and members of the public who would also welcome the opportunity to be able to access that, as as they are able to with the train companies and so moving forwards, I think that would be something worth considering, but thank you for your work and,
please, sir, please keep up the good work, thank you just before I've come back to Mick, I want to go to Councillor Buckley, as Williamson
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:12:41
and Councillor McLoughlin.Cllr Neil Buckley - 1:12:49
Thank you Chair page 56 2 6 and, as was highlighted in the report.this is
there's nothing, we're not says standing at the bus stop, and it's gonna be 15 minutes eight minutes and then suddenly disappears, it's just demoralising and the number of people who are telling me about these things and I've had it myself.
It says here this highlights that for a variety of reasons, many bus journeys are still not being properly tracked in real time and I think when you try to explain to people the reasons for it, the glaze over the they just can't understand it gambling, so it's here 14% of of journeys are not happening.
And I just wonder if we need to tighten this up Dunaway and how how can that be done?
And scheduled questions, festival answering message sneaking out of all these Councillor Williamson.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:13:50
Councillor McLoughlin. Thank you, Chair yeah, just something I thoughtCllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:13:58
I'd get it, I quick everything Councillor Edwards said, it is aCllr Matthew McLoughlin - 1:14:01
fantastic bit of work and it's really improvement for the people of West Yorkshire because getting that customer facing part of the service right is absolutely bonkers. Customers are very rightly quite annoyed a lot of the time and it's not always easy for them to express that frustration and to for us to analyse it properly, so it's brilliant, just not been given that we've just passed the updated visa, which now includes safe, accessible and welcoming stations and stops as part of our strategy. There isn't really a KPI in the passenger chapter that relates entirely to that Cape about safety, and it's about what about timetables, but not about accessibility or how satisfied customers with the overall experience, and I just thought it might help the two parts of our sort of overarching view to become more cohesive with each other if there was one added which would include the all to expand. What needs to include that so that the two strategies of MarioCouncillor Firth and Councillor P.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:15:00
Thank you Chair, thank you for your report, you said you have evidenceCllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council) - 1:15:05
of lots of poachers. but have you evidence of the number of people actually had to hire a taxi in your report, because you know when it isn't a report 20 minutes it'd be done turned up you can actually,Had a taxi charity back and I was just wondering how many people have taken advantage of that.
Councillor Patient.
Yeah, thank you, Lord.
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council - 1:15:31
Just just wanted to dwell on one of the KPIs, then we've touched on it before, which is the first one around the percentage of homes within 400 metres.Councillor Bolt before mentioned the Hillary Step Eno were not averse to that within Calderdale, we've got a lot of those going on, so just really a bit of a place to allow that to evolve and take into account those locations where that 400 metre line of sight doesn't quite step in with what the landscape looks like.
so here's a list of questions I can from the NYT wanting if you'd like to come back.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:16:04
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority - 1:16:09
thank you for all your comments and questions, sir yeah, into in terms of just going back to Councillor Edwards' points in terms of the compensation scheme. This is something that God, we've got task and finish group now. I've asked staff to engage directly with operators on this in including the point you made about the customer feedback and complaints process as well. I know there's a lot of dissatisfaction around. These key elements would died when we've set the PA Charter up in 2023, tried to tackle that when we first launch in it, and there are some challenges around it, but understand the importance, and I see in my mailbag that you know the comments that the passengers are making about this a key key element. What I do also want to do is track the the number of complaints, but the satisfaction of how complaints have been handled. I think that's a key element to this, and that's something that I've asked colleagues talk in, to see that that's feasible and possible and how we can develop that important piece of work.sir sorry yeah, the compensation scheme is something that we will work through and one and tots it top with operators. There are some challenges around that, obviously from a financial point of view, but that silo way them engendering customer confidence in it in our buses means that when when things go wrong, there is a proper that properly costs for customers and that's an important element of this. Now this document will will will help this this to to to to pull through to Councillor Buckley's point on the gas buses, which always cropped up. Doesn't it? It's a really important issue
we've got a task and finish group set up with operators around this. This is in terms of the 14% number that I think you talked about in terms of buses that are not being tracked. That are a couple of elements, that I think it contributes into. That one is a process issue in terms of data being put into the system by operators to show that buses are actually not setting off for whatever reason that might be, and we talked about challenges around drivers earlier on and also a techie issue in some of the in some of the areas where GPS is not properly at picking. Picking up the signals that both of those elements have been looked at in the task and finish group to really important area. There's nothing more frustrating, as you say it of that inflammation, that you think is reliable and then the bus doesn't turn up and the bus disappears off the screen is a key priority of this task, and finish group to work with operators to tackle was two key areas around process and and and Intech to Councillor McLaughlin's point on accessibility as a care plan. I think that's a really valid point is perhaps one that we have overlooked. Inclusive travel is an absolute priority to us and we will get that in it, and I understand the need for consistency with the KPIs, but that is one that we will certainly put in there in early Carson them and get that monitored them in our inclusive travel ambitions.
thank you.
Councillor for sorry, I've got some notes, and I can't read my worry about the taxes rather than loss of with how you tax it and as well as some believe that Microsoft was subject turns up to the loss, was perhaps a young woman and she'd only got the bus were in a pocket now
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council) - 1:19:28
conceit vaulted by a hail of taxi, what do we do about that or is there a way around that?yeah in terms of the dates, we don't have that data available but realised the importance of getting that, and that's something that we
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority - 1:19:41
can certainly get into the system. My understanding from the churches that it's the last bus where this taxi offer is made and I think to Councillor Edwards' point, this compensation scheme, where people are not able to get to work, whether it's a last bus or not, is something that through through all the financial challenges that that that presents, is something that we need to look at and explore as an entire it is. I'll pick that point up in conjunction with that and task. Colleagues, we were looking at that to see if we can develop that that idea and Councillor Pearson absolutely take on board. The challenges around the 400 metre point and the the geography of the region is very different. Some some areas more hilly than others and something that we will look at as we move forward, particularly as we will look to improve customer confidence, moving to offer that franchising network. So thank you for that point. It is noted and we are aware of it. Thank you, Councillor Caldwell, to come inCllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee - 1:20:41
The aim was very briefly out, I'm just gonna really add a bit of clarity really on on Councillor Buckley's question earlier, because we had the ghost bus issue a couple of meetings back and what what that group found at the time is by far and away the biggest issue and one reason for the ghost bus is the operators not cancelling a service at the point at which they know that service isn't good as well, and that's the biggest discrepancy in the data that we found, so it relies on somebody in the depot saying that service isn't gonna run, correcting that onto the system so it can go up on the screen and unfortunately that's the gap, and that's the reala real annoyance for people waiting at a bus. Stop is the fact that 15 minutes ago somebody knew that bus wasn't gonna be there and you could have made different plans, you could have at least know not. Too many buses are cancelled for a start, and that's an issue, but at least four buses cancelled. It should be that the operators have, let you know as soon as they have made that decision, because somebody has made that decision in most cases or and therefore you are you aware of that and can make your plans, and that's the bit I think we really want to focus on this is the assistance issue that needs addressing Cousins will use my anticipated. You want to speak before you Chester
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:21:55
just a follow up on the same issue of Ghostbusters.When I used to work as a bus driver, we operators were able to track
Cllr Jakob Williamson - 1:22:07
their buses in real time from the that borough or wherever it was, there were are we saying when if, if you are a passenger and you're using and operate as an Apple, something like at which has popster tell you where the buses are of, if we're going off sort of the buses in bus stations and things are out of the box sorry,
are we not going of birth system, they have to track their own buses are today, then that's the transfer that for another, so I've just started as one of my stomach surpluses specific costs.
If they're tracking their run buses in real time, that should then be able to rely on to bus passenger. Charlotte, somewhere and let
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:22:48
Councillor Cowell come back on that, Ian said something yeah, we're using the same information that comes from the bus it comes to us, butCllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee - 1:22:53
when are services cancelled? Obviously the default would be that you bussi sat waiting in Pudsey bus station, let's say, and you would see the tracking information for that, but somebody needs to literally cancel that service, otherwise it will just be shown. They're still sending the tracking information so the tracking information is coming through. It's just that the bus isn't moving and everyone knows that bus isn't gonna move, because there's no driver there or similarSorry, so what happens in situations where, if you are looking at the app or whatever or?
Cllr Jakob Williamson - 1:23:28
In particular, and the service is moving on the outwards, not physically moving, Charlie that will they won't count if the recording of the real-time information of Charlotte, so as far as I understand it, the system drives itself with the timetable first of all and itSimon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:23:45
only adjusts once it sees that the service is registry itself was running behind the timetable.the problem with that is that the bus season outlet.
That it isn't suggesting that it's not a matter, that's the fundamental problem in the in the system at the moment that we want to put right, so we did go into good policies in some depth couple of
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:24:10
meetings again, but, Councillor Bolt, I don't think you were there, so I am going to let you ask a very short question if that's OK,yet just want to know what they are process, our policies, from this Authority, in overseeing and commenting on development planning
Cllr Martyn Bolt - 1:24:25
applications or major highway scheme, we talk a lot about infrared real-time information.I was using the buses the other week coming back from Huddersfield, and they think he's seven and a half million being invested in the Leeds Road scheme, new bus shelters, but no art on them and a Charter talks about.
Place to wait for a bus with children, many stops the major industrial development on the A6 to at Mirfield has got bus stops, but no shelter. So when you stood on Mirfield Moor and it's raining, you know, you're not very inclined to catch when I'm none of those stops are actually good bus timetables and have reported them and they're still not fitted, so what's the policy? I'm making sure that we have suitable shelters and also putting our Tia in new shelters, so I think there is a programmers rather than a house I've seen a list of and
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:25:15
some of them were incorrectly actually example shuffles appending yeah, we do have a list of of roll-out of haughty items that areDave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:25:23
linked to the two projects, I think also in terms of project development.We make sure that there is sufficient liaison between the various teams and certainly when, when there is a bus priority scheme or a highway scheme where bus shelters are involved, that we get in the right kit in place, I'd need to if you could give me some specifics on those points, I'll be happy to pick them up and try to work out what hasn't quite worked in the right weather, Nobel the schedule day, so
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:25:48
anything very brief for Councillor Clough has happened, so I've still got lots and lots of legend to get through. Yes, actually it's aCllr Matthew McLoughlin - 1:25:56
similar, but a but different point on the keeping of 7, the percentage of bus journeys cancelled it. It says thatwhen it's actually calculated is by mileage, not covered, which only approximates the journeys cancelled, and I I did ask this in the previous one, but that seems to me.
It seems odd that we don't actually have the information of how many buses have been actually cancelled, how many services have been cancelled? I understand there's a reason for that, but I think it will be popped out both sets of information because even if it's only a short journey that's been cancelled, that could still be a community that's left high and dry quite a lot of the time even though it's not far away from the centre just is that what you could use, I've explained if we have access to that information and because we're gonna need it if we're going to franchise. The services
Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority - 1:26:42
yeah, so it is a really good question, it is information that we ask for and don't necessarily getting it is something that we're acutely aware of the mileage in itself doesn't tell you everything that you need to know for that very reason we are, we are having the discussions with operators about how we can make this data to Richard for a fee for services cancelled rather than getting the overall mileage picture, which is hopefully something we'll be able to update you on.So, yeah yeah, garage, I should stress, but that will be a condition
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:27:17
of any franchising contract so that that difference between requesting information and not receiving that what will be taken away as part of the road map with franchise contracts.Lovely, thank you very much, everybody had something that obviously
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:27:36
will very keen to develop and pizza hold operators to account some, so I just to re-emphasise, really want to add things to that for to be added, not subtract things, because I do think that consistent data over time is something we need to be able to track performance and there are some recommendations and reports about next steps.and for us to adopt the 24 25 passenger totter, notwithstanding the additions that we've talked about today.
9 Transport Policy Update
with that are we happy to accept those recommendations, I'm happy to support them and Councillor Cowell for yeah, all those in February, sharers, thank you very much that is carried.
moving on now, then to the transport policy update paper and Simon, did you want to speak to that?
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:28:23
Thank you, Councillor Mitchell, them. There's a number of items in this paper covering quite a wide agenda, so I'll just drop through each of them fairly quickly and then, if his questions will pick him up at the end, if that's OK, so just say festival from our rail policy, sides them. We, the Midlands, Yorkshire north-east study which has been set up following following Network North last October. We are work just to say in this way we are working with Network Rail and just review the scope of this dispute. The study is looking at Midlands, Yorkshire and north-east current rail connectivity. But we had some concerns over that study because it was focusing only on one element, which was the infrastructure element rather than the wider and wider requirementsalso related to Network North included in that there was a 2 billion pound allocation for a new station in the centre of Bradford and a new embryo link connecting Bradford and Huddersfield this was just to update on the fact that D F T and restarted the work on the outline strategic outline business case.
And we are working closely with D F T and Bradford Council to consider the options and how to integrate this new station to the with wider public transport offer.
And how this sits alongside the work M D F T are doing on their business case, also within rail policy we a rail, a consultation on rail reform was issued earlier this year to which we responded to on that, and it was essentially a call for evidence on the draft rail reform bid.
I think you have key cabinet bits of feedback on that, we're essentially we need to understand better how the governance will work and are particularly particularly sorry how Great British Rail will work with the CIA and Transport for the North together moving on to active travel, this is just really to bring to Transport Committee the funding announcements that were made him directly before our pre-election period we did do some comes on it at the time but obviously it hasn't come to this committee.
The the active travel fund fund for and the fund for extension was was announced, this was additional 3 million pounds worth of capital and 2.5 million pounds worth of capability funding.
The schemes included in the capital funding were essentially those that were got unfunded first time round in the earlier ask for funding and asked for schemes for the funding.
also just to note that we are currently working on an active travel strategy and which will come forward as part of our Local Transport Plan, and we will be having conversations with Transport Committee around the scope and the shape of that in due course.
moving on to roads and highway policy, so this was this is picking up on a number of consultations that Department for Transport issued earlier this year and following the plan for drivers, so in March this year government made a number of announcements relating to that that policy background the first one of which or one of them which was around traffic signals funding, so this is an additional 508,000 to be given 2 m to us right to the districts them to upgrade traffic signals across across the region that funding is being given to the will be given to the districts according to the way we've done the rest of the Sierra SDS maintenance programme.
also also within the Network North announcement, this is just a small so major road network, 1 billion pounds in Network not was announced to do a potential news programme of.
have major roads or kind of upgrades or additions to the major road network, this is just to say that guidance hasn't been released by D F T and and we are still working with Transport for the North to agree what a submission to that may look like.
Albeit obviously again going into a general election period. This is likely to change
also in here we're just noting the them.
publication of our vision, Zero strategy, so this is a strategy that we have been working on alongside our District partners who and other kind of organisations such as West Yorkshire police restaurants, fire service them to set out kind of our position on vision Zero strategy for,
for West Yorkshire, this was consulted on last year and
As a result of that public consultation and was due to be launched in July this year, but obviously with the general election and we're just working through them the exact timings of where that sits now.
and I think that was everything in that Transport Policy update.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:33:23
leaflets obviously quite a lot going on there and as we have just come out of three days at UK reef, which is theNational property development conference based here in Leeds and it was great to be able to talk about all the new rail investments, go 5 billion pounds worth of investment for a rail and dramas transfer, etc really exciting times for the region, and I'm obviously when we need to progress things as quickly as possible in order to the vision 0stuff I would say.
surely that can continue, regardless of general election timetable substitute for people's lives is not what that was something that was agreed, her cross-party constipation.
Thank you, yes, I know you are just a small point, I'm really good.
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council - 1:34:06
The combined authorities develop interactive travel, sort of piece of work on that thing. That's really gonna be warmly welcomed. I guess just to say, and I'm sure this is something you're doing anyway, lots of travel England running a event in Todmorden active travel ambition event, and I think probably good to say that clearly what can be done in places like Bradford and Leeds and in terms of changes to roads this one doesn't necessarily tracks at places like Wakefield and Calderdale where it's a little bit different, so just making sure that we're also not just taking that strategic view but also doing a bit of a drill and a deep dive into how other places can sort of or access that kind of work.I think here in your questions, comments, Councillor Bolt concur with
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:34:51
Cllr Martyn Bolt - 1:34:55
that headache on very active travel strategy, is part of the strategy for West Yorkshire to have an active travel commissioner, I notice Oliver Coppard has already poached, one who would have been a good contender, I can't say he's gone to work in South Yorkshire, which is a bit strange because he lives in Holmfirth and it seems the way we miss you are we're lagging behind many of our neighbours who've had the strength of a good active travel commissioner and filtering that down to district levels making sure that we have district leads on active of the other things on active travel, I wonder what the authority partners are doing to protect active travel networks from issues, I understand that EU law has got it's got a bridleway on one side and it's got a cycle path on the other, but it seems to be having numerous incursions from illegal traveller encampments, it's an accessible, it's wonderful track but is
Rendered out of action for many times for cyclists and horse riders because of illegal encampments, so what are we doing to protect active travel routes when we build them?
As I think, are a specific issue that local issue they about
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:36:05
encampments. I would suggest that I'm not sure that's a universal issue that we've got, and just regarding the champion. Workforce are women to be very good at this actually active travel that we in West Yorkshire until we get to a gold stars, one thing for them from active travel England for being very good to say, I forgot what the system was, so so we are one of only. I will not correct me if we got the wrong level levels. Three areasSimon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:36:28
I am in the country and through that that level of performance would've a very, very strong, a relationship both with actually propelling one dandled so at Cheryl back to travel, and one Chris Chris Boeckmann, so as far as far as I'm aware of this title I don't think the macy's that the need for any further appointment.I have had lots of active dialogue with active travelling and myself
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:36:56
in the last few months as well, actually I am making sure they realise how important all parts of the region are, and I think we can all play a role in championing Councillor Bolton, I'm sure none of us are shot coming forward are we ready?Any other questions that Mrs or Councillor McLoughlin.
thank you, Chair yeah, the the thank you for the report and for all the work that's going on, it's incredibly impressive the report does
Cllr Matthew McLoughlin - 1:37:19
make passing reference to our pictures to our IP and the fallout thereof. Something we discussed at the last Transport Committee meeting was the the now uncertain future of the T shaped station at Leeds, which was supposed to be a really crucial part of the improvements we wanted to see to our local rail network, so I'm just wondering if there's any update on on that or is the government still keeping us in limbo?I would suggest, for now, is not the right time for asking for being
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:37:45
dissolved from the marriage next Thursday, but obviously it is very important for the whole region that the station is the right way round.Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:38:00
It is absolutely and wow we continue to anticipate that the resolution of the issue will come out of.excuse me, a study which is which has recently started, which is led by the day f t called the Midlands York and north-east Rail study, I think it's referred to in both in the paper I'm on the steering board for that study, so I'm certainly looking to ensure that that's the way in which we're able to resolve the positioning of Late Station on a feature national network.
Flexion cannot see any more questions on this item, I was sorry, Councillor Tshetsha, just to pick up on them.
Points hands just meant about the and Wyoming study, I'll just.
Cllr Jakob Williamson - 1:38:51
What concerns of reverse does a author, basically I'm not sure about?And so the that the fundamental issue that that we want to resolve and
Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:39:07
working really closely with neighbouring areas that are around us, including some some very close working with South Yorkshire, recognising the importance of of the relationship between the twocity regions is that we want to ensure that, through the study, we have enhanced connectivity from the base that there is are at present, so, for example, there is no intention on our part to say at a trade-off in terms of Whitfield, comma connectivity and but fundamentally we're well where we're looking step piece work in the first instance is to reach a very, very clear consensus with government around,
what the long-term economic growth horizons are that we, from which we are then planning back the right word railway as opposed to planning railway interventions and then asked not Salisbury what's the economic impact of that I think that's landed now with colleagues in the in the department clearly it's likely to Beale longer before the work starts to gain full traction with the announcement of the past few days
10 Local Transport Plan Update
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:40:31
I thank you very much and not an employer indications on this report so I think were probably happy to note it moving on then to the next item the Local Transport Plan update something that we've done in workshops before as a committee service should be familiar with this work and thank you Councillor Hinchcliffe so this report wasHelen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:40:49
originally part enter into a pack of papers to just kind of update the Committee on the Phase 1 engagement which was due to start in the 20th of G we now obviously can't start on the 20th June 2 to the general election so obviously this report is here as it is it stands but really it was just to say that we were due to start an eight-week engagement on the 28th of June which would look to do to panel events in each District have a number of online webinars and can have a lot o a kind of face-to-face face-to-face discussion getting out into the far reaches of the region and we are now looking at that Programme for engagement in terms of the timings to start at some point in the summer after the general election sorry the papers really for noting on that basisCllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:41:40
I assume it can we not just get on with thisHelen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:41:44
because obviously sorry discussing earlier that actually these are OKCllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:41:48
these are questions and as the conclusion of it work come back until after the general election is over to we're as local Councillors officer very keen to get on improving with our air our areas and having just come out of a pre-election period election period vaquita keen to get on and and see positive relevance definitely and it that IHelen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:42:08
think are our bison Byrne as Members will understand as a stick in place an individual local authorities we are just currently working through full details of inpatient of of the prime Minister's announcement earlier in the week but we are only talking a few weeks we will be back up and running as soon as we are through a demolitionCllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:42:33
thank you any other questions no no sorry as a passion for thank you I just briefly and just to say I do hope that 0 members do engage inCllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council - 1:42:41
that process when you come to a different spaces of I think there's probably a real opportunity to make sure that we've got a step-change in road space reallocation and think about reducing car dominance you know in all of our in all of our places the CQC about taking up of active modes and all the stuff we spoke about in terms of public transport today I think if we I think if we miss it and we fail to get those sorts to teach it principles in place than we could really miss miss a trick on this it feels like notification that at a travel consultation stuff it feels others have ever point in time to make all those things things worked really well but then I would say with that oneyeah absolutely and I think is it's an ongoing discussion is never
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:43:29
given again a mass transit trams increasing number of people cycling walking and then road spaces really is in demand business and we have to virtual conversation about in a how you sat most productively11 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy
annual questions comments on this no other should get on with it as quickly as possible thank you very much moving on now to the next as matter 11 which just remind Members has got the confidential appendix to it if she wished to refer to anything that Appendix can you please just put raise your hand now
no in that case I won't shut people out of room
so outlets but please if you feel yourself minded to do so can you pause and let me know thank you very much so are we our Helen him
Helen Ellerton, Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:44:19
thank you Councillor Jeff so the this this is really count to ask the Committee for approval to go to statutory consultation around the Local let vehicle infrastructureprogramme and statutory consultation around the electric vehicle strategy them so what we're trying to do here is bring his get setting the context here around none of the role of both of these strategies so am we basically government published last year and March March I March 22 and the UK Eve M electric vehicle infrastructure strategy of which on the back of that we were successful with local Lettres vehicle infrastructure funding as part of that process and we are required to undertake a statutory consultation on her because of a programme for delivery of of of that process to enable us, then to deliver the funding, as part of that, we want to situate that with an electric vehicle strategy, which, in turn will be situated in kind of a umbrella of alternative fuels can have a strategy to fight to deliver our decarbonisation objectives, so what we're asking committee here just to be clear,
Mr cannot go to statutory conf consultation on the local electric vehicle infrastructure plan and
engagement around our electric vehicle strategy, not the broader umbrella. Okay, I guess just a little bit of kind of detail around some of that. The strategy has been developed in collaboration with our District partners along with the programme as well, and it really can have as an aim to can have develop a bit more of a network of EV charge points to support some of the barriers to overcome in delivery of electric vehicles across the region. So it's been a very much of data and kind of evidence led approach to doing both both pieces of work,
To kind of come up through the delivery model that we're hoping will help accelerate the delivery across the region, but also within the realms of our current funding, but what's our future vision, the vision be on that point, so if we could have approval to go out at consultation the timings of that consultation were due to be around the time that that consultation will due to be around early July but we hadn't fully fixed the date yet so.
The general election we don't think will impact upon the delivery of that.
excellent, thank you very keen to obviously get on with things.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:46:43
Torso were being asked in to recommend the approval to a eight week public and stakeholder consultation exercise, Councillor Bolt, before we go to vote on that.
Different challenges, reflecting on what consultation, certain active
Cllr Martyn Bolt - 1:47:01
travel is there anything in the authority's strategy or consultation to reflect the growth in E bikes, particularly in some of our districts which are topographically more challenging than others?so yeah.
you cannot have a situation where somebody wants to cycle, to work or out for tourism, and the limited obviously on recharging the bike is something that we should be, it shouldn't just be a motor vehicle, biased electric charging policy, we should be looking at all modes.
The question and I consider both Councillor McLoughlin and Councillor Firth.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:47:36
it's easy to confuse assets.Cllr Oliver Edwards - 1:47:42
Yep to stay just a suggestion, and two points 1 9 am about the consultation, I mean, obviously there's lots of interest in this within this room, but I would suggest, within all of the councils within the authority I know for quality of us as elected members restaurants ask us about this and buys from the parking points view and also in terms of being able to chargeElectric vehicles at different types, I think the points about bikes is a very good one, and so can I ask that when it comes to this consultation, the that this reaches all elected members across West Yorkshire.
And not not only those of us who are here, but also at the Council, because this is, this is something that comes up whatnot for many of us.
Councillor Firth.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:48:36
I will be brief while I welcome this paper and this potential investment.Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council) - 1:48:44
the Spitfire, in the back of my mind, that we, we may be rescuing lots and lots of money, not just locally, but nationally, in what could shortly become obsolete technology, with the massive investment worldwide in hydro to and the new innovation secretary place,I think he meant not.
Not so long.
Maybe a few years down, maybe this week obsolete black cable to a.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:49:17
controversial Councillor at first, but I'm also an advocate for hydrogen, but I think that's probably a place for both. Isn't there any going forward? Councillor McLoughlin now just must be. Thank you,Cllr Matthew McLoughlin - 1:49:26
JCS all you've asked me, I'll I'll I'll I'll say something, I do something I just wanted to say is I thank you Ted, for putting this together, so it's a very impressive document and specify. We've obviously talked about it a lot before and it's come to committee and we've made recommendations and I can see the improvements that have been made based on things that we've raised as a committee. So I just want to say thank you for listening and it's greatly appreciated all the work you're doingCllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:49:52
Icona has to act and Team, Keep as purpose to think
We have been asked to approve the so sorry for cancer patients just just very briefly and just to try and pull all of those bits together,
Cllr Scott Patient Calderdale Council - 1:50:08
and clearly this space here isn't no for a developing mobility hubs and now that's something the Combined Authority rolealready looking at you know whether it's safe eat bag charging or whether it's the active travel store for whether it's the LEP I'll or whatever I guess there's still just a little bit of not concern but just own being mindful of the fact that it would be brilliant to deliver mobility hopes and there will be good solutions in certain locations but still just thinking about who is doing the back end stuff on those system so brilliant to deliver beautiful looking capital projects but just making sure they've got longevity longevity built
they considered that the capital projected earnings should all be
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:50:50
thinking about that and they came forward to say so and the slick are planning to anything else you'll to add as result of commentsI can't find we're alright with that and we just want to give approval then to start the consultation a size for as quickly as possible I'm happy to recommend that Keller C. seconder in Councillor Cowell and then all those in favour please show
12 Project Approvals
12 a) Leeds City Bus Station Roof
thank you let's get going with its superb thank you very much which leads us now then onto the project approvals one of which already done which I should publish a known as MY Offerton is Leeds City Bus Station roof Dave
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:51:36
yes a applicants will appear on Friday a brief overview of work to the Leeds Leeds City Bus Station with reefer and and the roof here so there was a 6 point 1 million pound a Leeds bus station Phase 1 project for refurbishment which was completed in September 20 22 this included a remedial and repair work to the roof but however full roof replacement was not possible at the time due to the complexities of the roof structure as well as as well as funding constraints at either point in timeover last over the period since September 22 I think it's been clear to everyone that the remedial works have not proven to be successful to ensure that the building is especially waterproof as as we go in in in a passenger environment with which I find last and lessen satisfactory at present unacceptable levels of water ingress so the schemes being brought forward are to drought to look at
a potential overall replacement of the 2 thousand 200 metre squared roof which which is not just it's not just their glass and I shall closing it to substructure and associated services or come with that as well
and the report is seeking to progress the scheme through to started Trollope work commencing on the outline business case 375 thousand 100 funding has been sought the works in a design development itself like to take a further 12 months due to the complexity before construction can commence however in parallel with us a further remedial scheme is seeking to be implemented to help further water ingress during its veering period as soon as is practical to do so so we're looking to recommend funding approval here of 375 thousand Toleman costs are stated in the report
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:53:14
he said this is the first stage of funding requests Bad Santa and yes and it has been going on for some time he say this has been a few years and development Andersonso any questions have got Councillor works under Councillor Khan
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:53:30
Cheshire I'm puppets apart this project bought I would just like goingCllr Jakob Williamson - 1:53:41
forward a firm we've got similar problems with the year roofing Wakefield or station on rich and an opera advisory about as regatta franchising that following the lack of which come of Combined Authority and issueswe've got in Wakefield a very similar to this one on the objectives yet universal across of anyone everything suggests mindfully for could matter look at do not cause if we're if we wait until we have taken the bus station other it marked more costly and give us more disruptions in the longer term OK
consequently advertisements are likely or suspense account a council
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:54:15
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:54:17
with it and raise my point so thank you thank you so say Wakefield apologies Trump took into quicker than yeah that's absolutely on ourDave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 1:54:24
radar Councillor around around issues and Wakefield Bus Station as as you say so by Riva and we are looking at asset condition surveys across all our stock over the coming year to understand that indeed through discussions will be having going forward around when we do need to take on any particular potentially taken a particular facility such as Wakefield Bus Station not be something we we need to be doing12 b) TCF Dewsbury Town Centre Walking and Cycling Improvements
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:54:47
locations comments no are we are happy to prove this an project approval and have recommended that the second back and circle all those in favor Fisher that's carried thank you very much moving onto the next item which is TCF Dewsbury Town Centre walking cycling improvements Vicky Umbro, I have the ethics lots herself, I thought,Vicky Dumbrell - 1:55:11
yes, this is Dewsbury, Town Centre, walking and cycling as a project within transforming cities fund programme, so the project is being led and delivered by Kirklees Counciland it will deliver a series of walking, cycling and public realm, improvements in the town, with the aim of making it safer and more attractive to travel around by walking and cycling. There's a number of interventions, and these are all set out in the report, so mainly inside the ring road area and in improving connectivity with the bus station and with the rail station. And there's been two rounds of public consultation undertaken and extensive engagement with stakeholders in the town. An equality impact assessment has been undertaken, so all of these have been considered in the design of the scheme and it is now at outline business case stage. So the total project costs are being forecast at just over 12.2 million
so that's made up of a 10 point to 5 million from the Combined Authority and 2 million fun funding from Kirklees, Council, the development funding, ask at 454,000 to progress the detailed designs of the scheme that's been granted and by the Executive Director for Transport through a delegation, so that's noted within the papers so for this item there's no ask for release of development funding from the Committee today and the recommendation is to approve the outline business case and to give indicative approval for the Combined Authority funding of the 10.2 5 million for the delivery of the scheme when it gets to that stage and as set out in the outline business case stage.
Key questions, Councillor Bolt.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:56:55
Cllr Martyn Bolt - 1:56:58
I am supposed to say, chicken and egg question, it is OK, improving cycling and walking in Dewsbury town centre.But how do people get there safely, with cycling and walking, because the infrastructure from the Kalevala Greenway the Ossett Greenway, doesn't actually permeate right into the town centre they?
the Dewsbury Wakefield Greenway finishes at Sands Lane.
And there's no signpost in that linking that through to any other active travel corridor.
they are the Calder Valley Greenway, the Spen Valley Greenway is currently.
gonna be close for some time, thanks our friends into our EU and when T are you close things that operating place, any mitigation or any suitable diversion?
and you know, obviously, the challenges of getting into Dewsbury town centre from places like Heckmondwike Staincliffe another, so the town centre will be grateful, walking and cycling if you can get there,
Councillor Firth.
Thank you Chair.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:57:54
Cllr Eric Firth (Kirklees Council) - 1:57:58
I know what Councillor Baltic said, so it's true, and maybe we do want a better signposting, but this will enhanced use with a town centre and will become a part of the duty blueprint, so if there's lots ofinnovation lots of plans produced town centre, this is only part of it,
and it will, we go a long way to complete the picture, and it's not going to happen to our all these schemes, all actually progressing at a pace now by the way, but he's still be phase meets several years one, but when it all comes together,
it will enhance the town and is a fantastic scheme and I applaud it, thank you.
regeneration doesn't happen overnight, as it we are all aware of that,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 1:58:46
but was as councillors were very keen to pushing forward as quickly as possible any other questions or comments about this particular.Parcel
no Councillor felt they have to vote on the like, I'm half a second that can I see all those infected picture.
12 c) TCF South Bradford Park & Ride Expressway
and that is carried. Thank you very much. And moving on then to the TCF Sapref the Park and Ride Expressway Sunamul similarly afternoon off. So the transforming cities fund, South Bradford Park and Ride an
Simon Linley - 1:59:16
expressway scheme, led by Bradford Council, will better connect communities and improve sustainable travel options to the south of the city. The scheme will deliver new park and ride facility in south Bradford plus targeted bus priority measures at key junctions along Manchester Road and an active travel cycle cycle route to the city centre from the Park and Ride site. A phased delivery programme is being developed as part of the outline business case is the full scheme is not affordable within the transformed cities funds programme budgetPhase 1 of the scheme coming bus covering bus priority measures will be delivered through the transform cities cities fund and will include two new bus lanes along Manchester Road, extended bus lanes to get buses to the front of general traffic at mayor junction and at St Stephen's Road will also be improved signage and for improved bus stops and towards the city centre, there'd be one new pedestrian and cycle crossing at the junction of senior Way, and Cross Street junction phase 2, which will cover the Park and Ride site and the active travel route is subject to alternative funding being identified.
During the appraisal, the value for money assessment for the phase 1 and phase 2 calculated at benefit cost ratio of 1.6 3 that this represents medium value for for money overall the scheme is aiming to reduce the number of vehicles travelling along the A6 floor wall which is a Manchester Road.
Into Belfast city centre by 25% by 2036
improve bus journeys along the A 6 4 1 Cotto by 25%, again by 2027, also increased number of people who are able to access breakfast city centre using sustainable modes within 30 minutes by 25% again by 2027.
In terms of funding phase 1 of the South breakfast scheme which is obviously covering the top two bus priority measures comes forward with a total cost of 12,092,689 pounds delivery of Phase 1 is scheduled to be fully completed by August 2026 so committed today we are asking for the following approvals, so the South Bradford Park and Ride Expressway proceeds through decision Point 3 is outline business case or work commences on an activity for Phase 1 is the full business case.
Or additional development costs of 1 million families and 6 69,000 are approved to progress phase 1 to activity for obviously full business case, and the Combined Authority enters into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Bradford Council for expenditure up to 6 million 80,774 pounds.
Thank you very much, Councillor rough shortage, Watson yeah, thank you
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 2:02:06
Chair.Cllr Mohsin Hussain - 2:02:10
It's a good scheme and pleased to see it coming forward, so splitting it out means we can deliver phase 1, which was the bit that I think the consultation showed the public were most keen to see as well, so where are the police to be delivering knows improvements which will kind of reflect some of you of sustainable transport corridors we want to be doing around the kayaks aerials.of a city centre and across the districts, and then, obviously, as and when we can identify further funding, we can pick up the work that's
Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw (Bradford Council) - 2:02:38
being done for phase two sides. Certainly not wasted work is just work, Texas up to decision point and then we can pick it back up again in the future, frugally assurance process that is quite robust in that regard. So please, it's coming forward,thank you, Councillor Mulherin.
yeah thanks I was interested in the metrics I think it is 2027 one of
Cllr Martyn Bolt - 2:02:58
the targets for increasing the number of journeys by sustainable transport, which is a short timescale.When there are no active travel measures at the moment, the Manchester Road corridor is one of the key corridors for people from correctly getting in and out of Bradford out of the community are going through Bradford to the dales and things and having used it on a number of occasions it's not one I look forward to so when are we going to see some safer cycling routes going out to Bradford for Kirklees residents?
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 2:03:33
He always they welcome this from Councillor Bolt, sorry, yeah, and I guess in terms of that when we were just waiting for that and toSimon Linley - 2:03:39
identify the further funding in terms of that active travel route, I think.Picking up on that point in terms of the outputs and depending when that funding comes forward that that output mine may need to be revised to two, to reflect that
thank you very much for raising that any other questions comments.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 2:03:55
Councillor Shore, you happy with process, thank you, I'm happy to second it can I see all those in favour, please show thank you that is carried out, so we've done D when answer E, which is a bus network plan and super bus Rachel, thank you very much Chair.Rachel Jones - 2:04:16
And so the I just put my glasses on apologies, so the12 e) BSIP - Bus Network Plan and Superbus
basic bus network and superbrat scheme is intended to expand the core network of bus services across West Yorkshire, this will include more frequent services and potentially more bus routes or longer service hours.
The funding for the Bus Network Plan and Super Bus and comes from APA Services Improvement Plan, which is funded by the Department for Transport.
Just over 29 million from our be CYP has been allocated to the bus network plan and super bus delivery, and to date a little over 1 sorry 11 million pounds has been approved out, which was part development costs, delivery of tranche, 1,
schemes which are now up and running from February and the super bus schemes as well. This leaves around 18 million pounds yet to be Alan yet to be approved this report and is seeking the release of an additional 3 million pounds for the delivery of another tranche of enhancements on an existing bus routes. And then there's work ongoing to determine how the remaining just under 50 million pounds is going to be spent, and they'll be further approvals coming forward in future around that in terms of the scheme itself, for point 1 for 8 and 4.1 4 9, of the report sets out what the scheme's intended outputs and outcomes are going to be and of course has set out its around increasing bus patronage, increasing accessibility to the bus network across West Yorkshire
in terms of equality and diversity, there's obviously been an equality impact assessment done for the scheme and in for point 1 5 5 it sets out that there's an a positive impact from delivery of the scheme on a number of groups with protected characteristics, which is is is useful and is important to note.
So, moving on then to the recommendation as set out in for point 1 6 9 the Transport Committee approved that the bus network enhancement tranches 1 1.5 and Super Bowl schemes proceed through decision pitfall which is full business case and work continues and commences on delivery, which acts of 85, as I said, approval is given.
To the additional combined authority cost of 3 million pounds for delivery of tranche 1.5 taking the total approval.
so just over 40 million, and, as I say, to confirm that the total that's been allocated to the network plan and super bus from our be CYP funding is just over 29 million, then the Combined Authority provides funding to bus operators for tranche 1 1.5 and super bus using existing compensation arrangements that we have in place the amount of funding allocated to each bus operator for bus services is delegated to the Executive Director of Transport and then finally that future approvals of the busy bus network plan and super bus scheme and made in accordance with the Assurance pathway approval routes, intolerances,
outlined in this report, thank you Chair,
thank you very much, and obviously, as well as farmers, we need a
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 2:07:44
comprehensive network and it's been great to be able to put additional bus services, in which are I've said earlier in the meeting providing real benefit to residents here, obviously in Keighley Focus' around the districts and around the region, Councillor Cowell obviously can add a quick caricature thanks to note that Costa ratio is amazing and I guess howCllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair) Transport Committee - 2:08:04
How odd they are, we seem to be because the funding we did for the, if I take the Edale, the airline route through Bradford delete as an example patronage on that, has increased by up to 30%. I think from the funding we had, but obviously this scheme, when you plug it into the D F D normal, calculate it comes out as low value for money. Increasing the amount of passengers on a bus route by 30% doesn't seem to me to be low value for money, so I think it is just odd howHow what we see in real life bears no relation necessarily to the D F T calculations as to how successful it's gonna be on the ground and how I guess we have to take them with a bit of a pinch of salt.
I am probably a bit more hope and optimism from ourselves on what policy could happen on the ground,
She has the value of devolution as necklace, obviously local people,
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Chair) - 2:08:56
local representatives have a better understanding of how the reaching was and empathy in Westminster, which I think has personal, which could all agree on this meeting, are so great to see these new proposals on back of considerable successes a 30% increase is nice fantastic value for the airline route.13 Date of the Next Meeting
And I'm happy to pose this concern, Councillor Cowell, second day as he always about, please show his carriage, thank you very much love letter that's.
complete the project approvals date to the next meeting, we're gonna confirm those a Combined Authority meeting, I believe, in 20 June, I would like them to be varied days throughout the week, just to enable most people to be able to attend those and, and can I thank those Members who are retiring from this committee under of Royal hot work and look forward to senior members at the next one. Thank you very much
- 240313 TC Minutes - 13 March 2024 DRAFT, opens in new tab
- Item 6 Passenger Experience - Bus, opens in new tab
- Item 6 Appendix 1 - Insights on Bus Use & Metro Branded Activity, opens in new tab
- Item 5 Passenger Experience Rail, opens in new tab
- Item 5 Appendix 1 - Rail Network Performance Data (May), opens in new tab
- Item 7 Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) Update, opens in new tab
- Item 8 Passenger Charter Update, opens in new tab
- Item 8 Appendix 1 - Draft Passenger Charter 2024-25, opens in new tab
- Item 9 Transport Policy Update, opens in new tab
- Item 10 Local Transport Plan Update, opens in new tab
- Item 11 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy, opens in new tab
- Item 12 Project Approvals, opens in new tab
- Item 12 Appendix 1 - Leeds Bus Station Roof - BCS, opens in new tab
- Item 12 Appendix 2 - TCF Dewsbury TC Walking & Cycling- BCS, opens in new tab
- Item 12 Appendix 3 - TCF South Bradford P&R - BCS, opens in new tab
- Item 12 Appendix 4 - Mayor's Fares - BCS, opens in new tab
- Item 12 Appendix 5 - Bus Network Plan & Superbus - BCS, opens in new tab

Interim Director, Transport Operations & Passenger Experience

Executive Director of Transport
West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Kirklees Council

Leeds City Council

Leeds City Council

Wakefield Council

Interim Director, Transport Opertions & Passenger Experience