West Yorkshire Combined Authority - Thursday 7 September 2023, 11:00am - West Yorkshire Combined Authority Webcasting

West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Thursday, 7th September 2023 at 11:00am 









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  1. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  2. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  3. Ben Still, Chief Executive (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  4. Caroline Allen, Deputy Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  5. Cllr Cathy Scott (Kirklees Council)
  6. Cllr Claire Douglas
  7. Cllr Rebecca Poulsen Bradford Council
  8. Cllr Silvia Dacre
  9. Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council
  10. Cllr Sue Holdsworth Calderdale Council
  11. Heather Waddington
  12. Mr Mick Bunting, Interim Director West Yorkshire Combined Authority
  13. Luke Albanese, Director of Mass Transit (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  14. Angela Taylor, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  15. Simon Warburton, Executive Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  16. Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  17. Liz Hunter
  18. Felix Kumi-Ampofo
  19. Melanie Corcoran, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  20. Alan Reiss, Chief Operating Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  21. Cllr James Lewis (Leeds City Council)
  22. Mr Ian Parr, Governance Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  23. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
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  1. Mr Ian Parr, Governance Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  2. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  3. Caroline Allen, Deputy Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  4. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  5. Cllr Sue Holdsworth Calderdale Council
  6. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  7. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
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Share this agenda point
  1. Liz Hunter
  2. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  3. Cllr Silvia Dacre
  4. Cllr Rebecca Poulsen Bradford Council
  5. Liz Hunter
  6. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  7. Cllr James Lewis (Leeds City Council)
  8. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  9. Cllr Sue Holdsworth Calderdale Council
  10. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  11. Liz Hunter
  12. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  13. Cllr Rebecca Poulsen Bradford Council
  14. Cllr Silvia Dacre
  15. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  16. Alan Reiss, Chief Operating Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  17. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  18. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
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  1. Alan Reiss, Chief Operating Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  2. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  3. Melanie Corcoran, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  4. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  5. Melanie Corcoran, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  6. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  7. Melanie Corcoran, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  8. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  9. Melanie Corcoran, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  10. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  11. Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council
  12. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  13. Melanie Corcoran, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  14. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  15. Melanie Corcoran, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  16. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  17. Melanie Corcoran, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  18. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  19. Cllr James Lewis (Leeds City Council)
  20. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  21. Melanie Corcoran, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  22. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  23. Melanie Corcoran, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  24. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  25. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  26. Melanie Corcoran, Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  27. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  28. Cllr Silvia Dacre
  29. Cllr Rebecca Poulsen Bradford Council
  30. Cllr James Lewis (Leeds City Council)
  31. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  32. Cllr Rebecca Poulsen Bradford Council
  33. Cllr Silvia Dacre
  34. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
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  1. Felix Kumi-Ampofo
  2. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  3. Cllr Alan Lamb Leeds City Council
  4. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  5. Ben Still, Chief Executive (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  6. Cllr Silvia Dacre
  7. Cllr Rebecca Poulsen Bradford Council
  8. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  9. Ben Still, Chief Executive (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  10. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  11. Cllr Rebecca Poulsen Bradford Council
  12. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  13. Alan Reiss, Chief Operating Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  14. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  15. Alan Reiss, Chief Operating Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  16. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
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  1. Alan Reiss, Chief Operating Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  2. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  3. Alan Reiss, Chief Operating Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  4. Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe (Bradford Council)
  5. Alan Reiss, Chief Operating Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  6. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  7. Alan Reiss, Chief Operating Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  8. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  9. Cllr Silvia Dacre
  10. Cllr Rebecca Poulsen Bradford Council
  11. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
  12. Alan Reiss, Chief Operating Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
  13. Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
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  1. Webcast Finished

Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:00:00
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:00:13
Good stuff, well, thank you and welcome everybody after the summer recess, it's fantastic to see so many of you, you look rested and well, it won't last so.
I do wonder if we have some new people around this table, I wonder if we could very quickly just canter round the table, I am Tracy Brabin, mayor of West Yorkshire,
Warrington bedsit on Tuesday because the Combined Authority
the morning and Caroline Alan I, deputy director, legal governance and
Ben Still, Chief Executive (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:00:41
Good morning and Councillor Cathy Scott, acting in a difficult place
Caroline Allen, Deputy Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:00:46
Cathy Scott (Kirklees Council) - 0:00:49
Maureen and Councillor Matthew Murray, portfolio holder for Planning and Highways at Wakefield Council.
I am Councillor
Cllr Claire Douglas - 0:00:58
Claire Douglas, Leader of City of York Council.
Cllr Rebecca Poulsen - 0:01:05
daycare, I'm sorry, Councillor Sylvia de Carmen, informally substituting
for Councillor
Downes, Golton and Councillor Tim Swift.
I am Councillor Rebecca Poulsen amid the Conservative group
on Bradford Council,
Cllr Silvia Dacre - 0:01:15
the wanting everyone Councillor Alan Lamb, leader of the Conservative Group, on Leeds City Council.
Cllr Alan Lamb - 0:01:22
thank you, Councillor, who holds with Liberal Democrat representative from Calderdale Council.
Cllr Sue Holdsworth - 0:01:29
I am Nickie Charles Thompson from the peaceful and here in my capacity of the LEP.
Heather Waddington, head of funding strategy at West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
Heather Waddington - 0:01:43
Good morning, Mick, Bunting, interim director of transport operations and service transformation at West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
Mr Mick Bunting - 0:01:49
Luke Albanese, Director of Mass Transit (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:01:54
Luke Albanese a director of mass transit for the West, Yorkshire Combined Authority.
moaning until Taylor during the Finance and Commercial Services for
Angela Taylor - 0:02:01
the Combined Authority,
Simon Warburton - 0:02:06
the morning everyone had signed and Woakes and him Executive Director for Transport, the command authority.
before going on to say that schools have interim director for passenger experience and asset management for the Combined Authority.
Dave Haskins, Interim Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:02:16
Liz Hunter - 0:02:19
funding listen to Dr policing amendments, replace it with the money that.
Good morning, Felix Gruppo, from Director for inclusive economy,
Felix Kumi-Ampofo - 0:02:26
skills and culture of the Combined Authority.
thank you Morning, Melanie, Corker, and director of transport policy
Melanie Corcoran - 0:02:33
and delivery.
our registry of operating officer at the Combined Authority,
Alan Reiss - 0:02:39
Susan Hinchcliffe Leader of Bradford Council.
Cllr James Lewis (Leeds City Council) - 0:02:45
James Lewis leader of Leeds council's leader of Leeds council.
highways and parking, and as evidence officer, so I sought to come at authority,
Mr Ian Parr, Governance Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:02:50
thank you also much, thank you very much, it's going to be a busy few
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:02:57
months ahead as we head towards Christmas, and there's obviously
Chee changes a foot as well within Westminster with all the reshuffle and so on. I would say at the time of meeting
there's a lot of difficulty for our colleagues in local councils having to respond
as a matter of urgency to crumbling school buildings and obviously hearing the stories across the country and locally of the financial challenges facing local authorities having struggled through austerity over the last 13 years, so can I just say publicly I want to thank all my local authority colleagues working leaders, councillors and officers across West Yorkshire dealing with these really tough challenges. It doesn't feel like it's going to be easier anytime soon so we are here.
in lockstep with you, to support you,
and the strength of our partnership is key. That's why the West Yorkshire Plan 2040 was such as huge success. All of us standing together to make West Yorkshire a better place to live a brighter West Yorkshire that works for all so lots on the agenda today, so let's get on to the main meeting in any apologies,

1 Apologies for Absence

and yesterday we've had apologies from Councillor Cohen and Councillor
Mr Ian Parr, Governance Services Officer (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:04:21
Swift. Also, apologies from Councillor Jeffery, Councillor Molly is attending a substitute.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:04:27
Thank you may ask Caroline, just to talk us through the voting situation and the substitution for Sylvia
thank you, Mayor, yes, just to clarify for transparency and for the
Caroline Allen, Deputy Director (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:04:36
purposes of the minutes as as we've had Niki chance Thompson is here as a member of the LEP Board and is into is attending to ensure that the LEP and the business and continue to have a seat at the table pending the appointment of the LEP chair who will subsequently provide that role formally as a member of the CA.
Councillor daycare has been asked to attend today by Councillor Scullion leader of Calderdale, unfortunately neither she nor her substitute Councillor Swift are able to attend, so with the agreement of members, both colleagues at Cam participate in the discussion and debate at today's meeting, but for the avoidance of doubt, should the meeting go to a vote on any item, neither colleague would be able to take part in that vote and if Members take the decision
that Item 10 is exempt at the end of this meeting.
both colleagues will leave the room at that point. Thank you ma.
That's very clear, thank you so much aikido moving on to Item to
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:05:32
declare declarations of interest. Any members have any interests they wish to declare.

2 Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

No, thank you all so much. That's fantastic

3 Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

as a referenced by Caroline. The exclusion of press and public officers have identified appendix 2 to agenda item 9 around the UK shared prosperity fund and agenda item 10 property matter contain exempt information and for the reasons set out in both reports that in all the circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information so can we agree with officers, recommendations that the press and public will be required to leave the room, and we will pause the recording whilst we consider the exempt item appendix to item 9 and Item 10 in its entirety, are we happy to agree the officers recommendation

4 Minutes of the Meeting of the Combined Authority held on 27 July 2023

yes, good? Thank you very much. OK, don't moving on to the minutes of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority held on the 27th July 2023 any comments or questions
yes, thank you Sue,
Cllr Sue Holdsworth - 0:06:46
yes, it's just, I think, are a typo. It's on page 7 of the minute. The local electric vehicle infrastructure scheme
paragraph 2
it says the mayor added that the government was going to introduce a ban on the sale of new electric vehicles from 2030,
and that can't be right. It's surely diesel, and
it was an misspoke yeah, thank you.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:07:11
but can I thank officers for the accuracy with which they minute
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:07:20
Good stuff and we're ready appl, apart from that, misspeak by me, lovely
content, to record those as inaccurate

For Decision

5 Project Approvals

5 a) Investment Priority 3: Creating Great Places and Accelerated Infrastructure

record of the meeting. so let's move on to the items for decision item 5, investment priority, 3, creating great places and accelerated infrastructure. This is three schemes recommended for progression through the assurance process. These are going to help deliver those new homes across the region and contribute to my pledge to increase the number of affordable homes now each of these schemes in Leeds and uses the Government's brownfield housing fund. This is such a great welcome programme that encourages de a new development on brownfield sites, but there is a problem with it that the government imposed rules about how the money can be spent favours sites with higher land values and it makes it really difficult to bring forward schemes across West Yorkshire where market failure is the real problem. So I want to tell Members and it has been circulated, you will have it on e-mail. The letter I've written to Michael Gove today asking him to give us that flexibility to deliver new homes across the region and truly level up so to speak more about the schemes we're funding today, can I invite Liz, please, to outline the schemes for consideration,
thank you, Mayor,
so, as you have already said, the brownfield housing fund is an
Liz Hunter - 0:08:46
89 million pound programme.
It is money from government and we are working to the government guidelines and criteria. So just to give a couple of examples of what that means and I'll go into the the site, so the government criteria it is about market failure, so it is where we have to satisfy ourselves that the sites wouldn't either come forward or come forward at the pace that we'd like them to, and also it's around a BCR of one per project and they have to be the times the timescales are quite tight and by March 25, clearly we want to make sure that we do make progress, but that does mean that some schemes which may be more difficult to achieve them early progress on them aren't eligible for the fund. That said, it's really great that there are three schemes in front of you today, which we are recommending that you approve to the next stage of delivery, so the first scheme is the points cross phase 2 scheme
and this is as, as already mentioned, all three relieves this ones in Leeds it is in the Hunslet area of Leeds city centre is bringing forward 183 high quality and energy efficiency homes and and that's a mixture of social rent and affordable shared ownership
there's quite a lot more detail in the paper, so I won't go into more detail now, but the second scheme is at Sky Gardens, this will develop 306 bedroom apartments again for sale in Fitzroy for rent in Leeds and the third scheme is at Water Lane where you've got 375 apartment homes for rent as well there is quite a bit more detail in the papers so I'm happy to take any questions on those. but what we're looking for today is your agreement for the Points Cross scheme to go through decision Point 4 from the full business case into delivery, similarly on sky gardens, for that also to proceed through decision Point 4 and into delivery, and similarly the same for Waterlane so hopefully with your agreement these schemes can progress and we can actually see. the sites coming forward and being built out. Thank you,
thank you any comments on this item,
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:10:52
yes, thank you, Rebecca then Sue
Cllr Silvia Dacre - 0:10:59
yeah hi, just maybe Liz, can answer it, the caviar, I'm not a Leeds
Cllr Rebecca Poulsen - 0:11:04
Councillor, so it's not my area of expertise but obviously the royal apartments coming is still a huge demand for apartments in Leeds because there seems to be an awful lot of them as I know, obviously because it's more demand for family homes and houses rather than apartments, obviously these are all apartment schemes, so maybe you can just assessment light on that.
Liz Hunter - 0:11:24
thank you, and I think James might like to come in with a very detailed knowledge.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:11:28
thank you, I think the
Cllr James Lewis (Leeds City Council) - 0:11:33
the schemes for a particular housing type and obviously the focus of the brownfield housing fund is to move forward on and on and on all the areas of market failure to bring forward the brownfield sites in the city centre
I mean across Leeds things across Leeds there is lots of other development so Combined Authority members will know a lot about the East, Leeds Orbital Road which opened last summer projects are being through had a Transport Committee a number of times. the purpose of that was to bring the infrastructure in ahead of development of the East Leeds extension, which is around 4,000.
family homes, style, development, so this isn't the only development happening. in Leeds at the moment, but the reason it's coming here is because it is the
is the
the the area where brownfield landfill makes an impact in terms of
moving development
on as Councillor Lamb, well knows, because we discuss it a lot at all Council were really keen to see brownfield sites developed
to give us a housing
to bring forward the housing units. that means that when we come back again for looking at
our Local Development Framework, the consultant demonstrate we are delivering a lot of housing units, so it is that there is a bigger picture in in Leeds around housing growth in the city and it isn't just city centre apartments but yes, there is still significant amount at the moment which again there were schemes around the city centre that developers are bringing forward without any public sector involvement
and the fact they're coming forward, I think, shows that the continued demand
thank you, and also I'm pleased that there's a fair chunk that our rental for rent,
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:13:18
obviously not everybody, can get on the housing ladder, so rent, rented apartments and properties that are decent.
places to live, I think is is to be welcomed Sue
thank you,
Cllr Sue Holdsworth - 0:13:35
my question really is looking at, particularly the Water Lane site.
375 Parliament and of those
5% are going to be rated affordable, which equates to 19. now.
that seems to me that whoever is the developer behind this is going to make some substantial profits on the houses that they will or flats, they'll sell that are not as affordable as the 5% that are affordable.
so I wondered really, why
the Combined Authority is subsidising the development of these these houses, this was a question that came up. at our briefing.
and the question is, we asked the profit that developers were likely to make on these developments, and the answer was they thought between 10 to 15%,
so, given that why are we subsidising these developers with public money? I mean I'm all for brownfield sites and the accessibility, the
the cycle stores. All these things are great, but it doesn't really seem to me that the public are getting a great deal for the money that they're going to invest in this through the Combined Authority
thank you, so obviously the money for Bromfield is to remediate the
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:15:00
land to make it attractive to developers, so that's where we come in because developers can pick other bits of land where they want to develop and make profit because it's within the rules that government have laid out
they they are allowed to do that but we are attracting them to areas particularly in deprived
areas that needs that that regeneration this is what we're doing we're investing to make sure that that land is ready to build on but Liz if you'd like to just add anything.
thank you.
thank you,
Liz Hunter - 0:15:35
so, as as the Member said, in order of many of these, brownfield sites are in private private ownership, so if we want to bring them forward, then we are working with the private sector and the private sector won't obviously deliver anything unless they do make a profit.
but I suppose in terms of reassurance the team due to be called development appraisals, which gets into a quite a lot of detail about all the costs that a developer would have, for example, how much they paid for the land, the construction costs, and then the benefits that they might be able to receive from from the development.
So the the idea is that we are trying to test the viability of those sites, but I think it's recognised that the private sector will make a profit, but we're trying to make sure that it's not as high as it would otherwise have been with government subsidy kind of coming in, but it is, it's I suppose it, so there's a wider political question about about this fund, and it was set up to do this very purpose, to try and bring forward these sites and work with the private sector in in this way, and we're trying to make the most most of it for for this area and to bring forward these homes but we do try and scrutinise and make sure that we are challenging developers through the process in terms of the level of of profit they will they will make,
thank you, thank you
any further comments.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:16:54
okay, it's still Sylvia.
just to say the cool-down very much welcome there, the letter that you
Cllr Rebecca Poulsen - 0:17:02
have sent to Michael Gove.
we encouraged all found the brownfield formed extremely challenging
Cllr Silvia Dacre - 0:17:09
mentioned. We have small sites that are very difficult to make work under those criteria, so anything that can be done to actually enable us, as local authorities, to more use to to have more flexibility in how we can access money to build on brownfield is very very welcome. Thank you.
Thank you,
yes, Susan,
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:17:32
shall it's the second last report and as obviously is very frustrating that brownfield land can also be used in certain parts of the country
Alan Reiss - 0:17:37
Bradford brownfield, housing fund come on of use and set back the
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe - 0:17:42
country, so it would be good to have government recognise that actually they need to understand the dynamics of the different economies of the UK.
and then we could all get access to this Council,
thank you if we are to grow
the economy

8 a) Investment Priority 5: Future Transport

and level of the country, we need to level up our region as well, and
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:17:58
we need to be allowed to do that through government interventions, aikido, we're happy to. I approve these recommendations lovely, thank you all so much and moving on to the next item item 5 B, which is investment priority 5 future transport this report provides details of five schemes recommended to the CA for progression through the assurance process, and could I invite Susan as Chair of the West Yorkshire Transport Committee and then Melanie, to outline the schemes.
thank you, I'm and I'll let him know that Melanie go through the
Alan Reiss - 0:18:34
detail, and this this paper includes all sorts of schemes, include not A1 on traffic lights, et cetera, although the fundamental things that
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe - 0:18:41
we need as a region to keep going but just to reflect relevant every meeting whether it's Transport Committee or Combined Authority meeting were coming with new schemes for approval which shows the progress we're making actually as a Combined Authority, so I think that's pleasing to see and long may that continue.
thank you, Chair
Melanie Corcoran - 0:19:02
yeah, the first scheme for consideration today is the see are SDS capacity funding,
so we were awarded 830 million
pounds from government over a five-year funding period. and in conjunction with that, they also awarded 21.3 million in revenue support to help us to develop the pipeline for this programme and for future programmes for funding, but also to develop a new Local Transport Plan LTP, for and to make sure that we had the right policies and strategies in place an effective pipeline and that we were starting to develop our business cases for future schemes and some of those are schemes that were identified in the SCI or SDS programme and some of them will be future schemes as well.
so in total 21.3, the first 5 and a bit million was approved earlier as we started to do that work, and this is a request to draw down the remaining funding that is available,
we are working across a number of areas across West Yorkshire to support this, so we're looking at capacity both within the Combined Authority and within each of our partner councils, we're also looking at using external expertise to develop business cases, so on that aspect of things the combined authority will be letting some contracts where every authority will then then benefit but the allocation will be coming to the Combined Authority who will then contract on your behalf.
some will go direct
to local authorities, and that's the initial amounts that are identified in here and that could be direct hires or external support as well, but there will be further funding to allocate
approximately 5 million in terms of external support or direct support to local authorities.
but the recommendation is that we enter into the contracts with the local authority partners to allocate the first amount of funding and that we continue to progress the Combined Authority work in terms of the district, you know the the West Yorkshire wide work that we're doing as well.
lovely, any comments on these approvals.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:21:22
fantastic, that's really great. Thank you so much. We're moving swiftly. I like this I like the speed at which people are happy to go,
so we approve these five schemes outlined through the assurance process. Thank you all so much. Moving on, sorry me
to go through the others, I mean I'd just briefly talked about the first one. Do you want me to very
Melanie Corcoran - 0:21:44
brief apologies Melanie to courses? Yes, you only touched on the first one, yeah,
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:21:48
so that the second one which I think you will all be familiar with is
Melanie Corcoran - 0:21:52
the network management, renewals and enhancements, so this is the one that relates to our signals, infrastructure and equipment, we were awarded 25 million across five years in the Sierra SDS settlement, this is to release the second part of the year 2 funding, which is 3.9 6 6 2 5 million, and
they will then be a further business case on an annual basis to release the the future funding as well.
any comments lovely Melanie.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:22:27
the third one is the bus cycle priority corridors Woodhouse Lane.
Melanie Corcoran - 0:22:35
gateway, so this is a scheme in Leeds, so we're looking at a bus only streets, north and south bus lanes junction, improvements,
reroute general traffic to prioritise buses, walking cycling, they'll be
1.1 kilometres of segregated to where cycle, track and widening of footpaths, so just the sort of thing that the see or SDS fund is is looking to to support.
so the total scheme cost a 20.5 million, and the proposal here is that we release. another 300,000 in terms of development funding to proceed from the strategic outline case for the scheme to the outline case.
happy at Alan
thank you, my
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:23:20
yeah, just a couple of questions on the shadow, if its trio of
Cllr Alan Lamb - 0:23:25
councillors Sheerwater will want to come in, but
it's one of the busiest routes in and out of Leeds for motor vehicles, where are they going to go, and this is one kilometre stretch what happens in the kilometre before and what happens in the kilometre afterwards?
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:23:46
yeah, so we will be working with the local authority to look at
Melanie Corcoran - 0:23:50
diversion plans and they will have those in place when the work starts, so there will be diversions that will be
highlighted on on that particular route.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:24:02
while during the works and then obviously though, they'll look at
Melanie Corcoran - 0:24:06
re-routing traffic from a permanent, but you know permanently from from then on,
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:24:13
so there'll be transition routes and then while the works are going on
Melanie Corcoran - 0:24:17
and then there'll be traffic directed after the completion of the works
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:24:22
due, would you like a little bit more detail on that Alan M James
it would be helpful yeah that you can also say I will get a briefing from Highways very well in
Cllr James Lewis (Leeds City Council) - 0:24:28
thank you, you said you had a second point,
although was it okay, lovely and
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:24:35
any other comments on this particular route?
No thank you very much. Melanie
and the next game is the Essex 1 1 0 Leeds Outer Ring Road, so for
Melanie Corcoran - 0:24:46
this scheme
again it's it is looking at an outline business case or moving to full business case and the scheme is going to be delivered in two phases, so Phase 1 is looking at junction signalisation, it's also looking at
a bypass, a bus bypass and a cycle route along Elland Road South and the crossings, the phase 2, then comprises a cycle route between Elland Road South and Alan Road, North
and the bit at the junction, with the retail park.
the scheme again is funded through CSG, yes, but also through section 1 0 6 developer contributions as well, and currently
we're looking at Phase 1 with total scheme costs of up to 8.7 6 1, which is affordable within the funding envelope. and we're looking for approval to proceed from outline business case to full business case with the release of an additional 879,000.
thank you, everyone, happy or further comments,
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:25:52
good stuff, thank you Melanie.
and then the final scheme is the 58 Beckett Street,
Melanie Corcoran - 0:26:01
so a series of improvements along the 58 new bus lanes, bus signal, privatisation, segregated cycle routes, new pedestrian crossings, wider footpaths, extended bus stops and waiting areas and landscaping in that area as well, so the scheme will benefit bus users but also those that are travelling by bike and on foot and and wheeling.
the the scheme, the the cost of the scheme, have increased.
but we are able to accommodate this within the programme, because the previous scheme were just looking at Phase 1, rather than fit funding Phase 1 and 2.
total scheme cost is 16.4 2 million.
the total funding released sought to be released at this point is 1.5 million so that they can continue to develop to the full business case.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:26:55
thank you just one thing on that Melanie, I is the data from the bus safety app being cross-reference from that to that work, when you're doing landscaping around bus stops, et cetera.
could, if not, could that be done we will yet we will
take that work,
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:27:10
yes, thank you, thank you to increase the sense of safety when
Melanie Corcoran - 0:27:14
travelling by bus, any comments on the last item, Rebecca
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:27:18
yeah, I understand from officers that Leeds City Council said there
Cllr Silvia Dacre - 0:27:23
should be called Beckett Street scheme, not the A 58 scheme, because
Cllr Rebecca Poulsen - 0:27:28
it as it it's changed the name of the scheme apparently.
I was advised yesterday,
James I'm
not an officer, but this is a
Cllr James Lewis (Leeds City Council) - 0:27:38
for for people that for people that now leaves this is the
bit from
the agency sent to be on the bus station up to St James's hospital.
the, as it says in here or as a or as it says in the short description,
this that component which in again for people who live in Leeds, know it is often the source of frustration for people
Gates, St James's Hospital and one one and the access in some of the congestion on that some of the congestion on on on on that short route is about developing the scheme.
hopefully it will get
this has taken a particularly look,
the component of
Beckett Street, so I may have got renamed, as it has become a more clearly defined scheme during its development, but it is like to say, is that bit
yeah is that bit from the city centre to St James's that's obviously sort of clearly the focus of this scheme with the purpose of making St James's hospital easier to get to with less congestion.
thank you, no further comments, say 0 yes, Sylvia.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:28:42
thank you, Lord Mayor, and just to make the point on behalf of
Cllr Rebecca Poulsen - 0:28:46
Calderdale, and also people who live in York, that this scheme is of
Cllr Silvia Dacre - 0:28:51
course not just in benefit to those in Leeds, it's a benefit to everybody and from across the region and has to travel to St James's and will know from bitter personal experience.
it's a point well made, thank you, so in conclusion, happy to approve all those recommendations,

14 Strengthening Private Sector Engagement

Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:29:07
good stuff, thank you very much, thank you. Melanie, so, moving on to strengthening the private sector engagement, this report sets out plans to strengthen our engagement with business, supporting the decision by government to withdraw support for LEPs. Can I invite Phoenix to talk us through this item, please?
thank you more.
Felix Kumi-Ampofo - 0:29:32
board members will note, we came to the previous meeting to update you on where we were with the government's LEP review, this paper sets out some of our thoughts since then.
and I'll draw attention to a couple of things one, the outcome of the LEB review in essence landed on two main points, one, that we
ensure that we retain a meaningful and strong private sector voice in what we do in the Combined Authority and to in areas where Combined Authority exists, that's the LEP arrangements are folded into the Combined Authority and well integrated, we're very fortunate here that that was already the case, so there isn't a lot of new work that needs to be done.
I haven't said that there's a lot of work that we know we need to do to make sure we are engaging with the private sector and taking full advantage of the expertise there.
the paper sets out in paragraph 2.1 to assets of concentrations that are currently underway, and I'll just quickly outline a few of them, one, there's work underway to appoint a new chair of what used to be called the LEP, whose work out with a new name will be
this new person will also double up as the Mayor's business advisor.
appointments to this new business board were used to be the LEP we've concluded that the recruitment to that board, as we announced at the last meeting, and the names of the board members, as set out in their paper for you,
thirdly, we're looking at how we can bring together trying to bring together all the private sector members who will work within the Combined Authority not all of them sit in. on the LEP board, there are others who sit on that committee so we were looking to bring them together and set up a platform, a forum where we can engage with them, share ideas, listen and learn and seek input into the work that we do
on top of that we're working to
look at look at how we can bring in the wider business body in West Yorkshire and here the emphasis is particularly on
the large businesses in West Yorkshire there are some really big businesses here who have not just a national but international
reputation and footprint.
and we feel we could engage with them better.
so we'll be exploring how we can do that, how we can do that well.
and finally, we're looking at how we could engage more meaningfully with the PRA, with a third sector, the voluntary and community sector, and also other key partners who are part of the wider West Yorkshire system,
so there's quite a lot underway in terms of our concentration to strengthen how we engage with the private sector to make sure we are getting full benefit but also to ensure that private sector can lean in understand what we're doing a little bit more share their expertise and improve the quality of our work and together as West Yorkshire to tell the same story and shout about our story externally, wherever it is that we need to be. So that's what this paper is setting out just to update you and I'm sure we'll come back at later meetings to give you a bit more information. Thank you.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:33:01
Thank you for the update, Felix any comments, yes, Alan
Cllr Alan Lamb - 0:33:06
yes, thank you ma yeah, thank you for the the paper. It be helpful to understand how and why we're choosing the the people that are involved and why what they're particularly representing? How have we done, for example, a skills audit to look at the particular areas where we're looking to identify,
and I just didn't there was notable to me the absence of, for example, the FSB or the Chamber of Commerce and more representative groups.
So it would be useful to understand that there's a and attempts to make this representative, rather than just sort of cherry picking, people that we like to
to be on this because it needs a Mr represent all business voices,
Councillor, can I reassure you, it's not just people that we like
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:33:49
because I don't know them so
they come, they come with great.
there are experience and diversity across not just the region but sectors, but then, if you could just talk to the FSB point,
thank you back to so just pick it up of Philip's comments earlier that
Ben Still, Chief Executive (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:34:09
we were transitioning from
the requirements the government set out for LEPs in the past with a more flexible arrangement going forward under those previous arrangements we had one. representative follow-ups from a business representative body representing all, and that was the CBI there's now a change to the FSB and we're looking for how we can increase their representation in our new arrangement, Hispanics, as has touched on,
and essentially this will, we think, allow us to to use those business road groups and work in partnership and to a greater level that we've been able to in the past.
and any further comments.
yes, thank you, Rebecca
Cllr Silvia Dacre - 0:34:54
yeah, I'm just wondering we've got a representative from Leeds 2023, on which I guess we're sort of coming to the end of now, and if we're
Cllr Rebecca Poulsen - 0:34:59
looking going forward,
would it not make more sense to have somebody from Bradford 2025 on the board?
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:35:10
thanks it's a lot of this is the people that have time to.
give to their to the committee, but also bearing in mind that there is representation on my culture committee, where there are decision-making
and quite urgent decisions about culture in our community, the contribution Leeds 2023 has given to our region is exponentially.
helped us make the case for culture in West Yorkshire, and you may know, Rebecca that in the last year alone we have had an uplift of 17% of jobs in the creative sports and heritage in comparison to 6%
in the rest of the country is almost three times as many jobs have been created here in West Yorkshire, and this is the power of the representations on the LEP on the culture committee and the way that Leeds 2023 have really set the tone for our region. So they are incredibly welcome, but if you want to come in Ben
or may you, you get to talk about the exciting outcomes when I get to both process and the the again, the the rules that we were operating
Ben Still, Chief Executive (West Yorkshire Combined Authority) - 0:36:20
under with the with the LEP previously
appointment to the LEP were private sector members in an individual capacity based on their experience and their career, and were appointed on 3 year basis. And that's how the current membership is is made up so that that won't change. Unless LEP members choose to step away from the board which some have done in the past. but at the moment, though, the appointments of three years.
and I think that's good to reiterate that it's individual representation, so people come with a variety of skills, not just
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:36:54
their initial business, that they're currently working in
any further comments,
yes, Sylvia.
Cllr Rebecca Poulsen - 0:37:07
thank you ma, am it just to comment on the pointing there where he referred to further consideration is needed in order to see how best to work with the voluntary and community sector and that works being done on that, and it was just a plea for was along the same lines as you'll usually hear when these,
this work, this sort of work, is being done to make sure that there is proper coordination with local infrastructures,
with the voluntary sectors, and that there's no duplication, and that we build on those infrastructures that are already there.
that's a very good reminder, but that's why I wanted the voluntary
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:37:46
sector to be part of and the Mayor's business committee or whatever we decide to call it, because they are such a vital part of the fabric of of West Yorkshire, so I'm hoping they take a really

15 Combined Authority Brand Review

you know full part in the in the in the Committee and with Fatemeh, as well as our inclusivity champion, I know that we've got really good connections in relationships across the whole of West Yorkshire that we are deepening and widening, so always good to remind us. Thank you, so okay, everyone happy to just take that paper. Thank you very much. It's not a recommendation as it is just for information, OK, so, moving on to Item 7, the brand review,
this request, formal approval of the revised logo for West Yorkshire CA and mayor of West Yorkshire and to start using it from October. Can I pass over to Alan please, to talk through the details
absolutely thanks very much, actually much more, so
Alan Reiss - 0:38:48
the Combined Authority brand has not been reviewed since 2017.
and there have been quite a few changes since then, including the devolution deal, the mayoral election, etc and the various decisions and investments that we're making now are different to what they were at that time, and we haven't ever evolving role in the delivery of transport across the region coupled with that there have been some changes at national level in particular
the funding that previously went to LEPs has been.
now that that funding now effectively comes to combined authorities and in West Yorkshire, we have integrated the LEP with the Combined Authority and then the government making an announcement in August that LEPs are not being supported that now means that we need to move away from the current LEP brand which we have used for just over 10 years and clearly none of that about the LEP means that the relationship with the private sector in any way dwindles and the item that we've just had reinforces the need for us to continue to deepen it since then, in the summer, the West Yorkshire Plan was also launched, which set out shared missions for the region,
and all of that taken together means that we've we've wanted to look at the brand family and, in particular the brands for the the core brands for the organisation and to deliver what we want to deliver, and we want to make sure that the public have got clear understanding of our decisions, our investments, the opportunities that we are creating and we need to have a brand which is visible and accessible to everyone and make sure that what the Mayor, the Combined Authority and partner councils are delivering is visible and we want to make sure that there's a single unifying brand for the Combined Authority organisation dot all colleagues can identify with and at the moment there are some issues in in what I've just described, with multiple logos being in use, so we've carried out a piece of work to improve the situation, and the recommendation to the Combined Authority is for a revised logo shown on page 1 to 9 of your packs. This follows the development of a range of options and engagement with partners and the public. The proposal is for an interlinked rose, which shows the five constituent authorities working together as one through the Combined Authority and, of course, the roads representing Yorkshire. The intention is to adopt this from October and from that point, for it to be used in all CA publications and all places where we would otherwise show the logo. That's all I'll say by way of introduction Mayor, I'm very happy to take any questions, of course
thank you and you can see just from your microphones how those two
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:41:26
logos do not go together, but they served their purpose in their early days and I think there's a maturing of as as a Mayoral Combined Authority. I think it shows our seriousness and our ambition for the future and also to be able to identify which funding streams comes from et cetera, et cetera, so I really want to thank you, Alan and the team. I say it's been a bit of a long process, but we've we've got there, so
I'm happy to take comments. Any comments on the brand review no

16 Corporate Change

great stuff, then we can take the at that recommendation and brings together the Combined Authority and the Mariel logo as that single, unified logo Uchida moving on to Item 8, the corporate change,
this paper sets out an update on several staffing matters, notably the appointment of the new strategy comes and intelligence director, and we're really looking forward to welcoming Sarah Eaton to the CA in October back to you, Alan
thank you very much, Lord Mayor, is it simply for the newspaper simply
Alan Reiss - 0:42:38
for the Combined Authority to note, as you say now, the appointment of Sarah Eaton as strategy, communications and intelligence director? She will be joining us in October, she joins us from Derbyshire County Council, where she is currently assistant director of strategy and policy, and we're delighted that she'll be joining us. The appointment followed the procedure that the combined authority agreed earlier in the year, where there was a delegation to the Chief Executive to make appointments following notification to the Combined Authority, and that process was was duly followed, and you will receive the communication about that during the summer. And the paper also notes for completeness a change in the role of monitoring officer where
Caroline Alan as the monitoring officer, her role has changed from a head of legal and governance to deputy director, legal governance and compliance following some internal change. So, as the monitoring officer is a designation by the Combined Authority, it's appropriate to be brought here. To note, thank you, Mayor,

17 UK Shared Prosperity Fund

thank you, and I'm really looking forward to Sarah joining shall bring
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:43:45
a lot of energy and experience to this role. Thank you. So let's move on to the next item. The UK shared prosperity fund item 9, and this provides a further update on the progress made on implementing West Yorkshire UK SDF local investment plans. This includes core UK SDF, the multiplied programme. You'll know there is there. A numeracy programme and the rural fund and this paper seeks approval of a recommended list of projects totalling 11.4 million of UK SDF in response to the pillar to supporting local businesses. Invitation to bid this, supporting local businesses key part of our economic development agenda with the aim to support interventions but which will support businesses to innovate, to grow, to exports. Also we're looking at, and I'm really thrilled, to see this exploring alternative business models with a view to looking at new solutions to long-term problems, to help smaller businesses become more resilient, more sustainable, so an amazing portfolio of projects being proposed, but can I remind members the context of Appendix 2 is exempt and should be, we should refrain from discussing anything in the paper until we discuss in private, so does anybody want to discuss the appendix
or do we have to move into private, we don't so that's fantastic news, so I'll go over to Alan.
OK, thank you very much ma, sorry,
Alan Reiss - 0:45:17
as you said, the paper sets out we've made significant progress with and delivery so far as that, just over 39 million of the
of the core allocation has been contracted, and if the recommended projects appear to approve today, that will rise to 50.
The next step will be the people and skills strand, which you'll remember and does not come in until year. 3, which is the next financial year,
and the invitation to bid for that will is on track to be published this coming month, with the intention being the projects have been able to kick in from from the new year. Sorry, not from the new year from the new financial year next April,
so we're asking today for the combined authority to approve the
The proposed projects that are recommended as part of pillar 2, which is all about business support, so aiming to support businesses to export grow, be resilient and also consider alternative business models. We've had some really good bids to that. It's been really competitive, and there are a range of interventions which will help support new existing new and existing businesses in the region.
So CA is being asked to approve those for an immediate start, but if anyone's got any questions about those as the message, we need to go into private session
then. The final thing on this is the delivery of multiply where,
we have redistributed some funding to support more work with individuals, and the remaining strands have been commissioned, including business training, with further delivery due to start this month, whereas last time there were some questions about the rural funds, we've published some information as part of another appendix for you we've seen an increase in VAT.
and we've had 82 enquiries, including just 10 in the last week and told,
and 29 of those are now progressing to a full application worth nearly a million pounds,
and ma, you are due to visit the first business awarded a grant next month to help showcase the opportunity to the rural fund
that and then the team are doing some further workshops through this autumn, in each local authority area, to raise the available RET, further raise the profile of the availability of those funds.
I should stop them
thank you, thank you just to remind everybody as well that the shared
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:47:42
prosperity fund is not equivalent to the European funding that we had, and it is also incredibly complicated, so can I just say my thanks to Heather and her team trying to make it as easy and agile as possible given the restraints
imposed by government on what is required in order to bid et cetera but also to thank the businesses that have been into it.
that will help us to deliver on exports on training and skills, and particularly the rural element I'm pleased to see so many people interested there, so thank you to Heather and her team any comments before we get to approvals.
yes, Susan
just I should point about this, replaces the EU from structural funds,
Alan Reiss - 0:48:27
I'm not sure what the difference we can do you know the difference in
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe - 0:48:31
what we got to see you and what we get now, she UK shared prosperity fund.
sorry, we get less now, I can't remember the exact figures of top of my head.
Alan Reiss - 0:48:40
it is less.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:48:45
if memory serves me right, I think we get two thirds of what we used to get,
obviously in terms of inflation as well, that becomes even less money
Alan Reiss - 0:48:51
we used to get, doesn't it really, so
this we have to use money wisely well as I know we will do, but there is lots more we could do with more investment, isn't it at the current time?
and if I may say with further devolution, where we don't have to jump
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:49:08
through these tortuous hoops in order to allocate money to people and businesses of West Yorkshire yes, Rebecca,
Cllr Silvia Dacre - 0:49:18
thank you just on the the rural fund, obviously it sounds like since the report was put together there has been more interest coming in
Cllr Rebecca Poulsen - 0:49:23
which is good to hear because it was a bit disappointing the number of applications in the papers, it does say that there's going to be these further workshops to try and get some more interest, so can we be advised when the workshops are, because if I wasn't on the CA as a rural Councillor, I would have no knowledge at all about this fund to be able to promote it to rural businesses, so we will be consulted when we get that out to a councillors across the authorities please
yes, absolutely possible, thank you.
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:49:50
super OK, so
Alan Reiss - 0:49:54
just moving on to approval, so the first recommendation is for members
Mayor Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire - 0:49:59
to note the progress and secondly, can members note the recommendations for UK SDF local partnership group from its meeting 31st of July
yeah, and thirdly, for members to approve the recommended list of projects totalling 11 million 416,316
pounds of UK SDF in response to the pillar to supporting local business invitation to bid can we approve?

19 Property Matter

happy to approve fantastic so moving on to the Item 10, which is the property matter, as we resolved at the beginning of this meeting, this has to be in private, so can I ask all Members of public and press together please, with officers other than directors and officers directly connected with this item, please could you leave the room
and we will stop recording? Thank you.
No profile image available for  Liz Hunter
Director, Policing, Environment & Place
West Yorkshire Combined Authority
No profile image available for  Felix Kumi-Ampofo
Director, Inclusive Economy, Skills & Growth
West Yorkshire Combined Authority